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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. the need to prepare the village people to fight for thier freedoms here in San Pedro de Coche was overwhelming to me. Many classes had come and gone but these men mostly old men were farmers not military and what few ranchers and all the ranch hands were so far from town they would prove useless on short notice. the boys aren't strong enough to hold a line. I was entering into a doldrum of being without all that was needed. I would address the problem tomorrow after mass! I would tell, no suggest that the women be archers and learn the bow!
  2. G o F I spent much of me free time traveling through yer priceless list here grammercy! Well done!
  3. talkin bout my generation
  4. Hey did we all have a great time there or what?
  5. Yes true I can agree with Best looking at 4 A.M. Or at noon. :) Or at dinner Or the world in its entirety sure! But this business about table dancing? :angry: If someone got up and started stomping around on my cocktail tables , bar or pool tables., in "The Barnacle" (our Bar) We'd be tossin' them over the railing into the Marina.,and quik too. They had best be hopin the tides in . The guard rail at the marina's bar will be 12ft up from the sandy bottom of the marina when the tides out ! Geez passerbyers would think we got an eggplant wearin' bucket boots out there in the middle of the moorage. I gots twenty sayin ifin the girls that dance on the tables here in the pub walked inta yer tavern I guaran effing tee you'd sit down shut up and you would not only watch you'd cheer along with every patron and start throwing coins right along with em mate! or there is the chance you could be teaching Sunday School instead...........
  6. Sunset Boulevard
  7. It was obvious as the Quartermaster was predisposed with so many things all with the need to focus upon each with ernst he missed the frown and commitment of recognizable inteligence in Ajayi's knowing that while he be the chief the man known as Redwake, though gone missing, is the captain. He also be knowing that it was his very own blood and sweat that gave him cause to bring the information the Monsignor had written in a note and sent back to the ship over fifteen miles of jungle and mountian paths to which obviously nothing had been done or even addressed. Sure Ajayi was a tribal black man, a giant of a man. Fact was Ajayi was his tribes chief and he wasn't stupid and what rose to the top to him was there was certaainly no love lost atween the captain and the chief. He turned and prayed the red headed captain were alive went below to the galley where he acted out to the galley keep he wished to learn to read.
  8. I think it's a great idea too! yeh we'll be drynkin having fun the likes of which by giving this fullfillment to society's question of need to see what it is a ren faire / Pirate faire does for their community? It won't be a problem as we'll be the guild yard (encampment) in charge then let all the others scaramble trying to catch up! I aint never seen the likes of any such guild yard promoting a more than giving way to communicate pyracy to the patrons, but through the written words of books and education. Actually I can hardly contain myself. All the rough edges need sanding down and a name of course be too a certain need. Membership dues (WHAT? It costs money? Yes it will but not much! Time is what it will cost most of us and time (like mick and keith said) well, Time is on my side. Yes it is! I gots forever and a day. Maybe it won't even get to the first step their are so many out here in the lpub and so few stepping up to the plate I'm thinking twenty to get going! So works it up so ye be sendin around to all yer mates how important it be (fer the bobbits) and how much fun it be as well!
  9. Well this action has certainly went into the P M section and left the likes of our rat bastard entertainment! Yes In fact I am biased but you said best looking and I have to encompass the world in it's entirety.... best looking at four in the morning, best looking at noon, best dancing on a table and best at dinner time too! Or should there be different threads fer each and more? After weighing all the times when I can see who is the best looking pirate? Rummy is still the best looking pirate fer me!
  10. Rumba Devonshire is small and seems close to the sun the weather ws perfect though Sunday the wind did come up and the grass it was on in the park could have had a water truck come through at nine in the morning to take the grass weed from blowin up. I haven't been to the one in spring but will I hope soon enough and if its bigger it's usually better (more ale stands) Devonshire is about the size (believe it or not) of Ojai but they had an arena and though I never saw any champions fight Im sure it went on ?????? Devonshire has no ale stand the regular faire goers (paid patrons) all hand stamped went back and drank more at their cars before coming in! Then came and went all day! Huzzah!
  11. So I'm sleeping in the corner and I wakes ta hears silent bob (no wait) Barbados Sam yeh that's the voice Barbados Sam in me dream I hears him grab a bilge rat and tear his head off with his teeth he did..... Ray buy me mate there a bottle a tattoo and I'll join him! Huzzah! I gets up and walks over to Sam Yo mate! I heard ye from way over there. So what do you come of it. I tells 'em all each one ta gets respect ye has ta respect the needs we have fer information you have some and we needs ta knows it we share some but if you don't share? Easy, hey it's our ball we turns around and walks away!
  12. And she said no! really I'm a hooker and he said that's ok I'm a cop marry me!
  13. And a klingon wifes lips piece!
  14. Come, on, easy to give in, easy to say no Easy to be cold, easy to say no Much too easy to say no
  15. I thank ye all and if there be any others of ye who be ye knows would like ta give something more to the children than heart darts and baloon popping darts. More than the game row of what's only known to be. Ask them to come on by this here thread and see ifin this (un named) crew is ta their liking as well. (Petee especially yer cast o characters)
  16. Ajayi came up behind Ms Smith and seen the goings on and decided to start talking to lassiter. Actualy more like he was barking up one block and back down the other and then just as he slowed just a little he would get softer in tone and then without a breath he would again pick up the speed and too the pitch to were he was almost yelling. All that and more were in such a confligration of words with sylables, the immagined spelling of which and definition only God himself could hgave known what it was he was saying. Lasseter looked into his eyes during this time and wished he could understand what the huge native was yelling at and to him. He could see this man was miffed and his eyes were bleedin daggers. If eyes could talk Lasseter knew he was in trouble. Lasseter twitched once and stepped back from Ajayi. Turned to Jack and asked fer him to step atween them.
  17. the best looking pyrate is still Rummy!
  18. the epilog the last chapter the nice and easy the gold crown the root canal (oops not that one) the finality the sea rover (or is that see her over?)
  19. Aye aye! Then a new barrel be in the makin fer New Years I see! Ok Ok I can live with that well done then! Grammercy
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