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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Christine you must have been dreaming stories like this can't come true Christine your talking in riddles and it's not like you!
  2. You have been busy my lord! The "undersea earthquake shake" mayhaps "it'll rock you". The Beach Burger and son of a beach burger (fer the small appitites) hmmmmmmmm I forgot the garlic! Grammercy!
  3. This Sunday there is a chance of drizzles! I like getting cooled off. Huzzah!
  4. Sir William it would appear as if the burgers in paradise has a sort of following building? So! If I might be so bold so as to cause a certain need to build the best burger in town. I would like (if I might) Two all beef 1/4 lb patties, swiss cheese, light mayo, extra thick (beefsteak) tomatoe slice, three slices o bacon, avocado and spouts with a well done order o fries on the side. Oh! and a half and half! Grammercy. Might I gets a full salt shaker?
  5. Where in the world have you been hiding really you were perfect
  6. (the stirring havin waked me up I say there mates Ya look like ye be going someswheres! Sir william I poured meself a guinness this morn and i left ya a few pearls to covers it I did but a nay see them now! "ave ya gots a lunch special today? I'm so hungry I could eat the hot off a slow roasted side a beef! Did I hears a Half and Half bein upped in me dream? er was it live? How ya doin Mercenary?
  7. One of the pirate vendors at Southern last weekend had a pirates chess board it was done rather well. The Queen was Morgan and the King was Kidd the knights were tall ships. The opponent wer scurvy red coats and the likes of rank and file up to the queen and king, I liked it rather well indeed
  8. Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok I'll thro another up fer ye! You can put back my heart in its hole Oh mamma, I'm cryin Tears of relief And my pulse is now under control
  9. Mission me ole son! Why dont cha lad come on o'er to the couch lay back and begin wit yer father fer us!
  10. Christine, I am without notes dear lady! This is the worlds best stage production musical ever given to mankind. I have seen it nine times and the movie twice own four versions on disc and avail me rights and priveledges to be refreshed at least twice a month by its hypnotic undertones. I obviously feel as if ye have done a bit of a slashing pon me there. It sings softly in me head it does.
  11. Mad Jack I hads some wonderous Gumbos fer yer last Mondays I did walked all over the place lookin fer yas I did and you do have this thing about disapeerin so I drank it down meself. Glad ta hear yer feelin better! Hetha girl what is it that ye do? Errgghhhh? Wish it be ya do? Like running the game room isn't workin out? Wit a look as such me own thought would be ye mayhaps be a law partner ergh a underwriter! Yer tough! Much luck in the search nay much to offer from the beach i say. Good mornin!
  12. So I unlatch the rope gate on the gang plank ramp into the the Kate I says rather loudly) Sir William! Bright and shinnin day to yas! 'ows the bobbins? (I looks around in fact I don't sees a soul) I hates bein such the early bird I be. So i pull up a stool to the bar and I leans over and draws me a pint a guinness dropping a few pearls on it. (I turns around to face the door and sips)
  13. Gimmee Three Steps Lynard Skynard
  14. Aye Christine indeed it did fer when I comes in I am catchin up and the whole parade of banter pon eves past did heat up me need to hear it again don't you just love first scene second act? andre firmin Dear Andre what a lovely party the kick off to a brite new year what a job i'm impressed well on does ones best you know! It's hot
  15. Sir William it has been a very busy damn day! I am done and afore I turns in I would like a couple a yer half and halfs ifin ye please in a pint glass. I'm going to sit oer there in the corner out o the sun grammercy me lord!
  16. When night comes down You lock the door. The book falls to the floor. As darkness falls The waves roll by, The seasons change The wind is wry
  17. during the drive after college in When Harry Met Sally!
  18. magazine (but i really wanted to say "are strange")
  19. Jeeze Rummy! "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" could it be? The Doors "The End"
  20. Mission dear laddy with memory of an elephant! Mc Clintoc too starred John Wayne along wit Maureen O'Harra and took place in the west wit much Ire slang havin been flung. But I felt as though John Wayne be correct jes couldn't place the movie. My bad
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