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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Frank Sinatra and Count Basie "the Tender Trap"
  2. Except fer to maybe three renfaires in this state (which by the way has such an economic advantage the in the entire world would rank third in size) twelve higher than ENGLAND. Sorry where was I? oh yeh! since nearly all the renfaies have English names so... I'm posting here and until the director sees fit ta put up a Southern California thread for locals to play as well.
  3. Matching pillows be pleasing thought at a time like this!
  4. I know my question being vague as it were deserved that but 12 feet seems nothing in the compensations of mast and full sail weight in high surf and storm seas. What would ya think the distance down (under the water) would be in respect to the ships length, width or height or any combination there of? Is there a certainty or just a rule of thumb estimation for this kind of info? Are any examples of spanish ships stats (blueprints) from the sixteenth century available on line?
  5. Grammercy my lady of unwarrented battle plan and skill. (pssssst!) Iron Bess Lass, would ye be interested in goin ta sea? Me capitan is lookin fer a goodly master gunner! Can I interest ye in an officers commission wit our fleet?
  6. So I walks in the Kate and seein the posting Sir William left on the bar reaches o'er and draws me out a real nice slow cold Guinness sits down ans puts me sore feet up. I close my eyes and I wander back to Friday where the 10,000 kids did in fact enter a realm of fantasy and truth. Where not one "situation" did occur with every opportunity to ruin the day I gave each and every one of them they excelled right on by and surpassed all expectations of being both decent and giving. Right here right now I'd take the lot and fight a war and win. Good is somethin that just radiates winning. But tiring and hot! I open me eyes stand drynk up and flip a gold coin on the bar and leave. turns I read where the party is going on? Rabble Rousing Party huh?!
  7. Constance God bless yer fathers easy recoverey! Sir William you are a majestrate! Now Christina and Jack what's up? Has anyone talked with the Texan?
  8. Crosby, Stills and Nash "Suite Judy Blue Eyes"
  9. Gotta be better than olde cow dung!
  10. And since I be me own best friend I must make ammends to the me posting topic description! I was promoted this weeksend past and though it be known fer a week. It be fomalized pon Chipping Under Oakwoods meeting on Saturdays past! Most all a ye knows me as Diego Santana de la Vega lookout on the scout ship Osprey (the fastest ship in the sea) Well that is who it was. I been and accepted a promotion and now I be first mate on the Pax Decimus. The fourth ship in the fleet from which I sail and hail! Our home port be Chipping Under Oakwook and on Saturday the goodly Queen at southern did in fact become overwhelmed by the sheer breadth and scope of the players involved in our fleet. Giving cause to a stuttering response to facts and figures presented by our Monsignor and Commander. Perfect it were! When the Queen, without consort, did in fact issue my cast and crew the requested letters of Marque. (Permission to ingage and relieve ships of goodly stores from ships of contemporary countries pon open sea.) Welcomes one welcomes all! I'm thinking of a bumpersticker here! "Privateers does it with permission!"
  11. I have many questions that are going to be up and coming through the wondrous resources of me mateys perfect knowledge and the education in maritime history I do not have. I employ any and all within eye shot with challenges as they should come up and will come up fer quite somes times. This be a first one. Ifin Seville Espania were a shipping port and is now inland Spain (on a river) I have read the reason is that the city's host river be silted up so severely that the late 16th century were it last days of being port to sea. Here's me question(s)? What depth would the Spanish Galleons be? (that which be underwater and would cause the river to be non navigateable?) Were ships run aground and lost causing this sea passage's closing? And if so, when?
  12. Aye Laddy's and Lasses this thread be over and when it's said and done and all the votes argghh in! Southern needs a better way ta get in and out! I think a driveway round the other end of the lake would give the perfect solution. Offering two lanes going clockwise all the way around the park would and should solve the problem! ONE WAY! Shakka Bra!
  13. "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" Michael Buble
  14. Small nick on me wing I gets out and lies in the afternoon suns rays lettin all o me drip dry.
  15. Red Bums Hmmmmm You need a spanking!
  16. -- you walk around a harbour and see a tall ship and wonder would anyone miss it? Yep!
  17. What a jolly good idea to do to the next Jehovah Witnessess that come to me door! god that's good have a full set of enlistment papers into the Marines! Sign here please!
  18. Billie Holiday "All or Nothing At All"
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