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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Hmmmmmmmm! (I scratches me head) I believe its time for another Guinness! Ok!
  2. Stops infer a lunch menu and realizes Sir William must still be on the raod to market??? I'll jes lean o'er the bar and fill me tankard wit a nice cold Guinness! Huzzah!
  3. Guinness the breakfast of champions! Huzzah, then to the pub! Wait I need to stop into the Tsunami Kate for lunch why not join me?
  4. Be careful that it is you wish for Pirate... Be careful what you wish for!! Would you take up arms then sail the seas and fight bastard stepchildren of a lessor skill with us? I may be willing to take up arms in your cause... Although I find no honour in fighting children OR those with less skill. (chuckle) Bring on the real sea warriors and we'll judge their worthiness to be the victims.... i was meanin the likes of non noble skilled middle aged men that originally "were" bastard stepchildren and now some having been drunkin and then hijacked crews workin the ships o me sea foes. tis what I meant anysways.
  5. Nay not! It be fergotten along with the wind of yesterdays gone! But do somethin with Charity she's a bit upity!
  6. Be careful that it is you wish for Pirate... Be careful what you wish for!! Would you take up arms then sail the seas and fight bastard stepchildren of a lessor skill with us?
  7. Me computer be in some new kinda overdrive and sounds like a microwave this day?????
  8. Mary ye gots lucky on evening past I see! (as I walks up) godd ta see ya lass and with such anice teeth sharin smile as well! Goodaye!
  9. (Opens the double entry doors and peeks in) Sir Willaim I kinda yells! No one in! As per me usual I leans o'er the bar and fill me tankard I does with the rich creamy frothin pint a Guinness. leavin me coin on the bar I turns ta walk out.
  10. Me liken to look me enemy in the eye and since I be writin it's usually right afoire they die. Bein that what ye say was in jest I 'ave bested me self this past many hours and feel though it is with embarasment as well I shall change my harsh retorts to your apearin insolence and remove the anger from me words. Let it then be dead a tween us and nae not a death ending battle be fought, fer ye hit me when I was surely in the mood ta harm and ye don't want me seein red with you there too! Grammercy and Let me buy you a drynke what would yer need be?
  11. ok then lets party! I have a box of fresh mangos!
  12. I thought I would just make one place for everyone who cares to check out every week cause it changes so often and with the three day weekend coming the only faire goin on is the Kronenbourg European Festival in Corona their website is: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/riverview/7...kend.index.html
  13. (whistle noise) Sea information gathering (FOXE) pssssssst!
  14. (Edited) Aye but lass ifin ye were on a mission and it involved needin a port and the ports ye be stealing from are all off limits to the likes o you and yer kind where are you going to resupply? the lessor of two evils at this time in historical significance is of course not having the about to be worlds strongest navy huntin you down also!
  15. No seriously I am associated with another on line pyracy site where we hail from Europe: Scotland, Nederlands and England. Having just recieved our letters of Marque from the second Queen and both the two largest faires in the southwest. We are headed for a guild yard next and of course recruiting is something of a much needed cause fer the groundwork is neverending planting seeds of success making weeding through those that can and those that don't is a most tedious and tiresome journey into a fiction world we like to keep historically correct. We are non profit and of a serious nature where we might actually be called on to take one for our captain.
  16. Anybody what is the two pirate long hair performers that are playing in Kronenbourgh every weekend and they do San Diego too! They live in New Mexico and Colorado and sing and tell bawdy jokes and play guitars and sing?????
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