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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Negra Modelo You know ifin any of you are real brewery collectors (brewerymania) try these guys on for size: http://www.beercollections.com/ check out the lagerhead turtle!
  2. no ! Well ifin it has to be drunk it has to be drunk! (oh yeh I'm thinking I'll need to bring beer now)
  3. Late night and early morning low clouds and foggy at the beaches
  4. Yargh! now there be pyrates and then there be the Tales o the seven seas Pyrates. I just want to take time to say I have never in my years been made so wonderfully welcome inthat those there were each and everyone of 'em special to the cause. (the cause of Pyrating) They all are a wondrous group of shinannigan playin, song singin, warmth welcoming, fine food preparin and drynk sippin group a party goers the likes this pyrate ever did see and party and sing and eat and drynk with the best of em I have! Grammercy to ye all there in Bedlam Ye be a right comfortable groups ta hangs with. Grammercy again Pyrates of the Seven Seas well done! Scarlet! Bunny, J.R., Michael, Keith, Joyce, of course Rummy and y'all! Nice havin ye there and with the likes of our wonderous endeavors, a better time could not have been had! Small but with a joust! And it were a fine example of horse and man together knowing what and how to do the dew! Very mellow and quiet not much weight put on the ale and meade stand need for existance. If it were up to me (Rummy and I talked about this on the way home) If we produced a faire we'd put the ale stand and privies in the middle and make the faire be a starburst patern so that all roads lead back to ale! (and privs) V E N D O R S Magic stage * * * * *horses * * * * * *knights * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Main ***ALE********** * Jousting Arena * Stage* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Smiths * * * * *Farmers Bawdry stage* * * G u i l d Y a r ds
  5. that would be worse than worst! Experience and I need to discuss the inner workings of an oil lamp.........
  6. Aye! Rummy can kiss the freckles off an Irishman. But I be fillin her with some a me own holiday cheer! Merry Christmas everyone. And may the spirit of being with your families give you a new love for life!
  7. Arrrghhhh ye land lubbing work loving money spendin rogue! quit yer bitchen ye could a come helped me out but right now I gots ta say only one more thing TTFN
  8. I (and all of you know this) am not the expert but I have two cents to add in here. Is it not then that when the knights jousted the armour was there for protection. but wasn't it there in the 9th century as well in leather? And over the centuries leather necks were for protection from flying blades, long or broadswords and battle axes in war? and as waring protective garb found its place within the regions of the planet certain ideas too were brought to the Americas for practicality and use. Leathernecks be older than the good ole U S A, way older. in fact officers coats weren't around till the seventeenth century. The infantry in japan were trussed in leather as well (if i'm not mistaken) uniforms weren't of avail within many countries leaving the warrior to create his own garb. Mine would have had standing leather around me neck that be fer certs. Ok tell me to go away now......
  9. wait! is there something in this for pyrates? is the timeline for reaching the world famous San Diego harbor within this years end or just after? I mean hell what we have here is an excellent opportunity to get all fussed up and invade the docks in garb! Lets start a thread once we find out if they (the ships people would appreciate a say a hundred or so bored with basketball pirates) and find out if we all can come down to the docks in San Diego and welcome them in and entertain all the looky loos visitin the ships there!
  10. Hmmm. If Scarlett be on one knee, an' Experience be on ta other....where will you be sittin my dear? Rattlin yer ears you greedy pirate! Huzzah! I knowed I liked ye fer somethinerother.
  11. has anyone ever made the revelation that if you are going to ask Rummy anything she is going to (you remember that dad in My big fat greek wedding every word came from Greek origens? well just like that guy) Rummy atributes everything about around or even near to close too... SEX! God I love this woman.
  12. I been waiting two days fer steak and eggs so maybe I should meander down the embarcadero and find another eating establishment?
  13. Aye grammercy mate. so ye plays the bass then why does it not surprize me that you and Petee be musicians, Hey why don't we have the likes a yer fine tunage fer the new years blast and a stack o drunk Christian Pyrates can try and sing along? Lets get Petee and a few other instruments involved yeh?
  14. well plan on eating carnitas burritos for dinner with us and some led zepplin just to rock the yard!
  15. OMG - grog has done this lass in for the very last time! Still a tryin' ta recover from the aftermath! figured I'd just throw this out there so Rummy wouldn't be (never mind!)
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