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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Well then gents and good lady I think without further ado another round of pitchers for us all is the next order of the day! Sir William you can make a sick scurvy ridden man want to eat!
  2. Capt DaggezEber stop and breathe good man and introduce yourself to our new guest, I thinks ya knows everyone else Lass here take me own chair and I'll go overs and pulls up another.
  3. Christine lass of class and culture please do join us! Sir wiam two things kind gent! does ye have any more garlic'd butter we seems ta have run out! And a nice irish 12 year?
  4. Dig in Petee roll yer sleeves up and Sir William Ows abouts a couple a pitchers and another pint fer Petee here as well?
  5. Not so I've noticed. Maybe she was in while I was out back. Well that be a shame, Me ponders whether she might be workin erghh sompthin ya know! Been missin her . Usually the younguns they gradiaite and sits around gettin fat arsed but this one Sir William she be special she workin ergh arse off she is! Smart too. I'm surprised she doesn't smell the rounds a Guinnes speakin a which how's abouts another round!
  6. Eat up Now Captains! Capt. P E W and Capt DaggezEzer! This jes be the "get ready to kill off a table full more!"
  7. Sir William Has the little lass Mercenary Wench been bye this day?
  8. I swear these be some o the finest lords e'er Where's Hetha and Kendra?
  9. Sir William me ole son thar ye be best double these up
  10. well I hears he was lost but on his mark I see ya both got here
  11. Aliens Actually I liked em both (hopefully there isn't a third to have sneaked by me)
  12. then stay mostly more busy by joinin us over at the tsunami kate fer lunch
  13. (I pops opens the doors swings em both opens at the sames time and walks in) Sir William me ole son I hears ye be fixin up a tortellini fer lunch and does sound devine so I (hopes ya don't mind) invited a few a me mates ta join in! Hows abouts beginnin us off with a round backed by another and a plate of crablegs as an appetizer?
  14. As well it should be both numb and comfortably spaced as well but no. ***** hint***** Tis the name of a city where the most hashish in the world is traded on the streets!
  15. Nay not me lord! Hint (not cheating) It were a movie made fer T V but everybody in the world saw it!
  16. Thanks so much fer postin the pictures here Dread Pyrate Gregory me ole son I sees ya did even get a capture of me best side (me arse) in the far right fourth down on the right that be me arse workin thar at the front gate in the non availble shadeless hell of 95 degrees. Ifin I'd a known of yer presence I woulda fer certs been humbled by our chanced meeting and the sharing of more than a few of me Beck's we had. Next time my lord next time. Nice pics! Huzzah!
  17. Well mateys and bunnies, (be ya plunder ergh knots) Bakersfield has a mighty reputation 'ere on the coast, one that sure seems ta fit. (ITS HOT THERE) Damn! Hot! three twelve packs a beck's twenty four bottles of water and a gallon of ice tea later. The after effects of sun stroke having been mellowed out as if I were feeling scurvy ergh somethin! All's well! It were a goodly small (remember this was the innaugural event there) get together of many known and unknow pirates from shires throughout the southwest. Gate work be me gig and I does it well fer the producers made certain invite fer me return and ad their other faire in November as well to me list of duties and tasks fer the upcomings season. We talked about putting on the faire as the first faire of the season the week afore Palm Springs and the complete and total need fer lots more shade. Fer the sun it was brutal. Took solice going to the mall in the early afternoon and walkin about in garb passing out flyers to the locals fer sundays conquest of gate doubling success. (actually marketing 101 and the mall was air conditioned) fun was had by all ceptin fer a friends guild truck blew a head gasket in the wrong place and that were a dread problem of commute fer repair. THe nobles were accurately portrayed and the guild yards did show many battles fer the patrons. Ifin only the beer vendor hadn't backed out on the ninth hour! Yes it turned out it were a dry faire but not by design and will be fully flowing wet by next year! A good to great time was had by all!
  18. Grammercy my lady and if it be guinness it surely should be simply hooked up to me through I V
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