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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Mon ami! I truly believe that I am blessed this day by the mere fact of knowing you Sir William! Huzzah! the sea soup is staggering and the steak to perfection. This little cobbler with the nana slices has me wondrin witherghhh not I might get a reaction mixin it with the Guinness. Speakin of which (as I toss three gold uns to ya) Nother pitcher o Guinness might be just what the doctor ordered. Drink up there princess lets call in sick the rest of the afternoon. What ya think?
  2. All of a sudden "you turn me on" E L P
  3. Duke Ellingtons version of "One O'clock Jump"
  4. Arrghhh I sees I'm not too late fer breakfast then! Sir William Ifin ye could fer the fairy queen and meself we'll be 'avin a loaf a cracked wheat a bowl o yer world famous ciapino, a nice beef rib steak and baked potatoe and a pitcher o Guinness to starts wit. How be the bobbins?
  5. renee olstead "Summertime"
  6. then lets get all of us going to commit to the time of noon on closing day at main gate and we can walk the fair, drynk the drynk and game ourselves into oblivion. Fer the close of faire be nothin less than the saddest hour of the year! PIRATES UNITE
  7. The garden of earthly delights!
  8. the water is effervescent watch the little fish darting around they leave a trail. "A little illumination my friends"
  9. "Stormy Weather" by Royal Crown Revue
  10. "Is You Is Or Is You Aint My Baby" by Pete Jacobs
  11. you two are a couple of very nice people (now don't be lettin the others see yas bein so kind). Sir william a round a ales on me!
  12. You have all been so busy whilst I be off playin at faires! Tis good ta be back. Now where be that snake of a miserable toad?
  13. Twas a most memorable moon in the lagoon this past weeksend were it not?
  14. "Money Can't Buy Me Love" Ella Fitzgerald
  15. Sir William it be great ta be back in town. I knows missin my company wasn't upon the thoughts of many. but me thoughts be of certain interest as I have been given a most challenging adventure where I am to infiltrate the spanish courts find the charge of said galleon designs and brings any charts, drawings or notes of said information back to me commander, captain and monsignor. Tis a truly need of kept secrets for the purpose of design and weakness to be expolited pon journey round to the Pacific post faire. Would ya (bein the host of such a well traveled grub and grog stop 'ere in port) 'ave any contacts I might make fer ye pon me own settin out be of most haste?
  16. I propose closing day to be the party of all party's and that as a piratage group thrust upon Chipping Under Oakwood we put together this endeavor of greatness and plan to meet up at the front gate at noon on May 22nd closing day! Followin the fact that the european faire in Corona (Kronenburg) is Pirate weekend and open till nine p.m. on that Saturday May 21st. (I'd likes ta add that the beers be only four dollars in Corona and they have a steak dinner house for $11.50 a delmonico steak, salad and baked potatoe). I' am all over that sits down occurance again! Huzzah! pm me ifin ya will ergh we be needin ta thread anew!
  17. Have a glorious weekends be! I'll be fairin and it all starts 3.....2.....1 NOW!
  18. Cannibal Stew Lepers Sampler Plate
  19. Sir William That was not quite worth that many ales but I'll be more than happy to lighten yer barrel of Harp and Guinness by a pint
  20. mission you damn near wrote out the entire song ye think that might have been a clue in itself? Why not give the cell mates a chance how about if we can only quote platinum sellers? (i know I know) this is one ok fine what is it? lets move on!
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