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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. So I'm beatin a path to me ole mateys beach side cafe runs up the stairs and swing both doors open and Captain P E W wipin the leftovers off his lips with his sleeve. Ahoy Captain I see Sir William is up and about this wondrous morn. Might I throw a Guinness towards ye? sir William two tankards of yer Guinness (that be unless y'd like ta joins us then makes it three) Seen Mercenary Wench about?
  2. sounds kind Phantomy to me? (I cups me hands and yells all the way o'er to Escondido) Chistine! Isn't this the intro to Music of the Night?
  3. Thats because it were the last good war movie made!
  4. Aye Good morrow Sir William and a fine day too ya as well! I be workin on tyin up me loose ends and jes comin round fer a lite measl afore me travels about... Off to the faire ya knows a new one it be the Queen Bess and Pirates Days weeksend so a Guinness and a beef pie is all. Grammercy My hopes would be yer weeksend is full of fun and with safe resolve as well. God Bless ya fer watchin out so as the freinds don't get worked up into a tizzy ya knows? Arghhh ows a bouts another Guinness fer the road then be? Grammercy
  5. that was cute, but avast me hearty. the real reason (ANSWER) is so they can sit three across in a pick up truck!
  6. attack of the nazi tomatoes? later friends off to faire be back on Monday! Play nice! (look whos talking right?) Look I said I'm sorry I'm trying to get a handle on this you know? Shut up! Just shut up! They're going to hear you? No they aren't Oh yes theyyyy arreeee damn! (I think they all heard!)
  7. Yar he does custom fiberglass on a vee bottom with a 6 horse kicker quite damn impressive in fact it be! I'd fish out of it in Newport Harbor (can you imagine the drunk richies lookin out thar window onto the water and seein me thar! Them with thar hangover and all!
  8. nahhhh Ye both gots me though P E W's sounds distinkly like dirty harry. and Missions like Shrek
  9. sorry No I can't say that I have?
  10. do you know why cowboys where their hats up on the sides? now don't say "so they can forget the group three damn dog night ever existed"
  11. Pirate Petee ye skank dog ya! Like I said ifin ye hangs around the docks longs enough, ye jes might find a right nice piarate bunny to get yer cannon fired.
  12. (scratches me head, I know this but isn't it kinda country? I DON'T DO COUNTRY!
  13. Inn (if ye never heard of it look it up)
  14. yeh and if you watch it closely they went through five hubcaps off the charger too! and that same VW Beetle going the opposite direction up and down, up and down scene after scene. (they must have hidden a camera man in it) Answer: a black porsche roadster convertable his driving the fire road above the infamous mullholland drive on the top of the santa monica mountains was awe inspiring. (you all shoulda known Paul Newman? Paul Newman Racing.... Porsche) ok ok i think there are a couple of full on chace race scenes and one was the Blues Brothers and my other favorite was The French Connection..... But then again what do I know? I know someone else needs ta come up with a goodly quote!
  15. So I flings the doors open and finds a pile of snoring flesh, the smell of mint! (thinking to meself I am here, I hates mint, it goes back to when me folks yard had this never dying vine Piece Of Sh__.... well I had to pull it and dig out its roots every year and I had that stench mint smell on me for (what seemed like) days. I still can't think about mint.) Sorry, So i backed out quietly and decided to walk down to the water only to find......!0 foot surf Pitching out rights and bolting lefts overhead tube rides. I'm in!
  16. I was there at that recording in Ventura and I'm on the DVD if you own it I'll tell you where and when i'm on the two guys in black one large and one small (they are in it alot) they are buddies. I was off to their left stage right and back neare to behind the dancers away from the stage. Great time Great band and great dancing though mostly a little fast for my fat white arse.
  17. Nay not! that was Steve McQueen in Bullit
  18. Dean Martin "Sunny Side of the Street"
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