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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. How you'd have to spill too much just ta gets yer feets ta slide jes right!
  2. Is that what this is? Damn I fer sure was going to order a few of em! I thought they were a pastry covered shrimp casserole in a nice creamy garlic lobster sauce! Damn I'll still have two plates of the shrimp and a side of garlic cheese toast on french loaf. Oh yes An another Guinness ergh two.
  3. So I whips a U Turn in the street upon seein me friend hangin the open shingle and nearly runs back fer some (to quote Mercenary Wench) Murderin food! Arrghhh! Sir William shrimps be a goodly chioce! I uh (looks down) lost me tankard me thinks I lefts it well down near the lagoon. Would ye have a clean pint fer me ta fill with the regular?
  4. well laddy's and lasses Paul Newman was the star Harper was the movie but what was his car?
  5. (fairly colse to a bellow) I pushes the swinging doors opens and yells "Sir William thar be agoodly shortage of eats since monday gone around here! Wheres all ah the matey's? I didn't hear of any ships leavin port?" I be damned I says to meself and the days go by..... and the days go by..... No one bein in earshots..... I cuddle ups to the Guinness spigot and leans me head back and lets it flow! four five six seven eight "eeehhhheeeemmmmms" I hear! (i whispers to meself Shyt) I brought in a nice gold dabloon fer ye! I seems to have misplaced me tankard on the day past? (lookin around i be scratchin me head) I look innocent and tout a large and growing lower lip. Then it dawns on me it's is damn parrot o'er thar! Hahaha I laughs rights outs louds I does.....
  6. *Salsa Band sets up, warms up, and starts everybody groovin'* I thoughts yer spose ta eats salsa's, How's abouts calypso errghhh reggae?
  7. (very large smile) no!
  8. Capt Tito? Ya think ye can throw a band together on short notice? I knows where some barrels o rums is!
  9. Though I really likes CCR's "Keep on Chooglin" Aye and swing too! "Regular Joe" Indigo Swing
  10. Yellow Beard! If anyone can or does have a way to copy a copy fer me I'd make it worth yer whiles I would!
  11. I was playin linebacker in college when this southpaw quarterback (After I had already had a knock down and an interception) threw a pass through me right thumb and bent it back into a new place it'd never seen afore nor since! Kinda wierd as I played with it's new movement there on the side lines I showed it to me coach and he taped it and sent me back in on the next defensive series. Then too I had a half back hold me turn me around and the full back planted his helmut into my (shoulda been fused thirty five years ago) lower back discs. (twas the last game in pads I played)
  12. i just went to the same and went to city then to events then to june then to the eleventh and got this one to pop up! http://www.co.kern.ca.us/apps/eventcal/evt...asp?evtkey=4662 Wierd I click on the first link i did and nada and this one is the same addy and it goes through to it.....
  13. First of all Grammercy! Easy (I think) "Yeh, I used to be a sheriff, till I flunked my illiteracy test"
  14. So I swing the doors opens I does and walks in (hmmmmmmm?) no ones home I'll jes let the barrel spring a good Guinness leak here inta me tankard and think back on yesterdays wondrous breakfast! I could eat two of them. Drynks about the whole ale down and leaving I tosses a coin on the bar... Nope I think.. So then I backs up refills me tankard pick up the coin and leaves a silver dabloon fer me ole son.
  15. And he left the set. Good ol' Sean. Although I'd hate to have to try and ride herd on the man. How about this one: "...I thought you were joining the team!" "But the team isn't joining me." "Dammit man, for once in your life you're going to follow orders!" "This is my mission, sir. I work alone; you know that." You guys are good but Mission I know this one! and No it's not "attack of the killer tomatoes" it's " Patton "
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