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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aye aye as you say then just as you say taost cheese mead and well if I only were with an escourt. Gets up looks about the inner spaces and walks to the door and leans out into the sun lookin fer Rummy. Goes back in sits down and pulls up the chair. Grammercy
  2. the garb be that of period no pockets, no zippers and certainly no velcro. the idea of a pin is alluring one for just the pikes of us... Those that actually make the run to do this accomplish this live this through by being this a pyrate too. Yes I'll start looking for what it might be a skull with the year under it mounted on a pin with a ribbon hanging under it maybe.... we shall see
  3. Sir William, Monsignor Fitzwell, Team polite and patient. I have and its not about me or any of us as a whole its about a message one we take with us everywhere. I watched a show on P B S and been waiting for one of all of you to say it but I'm just going to throw it out there as a direction by name I'd like to see us take. The Age of Discovery Though pirates in funny pants has its own direction of flare
  4. even in the dark of night anyone could recognize the Watch Dog and there she be sittin there, waitin, wonderin what it be she needed to do next. I slipped by about three hundred feet to the larboard side and went right on into the ports mostly occupied docks. I tied off on the dock and went straight away up the main street looking fer some place open I could arrange the transfer and purchase of the cannons. The sky was still black as it were still a few hours till sun up. I was hit on the top o me head and saw nothing.... collapsing there in the street having succumbed to a trauma induced dream state I saw castles and gold lots of gold.
  5. Aye Sir William ye have done well this day indeed. Might I be gettin a nice plate of such wondrous accord?
  6. All of the following years it will be a reuinion but the innaugural international event will be in Las Vegas (because the airfaire is cheapest to get there cause the casinos offset the discounts ta get yer money in town) it's like three miles from the airport to the park where the faire is located so cab faire is cheap too!the other reason is we can camp on site! We should have a guild yard set up there and it will be as alot of you have read promoting reading and passing out lists of easy to read titles of books available for young readers. The Las Vegas city Renaissance Faire is called The Age of Chivalry the city plans and owns it they open friday from 9:am -3:30 pm for children in school to come. then they close and reopen to all patrons at 4:pm Friday and Saturday nights they are open till ten pm with a more than decent representation of acts on stage. The dates are October 6th, 7th and 8th 2006. If we all start planning now and saving we can all go there and party together and start a reunion for yearly general mayhem.
  7. actually no! I don't think its time. I think there are many more names out there just wandering around and it wouldn't be fair to the guilds purpose to rush into a name.
  8. It was late I tossed and turned thinking about so much to do so little getting done. Then as if haunted, a ghost had walked through me, into me and sat down and enveloped me to within an inch of becoming its own skin as an entity of the devils own. I rose with a start, fighting back the urge to jump and shake this unknown weight off of me. The embodiment of that which had found a home clearly upon my own shoulders. I was frightened, began to shake, then as if all clarity in the matter was focused in and clearly seen I faced it's strengths with a need of reconcilitaiton. It was the captain, Captain Redwake was back. I arose, dressed and went down to the docks and shoved off, alone, toward La Margarita. I had a job to do and it was time to get it done.
  9. Aye lads and lassies, this be the captain of the infamous war ship now in the Caribe! The Pax Decimus it be. (nice name huh?) First post it be so gives him 'ell!
  10. I agree Bonnie no captain and tenille
  11. I were an art major (I sees lines and attitudes clearly) I can't paint worth a city dumps weight but I can draw pen and ink. A teacher told me it were cause I dream in black and white....... Anyways in my third year of college I was still in 11th grade (I were a touch accelerated) anys ways I love the art history classes I had taken me favorite painter is, was and shall remain Peter Paul Ruebens any way when I finally graduated from high school mid term my senior year my draft number came up 34 and I am not a gun carrier (now don't wish me ill fates just acuz I have beliefs about killing) I had to change my major to theology (kept me from going overseas it did.) Anyways, I still draw almost every day mostly waves and tallships but only scratched out on scrap paper while talking on the phone to customers. Though if you put four paintings on a wall I'd try and guess the artist for ye......
  12. yeh thats the song but I keep thinking of sam and dave but alas I give up
  13. This isn't the blues brothers version but I can't remeber who originally recorded it in the fifties...... give me another week it might actually come to me.
  14. Cannons would level this town! If ever a hair on one of a pirate boarding parties head were touched here in San Pedro de Coche. I realized the need for three strategicly placed long range cannons. 12 maybe even isteen pounders.... I should liken to scrath up a few more pieces of gold from the parish and take them to La Margarita. The men were in between where they needed to go but quickly (in my head my clock was spilling its guts) and I knew this place would be gettin real hot, and very soon. I had to get more out of them in order to get more into them. Todays lesson is the shield: Your shield is an important part of your defense. It is, however, far from the most important part. What is the most important part you ask? Your feet (followed very, very closely by your hips). Defense is the skill of not allowing your body to be struck by a weapon. It is not the skill of blocking blows with your shield. The shield is there to balance your moves and allow your feet time to return to their ready without getting out of or losing allignment with your weapon and its movement of offensive strikes and blows. In theory shield principles are fairly straightforward. You want to move it as little as possible. You want to move it to as few regular locations as possible. That's it the theory it proved worthy, understood by few, lost to the depths of the seas by many. Then I heard a cannon! It was a cannon right? Or was it thunder? No it was indeed a cannon. I walked away from the class I knew they could feel my dread but I had to get over to La Margarita what boat could carry a few back? Did the island even have a ship? I didn't think so! I excused myself from the class and went to Senoir Sanchez farmhouse on the sugar plantation and got there just before evenings meal was served of course I was invited in and partook of the dons givings. But no ship did he have. He said I should go there purchase the cannons we needed and have them brought over on the next supply ship. Yes I thought I should do this first thing on the morrow. Even though the cannons stopped hours ago I knew that pirate ships were always a threat. I thank them for thier hospitality and made my way back to the mission.
  15. Baked potatoe and chicken
  16. Don't never stop Mad_Jack fer ifin ye do we wouldn't have been blessed with the likes o this one mate: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/numa.php
  17. free like we want to be (isn't that a Ziggy Marley song?) Tis a wonderous group a you all forming here on this thread think of it giving something with meaning to the patrons without involving a dime o thiers to partake. Games, stories, easy reading book lists of history and pyracy and the likes. That's it a little meet and greet some piece tying and reflecting the rest of the night about the stories of how a life might have been changed fer the time and the effort be ours the reward shared by all involved.... Merry Christmas me amigos Merry Christmas indeed.
  18. Thar be a wondrous cause to the need to rejoice in and circle the ships around a centerpoint such as the all important name of this here wondrous group o mates. I was influenced to say that the idea to read one minute stories to the children on the bell (meaning that at every faire we guild we shall need a ships bell to ring marking the hour) I see the children hearing the bell and running to hear the next and always different story........(I wish to share this one as written and told by our over see er of fine and pure thoughts Rumba The Bad Witch Queen! It's about how a bad witch saw and spoiled a good kingdom: She decided, having found a pristine kingdom to corrupt, she did not want any compitition so she needed to find a way to make the kingdom her own. So she intigrated herself into and manipulated first one then many of the circle of powers that be, as this was her minion. But, she had only one problem. There was a good witch who was respected and smiled always as she was happy. So in order for the evil witch to become the Queen of the Kingdom, she wound her evil doings around all the kingdoms people so that they mostly all began to hate the good witch and take comfort in the bad. Finally the good witch left the kingdom for greener pastures where she could sow her seeds of life anew. Some who could see through the cloak of darkness, saw the coming destruction and the ever increasing dark shroud both choking and blackening the kingdoms original purity. As the bad witch moved in and set up her castle in her new country she found and took the pot of gold (the former kingdom had amassed over the hundreds of years before she came) all for herself. Having surrounded the kingdom with darkness, the bad witch brought in her own kind, a "new flock" of followers allowing their own greed and dishonesty to destroy themselves from within. Eventually, the country was dissolved into many inner groups all having nothing to do but cower in the reflection of all the bad choices they had made. The good witch after leaving searched for a place where she could belong and soon found others. Others who were also searching for something good and giving. So together, a new kingdom was created. Based on all things taught and the importancy of reading and learning history. The good in life and to enjoy is what the new kingdom had to offer and by learning from history what it is that goodness should recognize about evil. The bad witch saw that the good witch was now in a new and better kingdom, and chose again to try and steal it away. Unfortunately for her, there were none in the new kingdom that could be swayed her way. No magic could alter it, for the souls within the new kingdom were strong, havin met the darkness and found a way to rise away from it's powerful hand of dispair. The new kingdom had a magical bond of honesty that surrounded them. Honesty being the tide that bound the new kingdoms entirty. She lost her kingdom as the people did revolt and finding her mad and evil, the kingdom sentanced her to a solitary life and the bad witch eventually went away. Up away and into the mountains of silence and self pity. So you see once again good had beaten back the shroud of evil. The end.
  19. The killing classes with the men came to an eventful near death experience this day when two of the most talented with long blade during their drills seemed to get into it you know when your moxxy begets yer temper and ye be the best and are going to prove it at all expense? Well they were tryin to kill each other but the blows were thwarted and then given as if choreographed by a dance instructer to the tune of a ten minute battle of fierce entanglement and ended in a fista cuffs..... I broke them up applauding the right to bare witness to such a fine example of practice made perfect. The whole class had stopped and payed their own attention as it had consumed the very fire in us all. We all applauded to their magestry. I am blessed that if half of the islands men got it this well we should be well protected from the next ship of fools come ta Sunday go ta meetin scurvy crew that comes ashore we be sendin them to the devils own dinner table then......
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