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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Be of safe travel we'll hold off on the beach party and wait fer yer return...
  2. 24 hours "Marrakesh Express" Crosby, Stills and Nash "Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep, it starts when you're always afraid"
  3. Ok OK Who's up here?
  4. Chloe the bald! Hmmmmmmmmm! Let me change that! Bobbins, God love their innocence.... BOZO!
  5. Rosemary Clooney "Tenderly"
  6. Beach party in the lagoon! We'll get y'all feelin better by days end we'll all be so drunk we won't care ! Huzzah!
  7. Capt. our good Siren did in fact get 'er bike layed down and is gettin about with much pain. Lets have a beach party and invite the cast! I'll get me hammock and we can carry our Siren down to the lagoon. Pirate Phil would ye entertain carryin our lovely Christine down as 'er back is a tad tight (she won't admit to it but she misses you the most) together we all can celebrate life with a huge fire! Huzzah! Now I'll bring the barrel o Guinness......but where's the rum?
  9. Nah! Hollywierd was nay not looking fer another ye mean fer the one they settled on did do a most sloppy Russian submarine captain uh huh! :) Speaking of which I wonder how Red October's doin?
  10. Aye Ladies! And A nice fruit cup ta start yer day would seem in order then! Sir William? Would ye have a goodly assort of fruit ta be had? Ummmmmmm! I believes I be smellin bacon and onions on the grill as well. Would ye mind ifin I had me nice cold pint a Guinness?
  11. Swingerhead "The Lady With The Big Cigar"
  12. "The Very Thought of You" best version you ask? Nat and Natalie King Cole Duet! "Looking at the world through the sunset in your eyes Traveling the train through clear Moroccan skies Ducks and pigs and chickens call" (hint) think oldies!
  13. ok so keep it going one fer one P E W undefeated! ye be! What's next?
  14. So lady Siren! How is it ye be feelin now? Lets post the meds and lack o work they be doin fer ye here!
  15. Duke Ellington "Two O'clock Jump"
  16. Siren lass, the meds be gone but the cabinet with yer liquor, did they lock the cabinet?
  17. (I walks in swingin doors hittin me arse as I stop ta say) Aye Jack! 'Ows yer weeksend then! Busy? Sir William my lord wontch fill a Guinness fer me sorts and what be on the grill ergh is that nothin I be smellin?
  18. An I thot I were addicted ta this! Shyte mattey I wanna come out and play wit ye! Quick go an ask yer mom ifin ye can come out an play? I'd be showin ye what it be in me own collection but nae not ta know this rude awakinin nae doth I ave a ways ta pic to post capacity so I'd tell ya all about it when next we meet at faire. (lets just say I nae been taken)
  19. Sir William agin ye have taken me t the exact place I needed to be and lo and behold me little graduating mate here is buyin my fifth ale fer me this day. So fill up the tankards and lets get three shades ta the wind fer I aint been shyte faced afor noon fer nine on.........???? yo knows it dont'cha there Mercenary... Ye knows the first things ta goes is yer eyes..... right? and the second..... the seconds things ta goes is yer ears...... right? right.. But Damn I can't remember what the third things was....... Play hearty this summer and keep yer nose clean! eh?
  20. Yeh I remember well, But when I finally gave up the smoke I would litterally loose all conciousness to reality in my dreams I would dream shituff that steven king and others would cringed at the details of. It jes so happens that when I retire I'm gonna take up smoke agin and jes to write scripts...
  21. Janis Joplin quote "SUMMER TIME "
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