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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. living on Reds Vitamin C and Cocaine all a friend can say is aint it a shame
  2. Well Done indeed!
  3. Trying to figure out Rummy and it's to no avail........ I am the quintessential Led Zeppelin's Dazed and Confused
  4. I'm miserable, need some company? (the pic is great)
  5. I put ya both on the list last month mate! But this, this is serious! "When the play of pirates quits being serious, then the work of mondanes shall bury us all!"
  6. Pirate Petee send us all that nice drawing there! I were thinking three like a wheels skokes all backed up to one another and a gap with them facing like to the clocks dial at 9, 12 and 3 then an unbrella in behind these "spokes" or even better a nice easy up in the middle "behind the scenes" where three different things could be simultaneously occuring without overlapping interuptions I like the face painting idea as well
  7. Beer breakfast of champions
  8. guess the song ye wierdo you played it in yer band!
  9. yeah! welcome the N F L No Effing love
  10. thanks for the memories no no no I was thanking rummy for the memories and the lyrics you're still gonna guess are: My love has flown away My tears have come and gone Oh my Lord, I have to roam I have no home
  11. Pete Jacobs Orchestra Cure For The Common Blues
  12. Beer! Making ugly people look good since 1347
  13. thanks for the memories
  14. no actually i was sure it was Bill Murrays movie Lost in Translation
  15. one to hold and one to mold
  16. Sorry G! Thought you had already headed fer the great lakes. So what port ye ridin into and when maybe we can bring some rum down and say hey????
  17. lost in translation?
  18. Shamans blues. thanks for the compliment too My love has flown away My tears have come and gone Oh my Lord, I have to roam I have no home
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