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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. noon'lbe jes perfect has anyone heard how many made it there last Sunday? I'd be huge curious? I'd bet more than 14,000!
  2. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
  3. Does Venezuela have some corner on the oil industry we are not aware of and where do I invest?
  4. Ye jes might be a pirate ifin ye takes offense ta non introduced posters on the pub! Bildge rats! Hummmpphhh!
  5. Arrrggghhhh! Me eyes were already's turnin a shade a red jes thinkin about the expansion of time and place! Fine I'll 'ave a poppyseed muffin (and) a nice cold Guinness ta wash it down wit. Thanks be ta ya thar Sir William
  6. Ok Ok Time to move on! That was "Spanish Harlem" Enjoy! "That's where I fell in love, where the stars above - came out to play And now as I wander - my thoughts never stray"
  7. Keep the latter and pass around the aforementioned won't you?
  8. Harry Belafonte "Day-O" (the banana boat song)
  9. no Gilda did them both! Mel Brooks!
  10. What kind of towel that be? Fer ifin ya were in the boxing ring I'd jes tells ya ta throw in the towel but ifin it be a wash clothe (what was that movie) here!
  11. screwed me back inta a pinch and I be 'avin ta sits still. So! Little work and lotsa play it be fer me and my fingers fer they be athumpin.
  12. Van Morrison's "Moondance"
  13. Sir William can ye put tagether a nice hot cup a chocolate with a three shot decafinator fer our love thar shakin on the floor? Puts in it a shot a Southern Comfort a shot o cask n Cream and a shot Of Cream de Coco at least ifin shes still shakin she won't be carin! Huzzah! I'll 'ave me a nice cold Guinness as the usual.
  14. Aye Capt phil is right and wrong. Leather will last 50 times as long but ifin ye have a huge rack it does become a most cumbersome unrelenquishing journey into non comfort.
  15. Aarrrrggghhh! (drawn out fer effect) Animal Party Indeed! Did someone mention Toga?
  16. Hugs abound but Sir William does it not look like the scum of the earth in that pic and I thank ye fer the offer but I may 'ave ta be relenquishin that honor to the newbies postin without proper intro!
  17. Baby I'm Amazed I was in the movie Wings Over America I stand next to the KGB Chicken (this big rubber faced San Diego Mascot) while I was bouncing the concert in the San Diego Sports Arena (truly a top ten concert for me! chew on this puppy It is a speciel one, it's never seen the sun It only comes out when the moon is on the run And all the stars are gleaming It's growing in the street right up through the concrete But soft and sweet and dreamin'
  18. well scaliwags and blunder punnies of the west coast be it known that the so very few that seems ta wish ta makes it a more enjoyable site in which meeting greetin and partyin wit yer friends be of mostly non importance. Well I gots one thing ta says to yas! To the plank wit ye. now infin ye be goin I would appreciate it if ye did say hey at least on the way by as me job is sexually abusing all the women, demoralizing, humiliating and insulting every man and giving a handful of dreams to children. Whether ya come in and say hey so be it fer we'll see ya on the other side eh?
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