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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Ya know that ifin ye can do it right ye be joinin a non profit organization one of which you can then be with at certain faires throughout yer year and have all yer gas to and fro and rooms and costumes all a tax write off. So gets ta work now and gets yer gear in order fer the party of parties be comin ta Las Vegas and The ren faire goes Friday Saturday and Sunday October 7th, 8th, and 9th. it be a most wondrous time but ifin ya hads ta put inta port mights it wells be Vegas fer gods sake!
  2. Damn Capt Morgan you and Jack oughts pack it in and come on out! erghhhhh! ne'r mind sorry bad thought. Plenty here already, come fer a visit and get dried out and warmed up we gots yer weeksend planned till November the 15th.
  3. ok ok "Spies Like Us"
  4. Too close ta home! mental giant I be with a globule of purple dripping out today
  5. (shhhhh! Psssst! Black Hearted Pearl! Psssst!) Feelin betters then?
  6. all ye best be comin to Corona Kronenbourgh fer the pirates long Saturday the 21st tis opens it is till 9:00pm but nay not that it is I am working there the next two Saturdays and Southern the next two Sundays.
  7. Duke Ellington "Take the A Train"
  8. It wer a nice try tito. Looks like lunch mate I'm headin o'er to tsunami kates
  9. It's 84 with a 6-8 mile onshore breeze. The water temp is 62 and surf is 2-4 with intermittant 5 foot sets three times an hour pushin straight in from the south! (that means its a south swell! the number one reason water temp goes up here in HB) brings in the bigger fish from the gulf it does! early too!
  10. Johnny Lang "Wander This World"
  11. Sir William kind sir and WOOOOOOOAAAHHHHHHH! Now that thar be a Guinness! Does if have a spigot on the side? Damn I was gunna eat somethin but I fear calling in this afternoon! Huzzah! (back to me original thought). Thar be a stack o starvin newbies jes tied up on the dock their down at pub management and twere followin me down 'ere but I nay forgots to guides em directly so me figures they be takin the long road. Owsa bouts a double quartered cheeseburger with swiss, extra tomatoes and them grilled onions I smelled since me breakfast brew.
  12. Little 'elp from me friends
  13. Bond, James Bond
  14. I know! I know! Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?
  15. Ok this is sooooo easy! but fairly optimal. But my dreams They aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance That's never free
  16. Anybody fer a conga line?
  17. Its called "As long as I'm Singin" (I think) Brian setzers version rocks but me believes Bobby Darin might have even written it afore 'is recordin it. Poppin dance tune fer balboa and shag.
  18. Sir William congratulations me ole son! May yer day be blessed and yer posts well read! Would iut be too early fer a Guinness? What be the fried onions cookin with on this glorious day?
  19. Have rum will unravel? Fancy nice look about ye share and a nice job too be then noticed on the assembledge. Tommy James and the Shondells "Mony Mony"
  20. I like hot and spicy!
  21. As long as I'm singing theres a bell of love that needs to be ringin!!!
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