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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I was watching that damn bracelet all day and nye a walkabout lookin fer diddly. It's mine!
  2. Wait till tomorrow Mad Jack said moustache rides are free on Thursdays
  3. this has to be Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
  4. is it time to eat yet?
  5. typical nice day of weather, (so i'm strolling the beach) lookin fer sompthin, anythin and me finds this bracelet. Nice silver it be pliable bought 30 ergh so millimters and wraps me wrist fine three black stone inlaid with a gargoyal tail wrapping the desgn work from a stepped left to right top to bottom arrangement. Me wonders? It must have come off a mans wrist fer it be large, (I looks rights then lefts) takes its off and walks over and lays its down pon fallen palm trunk. Taking up a post bout fifty paces off the beach and into the trees I can sees its well. I roll me up one and lite it!
  6. Aye aye Sir William again ye have taken me desire and flamed it to within an inch of me own known betters then it be.. And Another Guinness! Must go though keeps an eye on the rookies attached to that thar kid captain won't you? Brigs and dragus I think thar names be......
  7. Victorias Secret...... (shhhhh) I knows it I does
  8. On me ways ta lunch o'er at Tsunami Kates any takers?
  9. Ahhhh! But gary moore still has the blues for you!
  10. Arrgghhhh! it's goodly to see yas awake lass. Sir William mi amigo, what be loadin up the lunch menu? I might not look like it but I am feeling like a lobster newberg on rice pilaf and skewered scallops seasoned with just garlic, butter and lemon. A small tomatoe salad and well you know a pint o Guinness to starts me off.
  11. Ive seen friends shakin hands
  12. Reeeallllly! No wonders I liked it so!
  13. (Sticks me 'ead in the doors and sees no ones about.) Wait what be the curled up piled in wool oer there in a booth? Mercenary Wench is with nap? Mayhaps a draft o me fave? Quietly I enter and looks about all quiet so as to not disturb I leans o'er the bar and draws me a Guinness and drops a silver piece fer me mate Sir William on 'is bar.
  14. All the recent Led Zeppelin posts and I 'ad ta gets out me set! "Kashmir" got the vote, so on it be!
  15. The security as you've seen is at mostly gates as wandering crews of up to six together are seen from time to time they are for the most part enjoying the whole affaire. the ale stands are open and not closed as written bout. (which means you can order and walk away to enjoy your drynks on walk about) I have seen and heard no tale of altrications and though a few of the isles are narrower the numbers of costumed to not (after first week) is about 50/50. Tis wondrous and plenty to see and doo. The main stage had a young panther on it prancing about and it was a beautiful animal to behold. The wines are with much choices and there is lots of shade. There are three faires all in occurance this weeksend so I be in Ojai this weeksend, I hope many of you will enjoy the faire at Chipping Under Oakwood (Irwindale) without me presence. Corona the following next two Saturdays (14th and 21st) and Southern on both Sundays (15th and 22nd closing day) to be sure. Happy fairing! adding as Iron Bess says ya gets out whats ya puts in, so make it a great faire fer yerself and yer others.
  16. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy "Jump Wit me Baby"
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