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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. ye best be running the paperwork to copyright that Idea down! They do the virtual fireplace already like the room on the floor isn't prescious enough?????
  2. thats why I blew off the umbrella and the stand (which is more than the umbrella) this way we'll have walls and a separation from front (where the public can visit) and the back where they can't just stumble into.....Coolers and weapons storage a cot for a napper or two
  3. you guys seen that wired together bamboo used for fencing around (well where I've seen it) to hide the pool heater and air blowers for jacuzzis anyway I found palm fron fencing 6' tall 16 feet long 23.00 I figured eight of them and I could build a 24 by 24 foot area with cielings on a third of it and three bedrooms 8 X 8 built right in behind. we'll need burlap 6 -8 feet wide to use as doors and walk throughs I have gone over the plan with my engineer here and he says its sound. the poles will be 3 inch diameter round seven foot eucalyptus fence poles with six inch holes cut into each end. one end will set on top of a rebar pole 16 inches long driven 10 inches into the ground with an eight inch piece of rebar set into the top exposing two inches to accomodate the tops. a plug will be afashioned to go on top of to lock down the tops. then the genius is the walls are 6 foot high and the poles are seven allowing for both ambient light to enter dark corners and wind to breeze on through ... Any way I've been really busy today and I must seek out the need of people for friday and the set up will be measuring the disatances of the poles marking the ground setting them and attaching the fences the cieling can go up when tall people show up just kidding two three foot step stools will be needed as well. Geeze I hope no ones allergic to palm???? Someone write down two fire extinguishers......
  4. you'll be there just over in your booth selling right? there where the ale stand can spit hello across the path to you right???? Petee fridays I got! but need two others (family) to help set up (I'm too cripled to do it all) Thursday night and work the yard friday as we will need to send one (or more) to gate for two hours to meet and greet / peace tie at each faire as well! I were thinkin about grass (Palm frons) umbrellas instead of the huge tent steel contraption In Palm Springs we camp across the street in an empty lot anyway. Or someone can hang a hammock on the screen fence behind us (I already think I know where we'll get squeezed in but I need two to tango here!
  5. Forrest Gump?
  6. A truly wonderful tune fer the times eh? I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm, your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm, yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new, in city and in forest they smiled like me and you, but now it's come to distances and both of us must try, your eyes are soft with sorrow, title I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time, walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me, it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea, but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie, your eyes are soft with sorrow, title
  7. it be lynyrd Skynyrd matey thanks fer the intro the chorus goes (and oh so timely) thusly: Am I losin' my own way back home Am I losin' a good friend that I've known Am I losin' won't you tell me how I've sinned Why am I losin one of my best friends
  8. Then I says we be the Pirates of Treasure Cove mates...... Aye to the crew as it begins and ends within that which can and can't. We can, they can't. We begin, they end..... We are, they aren't. Let's do it. Business is: We have the need for volunteers to work a small guild yard in Palm Springs Friday Saturday and Sunday March 24th, 25th and 26th here's the skivvy: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/palmsprings/index.html Ok then ye rat bastards not like ye need time off ergh anything but there be two more weeks following on the immediate in Escondido. April 1st and 2nd and then again the next weekend April 8th and 9th I will fill out the paperwork and send it in when three for sures and five yes for one day for Palm Springs steps forward so Ye knows whos ye be and ye knows who yer brethren be get in touch with them and get them accounted for! We need stools I'd liken to see the members get there own three legged leather top stools fer sittin on (it's not our need to be in recliners watchin the happenings) so ifin the chair is uncomfortable ye might just not be sittin to much and producin so much more! If anys of ye knows a leather man who can tool our names in the seats that'd be cool we can make the wooden legs. See attached: http://www.harborviewantiques.com/Antique....p?iid=33333&c=0 this is a picture http://www.soton.ac.uk/~tpg/Woodworking3.htm this is how to make one http://www.campmor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...mberId=12500226 cheap metal legs (oh by the way I have rabbit skins you can cover the cordura nylon seats with) but i don't know what to do about the metal legs???? We need books! If you've got some you can put yer name in they will remain your property as all of the guild yard will and should be until which time so as it deems needed we can begin storing all accesories used in our encampment. We need barrels, trunks, treasure chests, crates and old (really old looking) floor throws. We need we need we need..... So whats coming to the table? Shyte we need a table. We needs a ships bell! I'd like ta think when the readins begins thems that are about to listen will sit on the ground I'd liken to put them all on some kind of covering. Inventory lineup starts here.... We need volunteers to record the info as it comes in. I'd liken ta gets email addresses and phone numbers fer the likes a all a you, me mates. I would nominate the who's I see ta be the best as it appears to me but I think the appropriate way is volunteers. So Pirates of Treasure Cove what ye got? HELP!
  9. there jet is full. it's four hundred miles from its destination, Houston. It's coming from South America and the captainrealizes the calculations on gas use and auxillary tanks aren't going to get them back. he shuts of two of the giant turbine jets. after recalculating he is three miles short still. He announces: "Ladies and gentlemen, you probably noticed we shut down two of our propution jets this was done to save fuel as my calculations leads me to think we won't make land safely now after this effort we still fall short of our destinationI will need ten of the strongest and biggest men to assist in throwing cargo and luggage from the jet please follow the attendants" twenty men jump too, they all get below open a rear hatch and start dropping the cargos entirely. Completed they return. The captian again on the speakers says: "we are one mile short are there any volunteers to jump and a tall and thin Englishman jumps up runs to the door opens it yelling God save the queen as he jumps, not to be outdone this French man too jumps and says Viva La France. A stocky man in a cowboy hat walks to the rear of the plane grabs this 300 pound mexican by his nose and ass and walks him up to the door and throws him out.... Turns brushes his hands off and says: Remember the damn Alamo
  10. Aye too and good weather we had as well. in fact ifin ye remember me post after said events end? a flash flood rainstrom came in for half a day on monday after faires close and dropped three inches..... That woulda staggered the faire to a musty close fer certs!
  11. Hi troll welcome to the pub where ye from? does ye have any interests that a few of me mates might find ye share? How old are ye? Does ye think this year might be a wet year? How many zebras are on a football field? Does the national debt exceed the number of soccer teams in the world?
  12. the Pirates of Treasure Cove need ta schedule a meeting on many subjects on the chat right here in the pub this too be one of the topics!
  13. Ojai in fall on the lake over a thousand pirates dressed in garb in one place drykin, good friends, good people, good producers (that be all thats needed)
  14. Hugh call Scarlet
  15. I have two tickets for Presidents day weekend Februray 18th, 19th and 20th thats six tickets and two of them include the huge eight course dinner at 2:00 pm Sunday I paid $239.90 for all of them (6 tickets and two dinners) make me an offer
  16. Aye lad it be a great (and worthy) undertaking where is it ye be? I'd come work yer gate gettin the patrons (in the mood) soes to speak but ye might be a touch distance challenging to me.... The first thing they see and want is easy parking without wasting time! Get some volunteers from say the highschool pep squad to understand the need to move em in and move em out. (Quickly will pay its dividends for the upcomming festivals.) if its bolixed its all everyone will talk about for months Second: you need to have charge cards accepted at the gate. Thirdly: you must have people in the tickets sales that can make change quickly offer those positions to the high I Q. (only) Fourth: (meet and greet) the person inside the gate saying hello and welcome should be a card carrying ass (joker) without insulting they should endeavor to chuckle the likes of every family and patron that enters. Fifth the ale must be (has to be) cold. Sixth the privies need to be placed ceremoniously near the ale stands A certain amount of bawdry humour is in order I'd say whether on stage or not. Along with a traveling minstrel (or three) making his (their) way about the site should work fer tips only. turkey legs, sheepherders pies, chocolate vendors, homemade ice cream. Chicken halves, beef on a stick, rack o ribs, baked potatoes slathered in the works, baked beans, tossed mixed greens sald(you know for thems that think a salad is all they can eat for lunch) flowered french fried onions and garlic toast would round out a finely assorted menu. four maybe five vendors for food (food) is all any more will take away the needed profits for each vendor to offset the set up and all other costs... Then there be games of challenge! axe throw? bow and arrow? darts? Tomatoe throw, dunk tank? A small charge is all thats needed ye arent there ta make money but something worthy of that competitive testasterone need to be present is all. A couple bucks fer ten arrows same for a dozen darts etc obviously small table vendors with old world hand made arts and crafts of every kind should be a profitable exercise for thems that takes part. If you set it up so that a non profit organization is the backer of the event the vendors charge to participate in your event would be a tax write off for them and many many more (when word got out) would want to be a part! I'd be willin ta bet everything else will fall into place adding to the events success. Good luck mate
  17. Well then they be lining up to be a part o this group eh? Ayes be needed mates lots and lots of ayes!
  18. crow and have been for seven days
  19. I'm sorry, I just don't feel like being a pirate today.
  20. I'll bet Mad Matt chewed his nails off!
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