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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Siren ye be a blessing to us all! Could me own be a Guinness? and Fancy lass nice ta see ya again thar, been a few mostly sadly mates stumblin around here in yer absence.
  2. Tis a most wondrous day! Fer a clouds bank has moved on shore and the temperature fer faire this weekend is dropped by almost 10-15 degrees. Tis a most wondrous day!
  3. well maybe two tankards of ale to start me day won't ruin me appetite make me hunger go away I'll jes leave 'im a tip and 'ave a seat & stay and ifin he wakes I'll eat & then I'll go play well maybe three tankards of ale starts me today If william doesn't gets inhere I'm gunna see Ray but the trouble wit me drynkin is I like it. O K? so maybe four tankards of ale should start me day!
  4. Me likes the zombie couple smokin in the rain. did the water jes fall right through them? That'd be movie stuff fer sure!
  5. "Misty Mountain Hop" Zepp
  6. Walks in (doors swingin close ahind meself) Yo ho! Any one abouts? I be starvin and i be headin out ta sea on the evening tide hard tack and jerky jes aint gunna slake me needs. Sir William! (me cups me hands and give a bit of a louder bellow) SIR WILLIAM! Ah! Lass I nay not seen ya oer there ye gave me a start ye did. Is Sir Willam about? I be in need of a Steak, Eggs and some biscuits and gravy. Oh and I believe a nice tankard here of Guinness oughta give me taste buds a right nice jump!
  7. Sir William I am sorry that they had to go rehears their part for the new remake of 9 1/2 weeks. Alas me ole sone is it too late for breaksfast? if not I'll have two eggs benidicts a side of bacon and two slices off the chocolate cake. And fer me appetizer! Uh huh A nice cold pint a Guinness! Grammercy
  8. yes there is! ask Michael Jackson.......
  9. I know this I does wait "attack of the killer tomatoes" right?
  10. I dreampt about eating swordfish grilled with butter and a lemon caper sauce. a side of mango salsa surrounded by a heavily garlic'd potato mash. Start with garlic toast and a nice cup of ciapino served with ruffino red. I woke up starving! Burped and it was like I had actually eaten it??? Damn I hate that when that happens!
  11. Ok Captain P E W it's yer turn to throw us a curve!
  12. God I love you! "Never my Love" I actually used to party with the bass player in The Association here! The longin' hear for you You'll never know how slow the moments go Till I'm near to you.
  13. ye might try and kill the need ta be killin something...... personnally I like mame and wickedly tease!
  14. "Ruby Mae" Indigo Swing Charity try contacting liquid compass . net
  15. "Ruby Mae" Indigo Swing
  16. Sir William! Nay a more generous and caring host been with breath either! Patrons! A toast to our goodly host, Sir William! Hip hip huzzah! Oh! and a nice chilled tankard o guinness if you please? Grammercy
  17. I get the lack of records and the little to less saved anything about most all tallships. I found mention of archeological finds at sea where the galleons were hull sheathed in lead sheet. Also seemingly it was grained as if by a linen or burlap type of raw material as embossments in the lead are consistant from wreck salvage to wreck salvage. Is there any known records of who (what country) started that trend and how long it lasted?
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