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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. someone set a ("A") quote from a movie to quizically humiliate me please!
  2. two fruit plates and a bread basket along with a cup of coffee good sir!
  3. I hate rain..... and as Ajayi and I finally got down into the first street where we were lucky to see three men come out of a tavern, so we walked in. Nine patrons, three at one table, three at the bar and two at a table and one alone in the corner all looked up and with enormous eyes stared at the size of Ajayi. I spoke in spanish and it appeared they all understood offering up that we had been on the road three days and were in search of lodging. The three at the table went back to their conversation and the two at their table did the same. The three at the bar all turned around in their seats and addressed us with a really snooty kind of "we are the town tough guys and you aren't going to get shinola from us" attitude. All three began giving me ship waste about bringing the slave into "their tavern". The middle one was the largest of the three and had the loudest mouth as well, so I walked up to him and just slapped him across the face and said shut up. In terror he began mumbling sorry and hail Mary's as the other two quickly turned around and returned to drynking. I asked the babbling idiot to sit with us. Adding I should liken to discuss the past few days in this town. He picked up his drink and we took a table near to the man sitting alone. We all three sat and then the single man got up came over and asked if he could join us as well and turned to Ajayi and said something to which Ajayi understood and answered him back. He looked at me and said you stole this slave and brought him here? What are you loco? I asked if he would translate a few things for me to Ajayi in a moment and then addressed the pub idiot. Has there been any new comers in town recently one with red hair in particular? He said yes that yesterday he was brought into town and without even stopping for ale they went into the wharf boarded a ship which left in the night. I stood, Ajayi did as well and at the ready. I thanked the man threw a silver piece to the keep and said it was for he and his friends next drinks looked down to the single man and asked if he wouldn't mind coming aoutside with me and Ajayi? I began writing a note for Ajayi to carry to the Watch Dog. The captain has been takin to sea. I turned back to the three men at the bar all ready involved in their new free drinks and asked what was the name of the ship???? None could remember but it was Dutch and it was a sloop. I added that information to the note. We three then went outside. I asked the man to say the truth and that it was important not to change or shorten the meaning. I said The captain was taken prisoner and the ship he is on has left the island. That was translated. I handed the note to Ajayi adding take this to Lassiter on our ship. That was translated. I added Make haste while that was transletd I took out the claymore handed it to Ajayi and asked one more thing to be translated as I held Ajayi's arm. You must set the port on fire first then make it back to the rowboat and get out to sea where they will pick you up. I will get back on board when I can. Now go and stop for no one. I let go of Ajayi's arm as the man translated it and Ajayi turned and took off. I thanked the man and Asked his name and together we went back inside.
  4. Been missin ye Sir William not only the veal looks good the veggies are a hit fer me!
  5. Mission, God bless ye mate! It's just so confusing and not fun!
  6. this thread has three different thing (AT LEAST) going on and it just too confusing someone take charge and clean it up. If you guess right you post the new quote. (period) you don't guess right? go pound sand!
  7. Ajayi and I continued following the tracks of the last cart heading away from Isla de Margaritas harbor Porlamar. And just before dusk (and I was getting very sore and tired Ajayi I would think could go on for days and nights) before dusk the carts tracks we were following turned off the main path and headed off to the left (perhaps one of the two ports on this side of the island I thought) during the middle day walking quiet and Ajayi in the lead I was stopped three times by him as approaching traffic did give us cause to leave the path and take refuge from all passer-bys sight. In each cart there were no captain. We made the little port of Boca del Rio at darknesses full embrace and few lights gave a needed welcome.
  8. Looking into being a part of this wondrous effort! Thank you so much for putting this info here in the pub, grammercy, well done indeed!
  9. The sun was straight up and burnin as hot as I ever could remember. I knew we needed water and was about to stop when Ajayi wend off the path and cut a long root from one of the canopy trees and held the severed top end over his mouth and began squeezing and milking a liquid out and onto his tongue. I watched without drinking. Sitting there five minutes he dripped plenty of the trees own honey to his need. I stood and walked over to where he offered up the root for my own consumption it was too hight for me to even reach he looked about turned me around and walked me over to another similar root and swung the blade cutting it at my head height. It was a sweet water liquid, sticky and almost numbing to the mouth. I drank and drank and drank and as I did so I felt the aches and pains melt away and it even seemed as though the hot sun weren't somehao quite so hot...We left and went on seeking to where it is these top cart tracks are going. Hopefully the port closest to us where we might find shelter and the capitaine....
  10. Christians five : lions ten ye know fighting doesnt solve anything and I'm sorry I ever hit anyone so sorry I even would run home and cry hiding in my room or even in the garage where no one would hear me feeling sad it was always some jerk wanna be tough guy and lkike patric said I weren't tall but I were in my youth bigger than em all. and they toughians all wanted to proove somethin. i remember goofing around in shop class in eighth grade and getting in trouble from the teacher and he punche dennis in the shoulder and then me and I didn't move no reaction to his punch pissed him off so he invited me back to his desk (now mind you corporal punishment were still quite abundant in my time) and so he had me grab me ankles and when he brought his paddle at full speed upon my arse and the class were all laughing at me and lovin the moment and all... well that second the paddle struck it did in fact snap and break, right there on my arse. The entire class went silent and in the teachers frustration I stood said thank you, walked back to me stool and went back to mechanical drawing something ergh other. Mr Williams were hi name and he looked like an Italian Gorilla. I mean nothing against Italian Gorillas but he just stared at me fer the longest time . I'm not a fighter I am a lover and i seen red more times than I ever wanted too. I do however like ending a dispute with one nicely located punch...
  11. Matey yer bein the best part of almost eighteen fer Gods sake its not never gunna be writen in stone fer the likes a you! Narg jes kiddin I were, jes lookin fer a brawl ta climb inta you know! There be nothing like sharing the evening of the dead with feeling so very very alive and kicking the shyt out of someone... But i be jes teasin you in fact ye should feel blessed, as I did take the time to actually make a little viet namese doll inyer likeness today. So sleep well matey and think of young pyrate lassies in white! Tricks or treats
  12. You know why for both weekends. I had work and getting stuff together for the New Jersey trip. And then this past weekend I was in New Jersey. A planned event made such a long time ago. So, eh, I'm not worried. I go to faire when I can. :) come on lassie like we all don't know ye be cryin yer eyes out both weekends ye be and the likes a all that new mischief and places of which ye be dwellin and all, truly, who needs faire?
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