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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Ok then as a hunch ya think one of their own oil companies is traded? I mean their gas is the worlds cheapest it can only go up!
  2. (i cupps me hands) Christine nice suit! Would it be yer birthday as well?
  3. Honest ta God I'd eat that meal every day! I loves it so! Grammercy!
  4. the same thing goes for departure as well!
  5. You see there you go! Nothin gets past ye!
  6. isn't the edit button fantastic?
  7. Yeh C R S In old age I know the first thing to go is the eyes and then the second thing is the ears but..... I just can't remember the other thing?????????
  8. Yeh right! Sir William will be the judge of that!
  9. You Asked for it you got it! Huzzah! http://www.lvrenfair.com/
  10. So at the top of the falls I looks down over the edge and the scene is a tad naughty by nature. (hmmmm.... was that a play on words?) I'm into nature, And a touch naughty on occasions. "Hello down there"
  11. Back pain almost gone three days at faire this weekend (someone remind me to not over do it!)
  12. My Lord and savior as I breathe I am again indebted to your excellent timing! Grammercy. Would a pint o me fave be avail?
  13. But, baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past.
  14. The red head be a Dead Head too perfect! Merry month of May Sunny sky's blue Clouds have rolled away And the sun peeps through May express...happiness
  15. Isreal Kamakawiwo "Over the Rainbow /What a Wonderful World"
  16. Ray Charles "You Don't Know Me"
  17. Julie London "Girl Talk"
  18. I would not eat a hot dog ifin you even used yer lips! Which remeinds me does everyone remember Pat Boone and those ridiculous commercials he did for Hoffy Hot Dogs? "I can't think of anything I'd rather have then a Hoffy Hot Dog" well mr holy roller! Huh! Let me introduce you to a perfectly grilled Rib Eye Steak or a lobster newburg on wild rice or even a damn pizza for God's sake Hoffy hot dogs.. Hhhhrumph..... sorry i gets all ....... ne'er mind. Sir William, I believe I am going to need about a two inch thick rib eye steak (medium rare) eggs three and (all medium well) and hash browns for mornings meal this morning kind sir?
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