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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. typical so cal coastal (late night and early morning low clouds some fog along the coast and inner valleys highs in the mid 70's and low's in the lower 50's surf 2-3 with a wind swell in the afternoon facing western faced beaches of 3-5', water temperature is 63 degrees and high tide is at 12:26 p.m.)
  2. ( Ciaran in the lookouts nest saw the huge man waving off to the port side about 20 degrees and half a league away and yelled down below to the quarterdeck where the quartermaster was standing.) "Ahoy below! A rowboat in the water 20 degrees port looks like the native Ajayi waving to our attention quartermaster."
  3. Ajayi was rowing his arms off and turned and saw the Watch Dogs sails were beginnin to roll down and knew he might get left so he headed for the direction the ships sail would fill too and the ship head out in. He was standing in the ship waving to the Dog as it turned to intercept him he sat nearly exhausted and came to tears of joy having been seen....
  4. ......smartass...... My guess is this is the way yer telling us you aren't going to make it to Fresno then eh?
  5. Ole Mick Moon has probably already takin the poem to kinkos to run off copies ....... one for every room!
  6. I be liken yer old cook and change me "other vote" from cabin boy to wharf cats!
  7. still he can't hit the greens! and worse yet he goes by the name of four putt
  8. Thar not be fit fer postin' here mate....... well send em to me matey! I'm old enough! (well i think I am) what are they of?
  9. Ajayi ran on through the night and into the morning where it was to be making his entrance into and through the sleeping port town of Porlamar as he ran he picked up baskets and light materials covering like hoods on carts and when he finally found a lit lantern he stacked a fine assortment of his collections and tilted the lantern onto the materials spilling just enought whale oil to set the many items to blaze. Since it was appearant he picked his location well the two joining houses were engulfed within minutes. Sparking his return to running back down to the point and out of town back to the rowboat. There it was to be found, so he dragged it off the sand and into the surf looking back noticing quite a fire had began in town and now it appeared one side of that street was fully engulfed and the towns people were rising to the folly of attempting flame ending salvation. So, he began paddleing out into the deep waters surrounding the Dog. He would turn as he rowed and would look for any sing of his being seen finally he caught the eye of Cairan who in turn announced his return .... alone.
  10. I'm serious its a real phenomena but hardly worth taking ones life over do you think? Though the certainty of the acts occurance leaves one with nothing less than rage, Suicide is not a choice. As the numbers of studies being done though hard to find would offer great rewards for this kind of information clarity....
  11. slavakian! "Hey sailers?" bolivian! Hey! Sailers! armenian! hey sailers! chilian! hey Sailers! Argentinian Hay Sailers! is that enough?
  12. If I can bring Rummy we'll sit with you?
  13. Sir William extra sauce please for Rummy
  14. It's raining inside the big brown moon how does that mess your baby up lay eating a ruben sandwich and sauerkraut dont stop now let it all hang out!
  15. I've had that happen to me as well, more than once. I managed to fight it off both times. I told my boss about one instance and it had her spooked the rest of the day. ever heard of a succubus? I know I know it's hard being the monsignor....
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