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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. you gots it! So now throw one back!
  2. and a peach gingerale with friends! is that ron jeremy in the sword picture?
  3. ya knows ya does ya slackers that ifin ye don't start talkin abouts it now ye be dead in the water with no plan when the time comes so here think about this! I have no idea what a flight would cost (but Vegas in Summer is Cheap so buy yer tickets then) rental car, food, drynk, (well dependin on how much ye eats and drynks) hotel room, car and entry (to fair) for four $690.00 split four ways say $200.00 per person, gas tips and all. I'll get you through the red tape and get you the five nights hotel name and number, where to buy the alcohol CHEAP and food is cheap buffets all you can eat lunches for 6.00 bucks it's a one meal a day week fer sure eat at 10:30 am go to fair start getting room to drink by 3:30 and the faire goes after dark so you drink on into the night free in the casinos, but who has money to lose is who gambles.
  4. Damn Sir William ye should hire a couple students and find more time ta drynks with us! Let me buy you a nice ice cold pitcher o yer pleasure! And I'll 'ave me a Guinness. (lookins to me right) "Mercenary what ye be drynkin lass?"
  5. So lady Seahawk Here's what it be ya does next weeksend ya goes to the Pirate days out in Corona on Saturday and then runs on up to the southern faires last day of the year on Sunday and call it a season complete! Well that is until san diego or bakersfield and not forgetting the two weekends in Big Bear. But ye can't fergets there's ojai and escondido again in fall too! jes plan on meeting us Rummy and I and we can all stays tagether all day in both Corona and Southern this next weeksend. After it is we gets off our shift that is.
  6. you kids get so mushy it just kills me it does I am all a flutter now and cant think! Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know What you've been through You should give me a chance This can't be the end
  7. I know I know! Attack of the Killer Art 101 Class?
  8. Wonder Bread (helps build body's seven ways)
  9. I'm with you Mercenary Wench! Just serve it up cold but heat the gravy! Huzzah !
  10. maybe when it be I return from faire this weekend I can look at pictures?
  11. "Night and Day" Keely Smith
  12. Sir William be of blessed inspiration fer ye 'ave fer certs giv'n inspiration to all of our drooling needs. Grammercy and well met. Mercenary I'm buyin would ye like a nice guinness ta begins the weekend with a start?
  13. Damn! Sir William, I am all over that stack of "cook carried away"! Hot damn! Aye Aye! I'll be havin a double up ifin ya please. Two of each one now and one in forty five minutes (might as well have lunch and dinner at the same time when it's this good)
  14. Frank "The Way You Look Tonight"
  15. this one is so old. "Yeh! I used to be a sheriff, till I flunked my illiteracy test"
  16. trails in the sand a book by the chinese writer wun hung lo
  17. So what! Like I'm diced carrots?
  18. So i be out on the beach this mornin and find four o me friends all crashed out on the sand with a few smoking embers left over from what appears ta be last nights rum n fun bon fire. I turns and shuffles away smilin knowin that thar be no better ways ta wake than to be hit by suns own light whilst lyin in a nest of sand on a beach in a secluded cove of love and friendship.
  19. It be a wondrous new day and I see thar be plenty left o'er. so I believes I be avin me anothers breakfast of champions. Sir William! Heres to ya mate! Can ye chill me tankard?
  20. Rene Ulstead "Takin a Chance On Love"
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