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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. This here faire laddys and lassy's is it's innaugural event and it be called the Queen Bess and the Pirates. It be on the weeksend of June 11th and 12th Opens at 10:00 a.m. Closing at 6:00 p.m. Located in Bakersfield at the Kern County Fairegrounds http://www.co.kern.ca.us/apps/eventcal/evt...asp?evtkey=4662 map: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?addr=1142...Bakersfield+CA+ Yes, You betcha, I be thar ta piece tie each and every one of ya skank bastard friends o mine. Rummy too'll be thar ta meet n greet ya the way she can only do!
  2. Fter last nights party fer Mercenary Wench I have only one song playin in me ears! Comfortably Numb
  3. Sir William Matey! I am feelin like a goodly plate of green chille verde on a few tortillas with eggs and pappas. Of course a Guinness to give me tongue a chance to taste yer delectable offerings. Wasn't last nights party a fine example of a ship coming together to serve a greater cause? I expect Mercenary will be hungover this morn as well. She might like a plate of chili verde as well ya know (but just in case she's got unaccustomed tongue fer hot ye best have some sours cream fer her on the side)
  4. Pirates were "Bootleggers" we smuggled our drynk around with us in our flasks and bottles, in our boots. Go figure! Not to leave off a few accessories! a scarf, a purse, a knife a brings em near and something I wouldn't leave home without, me wench! (fruedian slip) me compass!
  5. it is my belief Katherine thatifin ye want the regulars to play you need to fill in all the blanks on yer profile otherwise they think that ye be a fly by and they wont waist their time! But then I am always wrong so let me ask a few questions: Where are you? What is your definition of blessed? no (just kidding about that one) What fabric? What length? Front lace? Leather and suede? Detachable sleeves?
  6. Me likee! I been out trippin fer a day Phil ye gots anudder one of those high octane Guinnesses. This time round lets me take one fer me baby one more for the road.....
  7. (opens the double doors) Hmmmmm! kinda steamy in here lunch smells like blackroot tea? turns and walks out toward the beach
  8. Les Paul and Mary Ford "Let's Fall in Love"
  9. 24 hours again "For What It's Worth" Buffalo Springfield Mercenary why don't you give us a line from a song in yer heart?
  10. Good God, Man! So little to go on...I'm trusting that's all spelt right? (Knowing you it is, but still...) Kirsty, not Kristy? 'It's' and not 'It'll'? The grammer is so wrong... Is it Attack of the Killer Tomatoes? Too bad about the nickel...here it is (found it last week): Well! I see that I have had me guess taken from me! Hummmmpphhhhh! Was it "A Man Called Horse"
  11. Okay Okay! new beginnings ONE WORD OK????? one word posts (I know I'm the worst culprit) be it my genes! one word! *** melancholy ***
  12. The Guinness doth flow like proverbial well It's really like Heaven, without any Hell Where eveyone's beautiful, healthy, and smart Where never is broken lad or lass's heart Where Pyrates can plunder to their heart's content Where swords are all straight, aye, they never get bent Where treasure is found, more than the Golden Hind The port that I'm sailing to is in my mind Aaaarggghhhh! Then Phil ye gots one foot in the pub and the other in the twilight zone! I'll join ya! Guinness if ya please?
  13. What list has three herbs and a vacuum cleaner on it?
  14. Herb Elmquist Herb Alpert George Herbert Herbert Hoover
  15. Was it "Newspaper"
  16. Parsely, sage, rosemary and thyme
  17. Steve Tyrell "The Nearness of You"
  18. Fine so no one wants to cheer up then fine! lets all go to nother port! (I cups me hands) PSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT! Phil does they 'ave Guinness thar?
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