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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I had pots a boiling and a nice dried rump roast seering and making the needed juices fer flavor as the salt and pepper went in I added six onions and three cloves of garlic when I realized I needed a gallon of the bad red wine...
  2. Aye believe a resurrection is needed here! So lets try and recap here??? (If I forgets yer name please fergive me ok?) Rumba, Christine, Bloody Mary Bonnie, Black Hearted Pearl, Red Maria, Iron Bess, Patric Hand, Boats, Cascabel, Billy Bones, Durty Lilly, Red October, Gary (the Royalist), Red Handed Jill, Ace of Harbor Bay, Red Scarlett McBane, Pirate Petee, Killian, Caroleen, Sam of Barbados, Skull Pirate Carter, Leatherneck, Oderlesseye, Vera the Gunners Mate, Red Jaime Flint, Crimson Carl, Puss n Boots and the devil herself without having met her I'd be sane! ? is Red a favorite color or name?
  3. I think me ale days be about over mates!
  4. those of you that trod the climb up the hill were indeed treated to one a me best batches and we'll have it with us again next weekend as well!
  5. for those about to rock....... we salute you! No just kidding but in case ye never read it in Rummy's signature her name is Buttercup Runneth Over and so at this years escondido faire I saw and bought the button that says???? can you all guess??? Yep As you wish!
  6. shoulda been there matey and yer woman too! ok so rummy will be postin tonight look fer 'em
  7. Hidiem from the likes of yer sad excuse fer a pirates eyes!
  8. Main meal well it were gonna be late today I jes weren't in the mood ta cook today I been hopin that Mr Cage (LAzzarus) the bugger were well enough to and would be willin to take over these here duties in the galley but I dare say ............. Then it came to me! Dorian Mr passiter I yeleed to the tops o me lungs! Quarternmaster Sir! I ran up to the main deck and there as the barge were easing off to shore I seas him Quatermaster sir! aye do believe sir there are more men astray than we have a count on where is Mr cage? and the giant slave Ajayi????? I believe: One! that one or even both could have been privvy to the captains departure and followed sir? or Two they were working together and took him in shore fer his bounty! Mr lassiter waved me off like a school girl saying we shall see monsignor we shall see! I went back down to the stores fer decidn what it be were gonna be made for tonight.. I'm thinkin chipped beef,carrots, gravvy and biscuits......
  9. How ye gonna do that without goin to the hootsgow? I mean I'd (Rummy and I) stop and give the poor elected official a nice drive to the encampment if ye had info so as to the hows and where's and whens?
  10. Really? The second largest to Minnesota ye say then! I only wished that bein in yer presence during the walk about might allow a little more comfortable climate to the whole faire experience lass.... I weren't askin fer nothin particular...... but yer company, Rummy, you, Ruby, Sandy and me twas me thought was all! And that too bein said then within the realm of days end mayhaps sharin a meal together as well! We aint never been to yer city erghh faire and will be most well defined as lost and a bit intimidated.... (not) But it did sound good enough fer ye to mayhaps a little sorrow??????
  11. Ye sea dog your the living proof the song about drunkin sailors is still sung!
  12. Bloody Mary it were a most wondrous part of me own day to see younthere and so much the betters fer yer love made yer eyes glow with that look (you know) the look of love you're beautiful see you next weekend and you should come up to the tent on wheels fer some party materials (drynke you fools) the grog well it were well recieved by the by..
  13. Nice pik Killian. Looks kinda like the Romans were lettin the lions out huh?
  14. Aye! Grey Coat ye have shyt luck ye do! Maybe next week lass maybe next week!
  15. Eh! ye skank bastard rat chasing sea dog! God bless ye and yer lady! I ne'r met a more warm up to presonagfe of style and simple class as the likes of you me lord! I was embellished by yer wondrous charity! Grammercy from bothe Rummy and meself mate! Hope ta see ye this weeksend as well! be with safety during yer week! Ray Two ginger ales matey make em scooners here then on me tab as well Grammercy.... Well met me lord well met!
  16. I hope I'm buttin in here(????) Did that comes out right? No matters! Mr Sam You are a nice man and well worth spending much much more time with at faire I even haves a favorite place fer the wench ye drags around with ye! Yer next round (step up matey) It be on me! Huzzah! (turnd to face ) Ray! This man and his mate they be drynkin on me tab mate!
  17. I would be broken hearted if I wasn't offered a tour of your fine faire and its goings on maybe some introductions to yer friendly vendors and of course pointin out thems unfriendly's as well? I would be happy to accomodate ye fer yer time (a little pyrate bribery say 12 oz. grog for each two hours i can have with ye?) It fer certs be time well spent then in the company of yourn.....
  18. I went over to the galley where I relieved Meg (such a nice lady she is) I tasted her scones there and poured meself a hearty tankard of rum and sat down thinking about this mess on board.
  19. we'll bring the gallon to escondido so you know where our tent on wheels is right? Up at the ranger station come on up for "the breakfast of champions"
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