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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Mornin Sir William! What a night waves were o'er head wit drop ins rights and kick outs, wit just a second to drag hand ta gets in the tube! Awesome it were. Jes as the sun were settin the waves died and so we made a fire on the beach and someone came down wit a jug a rum so we hung around fer a spell and warmed up. How ya be this (lookin up and around) kinda cold and cloudy mornin?
  2. Thank ye Cap this ones on Sir William In fact let Hetha sleep o'er there and I'll see you all in the mornin I'm goin back surfin fer the evening glass off and tides be jes right! Huzzah! till morn then Adios!
  3. Sorry I jes got back huzzah the waves were huge and I had to get wet I am so ready for that Guinness me friends!
  4. Kind Sir William I beg of your pardons as me afternoon it was charmed by the misadventure of locating one (not to be found Mad Jack so I ate the gumbo meself I did and thought where should I go to ponder me evenings affairs then? If you'll have me me lord I 'll be sittin as far from the long shaddow wall as I can get! Mayhaps Hetha will stop back by as well! I'm going to run down to the shore line and check out the tide I'll be right back.
  5. Paradise by the Dashboard Light
  6. tis always a pleasure me friend! your turn!
  7. Scene begins (camera on foot height from behind in traversing open basket elevator shows high (very high) platform heels tapping begin: click click click click camera change to full frontal and face hidden behind very long collared cape crossed over fwce.as elevator halts and sliding cage doors open Pleased to meet you I see you've met my faithful handy man
  8. sorry! It aint me babe! no no no it aint me babe it aint me your lookin for babe. you better shape up
  9. nay! adding another hint! I read your book Rommel I read your book!
  10. I don't like payin for property twice!
  11. Grammercy Sir William, I must run this gumbo o'er to Capt Jack afore it turns ta chilled soup. I'll be right back fer that thar pint on its way (so i hustles up the ta go taureen and out the door like a fly smellin Bar B Q I goes)
  12. Gentileman and lady with grace I am well met here in this establishment of wonderful circumstance. And that we be so lucky to 'ave these moments in each others presence, be it now done that that the food 'ere in this establishment is the liken to and of consequence to no other be it known as best in the caribe! Huzzah!
  13. Demon husband to me sisters first sons ex-wife! (we all called the bastard old Hob!)
  14. mayhaps one more Guinnes afore me departure Sir william Lunch was best ev'r and yer ship wel it be a fine establishment indeed. Would ya join us in a toast to the flavours of the Caribbean kind Sir?
  15. Nice rip! Ye didn't get non on you did you? I'm gunna take a gumbo ta go You knows I hear Mad Jacks been sick wit a snotty nosed cold and this'll burn his ails right straight away it will!
  16. to liam and another brother from a differant mother! Sir william a plate of them thar nasty cajun craws fer me if you please and another round fer me matey Hetha here and meself as well!
  17. Ye be of many welcomes me lady. I jes think of the Michael Jackson trial and that makes me smile so wide! (i wonders after I say that ) I wonder what the sound (I mean for recording purposes) is going to sound like in a state penitentury? Ah hah ha ha ha ha hah
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