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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. with the wind perfect to maximise my speed I straightened out my direction and continued to sail south south east toward San Pedro de Coche. like time were sitting still the wind in me hair and the sun in my face i like this feeling of freedom. What could possibly be better? I headed on past the tip of isla de margarita a point named Punto Mangle after the raids on the spanish galleons that took place by pirates hidden by the mango trees outstretched onto the finger penninsula. I was on the water about and hour and headed into the port and dropped the top sail turned the sloop and let the wind blow me right up to the empty dock and I jumped out and tied her off. Children came running down the streets yelling and chattering and too were the women of the town and then I could see men as well all with large smiles and the children all jumping up and down so excited. I figured out finally what they were saying almost a chant. He's here, he's here the prayers are answered our salvations be......
  2. Grasping the three rolled parchments I found stowed over head in the cabin I went back up to take the wheel and found the wind had come up much harder from the west and the little boat had turne almost due east and islands were easily seen. I unrolled the top chart and found I was headed toward the isla Coche Showing maybe 6 leagues and a seemingly decent sized city named San Pedro de Coche.
  3. First things first, the two men were not locked up the constiple was not around town which direction would they expect my retreat to be? Can I go back to the Harbor Porlamar. I think not, (a thought) maybe if I can skirt around a certain ambush point and get behind and bye these pirates.....I gathered two bota bags filled them with good water and headed down to the docks found a fisherman who said he'd take me across the inlet to the port of Punta de Piedras where it would be a much shorter trip back to Porlamar. We set sail moments after my working him down to two gold coins for passage. I went below to stowe my things and looked right into the barrel of a pistol being held by one of the two men from last nights arrest. I turned to back up the stairs I had just come down and feigned a fall grabbing the handrail with one hand and his head with the other I crashed his temple into the wall and pulled the pistol out of his hand and threw it out the door and into the sea. I then punched him in the mouth merely for messing with me again. He went unconcious (the weak kneed land lubber) I went back up unto the deck and walked over to the ships captain who's eyes were quite large and picked him up and threw him overboard then tied off the wheel went below picked up the lug woke him walked him up on deck and then pushed his stupid fat arse overboard as well. Looking around I realized it were a right nice little sail boat I owned. four maybe five hours to Porlamar I figured so I decided to head south south east tied off the wheel and went below to find some charts!
  4. you still have that little short guy working under yer desk?
  5. I'll drink to thems there and I'll drynk to thems here they be watchin out fer me and keeping my fat whait ass from being subjected to the likes o daily worries and explosive mishaps right here at home! Thank ye kindly each and every one o you!
  6. i went to the old southern faire out here in agoura years ago and saw numerous couplings occur but I were on the lookout fer said needs to pilfer looks upon others needs of frolic and passion. Then I went to Southern at Devore the friend of mine I went with was a regular goer but not a participant and walked even run ahead of me telling every woman and post pubescent girl pairs walking threes and more but always women and never men. He tell them that I was a lepper and in need of seeing as many breast as I could in order to live through out the day and I was treated to a wondrous most world reknowned breast filled day to which I have never seen the likes of since.
  7. I heard a dragging noise it wasn't part of my dream and it woke me on the quick. I layed hands each on pistols in me belt under my robe the noise as I heard it clearer now got louder as it was approaching outside my door. a few sets of footsteps strugling with something sounding as though it were heavy in a bag or wrapped in blankets and they were dragging it toward my door. I raised up to a seated position quickly rolled my blankets into a body's shape took to hiding behind the washstand. It stopped I heard a door open ???? mayhaps next to mine and the feet shuffle and then drag the thing into the room and the door close. I stood with a pistol in one hand I walked to my door opened it nad looked out a cleanly dusted path on the wooden floor meant something or somebody was dragged into the room next to me. I walked out and down the hall went downstairs and couldn't find the barkeep???? The tavern was empty I turned to go back upstairs and heard the unmistakeable sound of a pistol fire I quickly took off my belt tied one end to the staircase side of the railing, blew out the hall candle and held the other end and hid behind (around) the hidden corner. I heard a door open and feet coming toward the staircase and down it. At the time I felt appropriate I pulled my belt tight and watch two lugs trip, falling and slide across the floor where I stood in attack mode with each o me pistols trained on them. I cleared my throat and they looked back terrified "caught in the act" they were and I just stood there till the front door opened and a constiple just happen to walk in. I told the story they were arrested and the constiple when he returned and I went to see what it was that was dragged up the stairs and down the hall into the adjoining room of mine. We opened the door and found nothing in the room next to me. I went into my room and there on the floor was the barkeep shot in the head and a pistol lying there on the floor. Nice and tidy was my frame up but stupid were the artists.... I stayed awake till dawn went for a walk down to the docks in the morning and decided to ask where the jail was and went over to ask the constiple what the prisoners had said was their reason for killing the barkeep and trying to frame me. and not only was the constiple not there but the two arrested during the night weren't behind bars! I needed to get out of this port and pronto.
  8. Having spent the better part of the evening entertaining here in the Tavern I found a place to call home for the night. I checked in the small office to where I rented a room From the bartender and went on up the stairs above the bar to my room #21 at end of the hallway. I opened the door realizing after pulling back the curtain, it was still raining outside. Exhausted, I flopped down onto the bed where I thought about Ajayi and his task.... being still dressed in my robes I slept hard...
  9. Ajayi rowed on up to the Watch Dog after she sat down in wait. A rope ladder came over the side. Ajayi tied off the rowboat, climbed the ladder and went over the side facing Lasseter, P.E.W. and Petee. He went into his shirt vest and pulled out the monsignors note and handed it to Lasseter. It read:
  10. Thanks Captain Redwake yer explanation is worthy of yer title! Aye it be a simple and an easy excitment allowing fer thought and interaction. Much more so than the weak endeavors of most cyber threads.... I think it being fer the most part as Sir William so elloquently put it a sort of theater in the round where its differences are the actual players keeping the differences real and un bastardized by a single authors attempt at rollplaying fer so many...... It is a dream that has become realized. It is a living breathing attempt at pyracy through creative (following historical events and correctness) writing and cyber connection with involved dedicated free men and women of the Pyrates seven (cyber) seas..... I am involved in a renaisance clan known out here as the Biggins and through them I am privateer on Voyage of Reprizal where I was first the lookout on the scout ship osprey and now am first mate on the Pax Decimus. We have four ficticious ships and together have attended many faires and have been given letters of marque from the queen at two. We have a slow moving website where there were three ships and now four with the Pax's addition. There are five maybe seven of which players out of 50 some are members actually come by and visit and ad to the interest. As a result I still am not and wasn't at all getting my pirate fix through V o R and thats when I found Pyracy.com last year... I threw the live action idea out into the fire so to speak played the ships first mate to the point of asking many of the active and well written posters here what they thought about the idea of a cyber ship writing its own script into the history books of pyracy.com and to my amazement it's better and more interesting (even as a book reads) than I ever thought possible. Yes we are looking for new players and when in ports we anchor in, we can certainly pick them up. There is an interview needed to join and I'd like to welcome those interested on the get go. Pyrates, pyrating, thank you Pryacy.com! Huzzah!
  11. Aye should liken to do this as soon as I can find and take this class! I shall be endeavored if one or many ofs ye knows of classes close to Disneyland?
  12. And adding to this ryme: Heres to me loves kisses bein so dear to the times in between thoughts of beer holding onto those perfect little ears fills Delmars' glass with all his tears
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