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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Say it taint so mate?!?!?!?! Aye arthritis I have they say and no drynking fer the likes a my sorry arse till I be cured and that'll be on me dyin day! So I jes haves ta haves fun without me drynk so whats at least I knows wheres to get a good breakfast eh?
  2. panties Go ahead tell me that every word going in wasn't headed here!
  3. MAY I MAY I how many times must I remind you??? Idon't know the satelite police station is three and a half blocks away, I would say maybe not! But then why would the police think a pirate New Years Eve party has a cannon? UNLESS IT GOT FIRED OFF???? Just kidding I think it would be needed there just on principle and purpose!
  4. I'm sure you will too! seein as how you don't want an September baby! Nargh jes kiddin.... Ok so this is the official R S V P thread as well! Huzzah!
  5. The dinner was excellent and the family quite entertaining as well. I was treated to a fine faire of roasted pig with mango relish and roots capers and leafy greens from the island that had their own merit. Their name was the Ochoas, farmers and indians having been on the island for four generations they farmed the greens and roots here and have never known starvation. I too, learned the the island was without clergy for nineteen months. Three weddings were being planned and on hold, one of them was the wedding of their number two boy. A handsome lad and well built, Jason Emmanual was ready to take the marital plunge. I got up from the table walked over to him and slapped him adding get used to it! No, no I were just kidding, though I should have! I congratulated his mother and his father for raising such a nice young man and family and they told me of the pirates that come into port killing blowing things up in the village and rape and pillage their way up the streets and taking all the young men off with them out to sea. (I just figured out why I was invited to sup with them.) They told me how their oldest boy was killed by pirates adding as he was cut in half trying to save a young girl from being well being taken as well they said. I told them not any more! I was going to teach all the island how to fight how to stop any attack and hold ground and take the offense! When piratres came in to the port we will cut them down. Then the reputation on the seas will be stay away from San Pedro de Coche. Classes will begin on the morrow. With that I stood and after many wonderous thanks I attended to my travel back to the church. It was late and the moon was yellow hiding most of what stars were out tonight!
  6. So! Capn Jack Sparrow nice pic it were! How were yer pyrate days last wekend? Were the weather good fer sailin? bein that we couldn't make it sure hope it were fine as freckles.... Blessed holidays are sneakin up damn fast eh mate? Be with safe travels and cheer. Diego
  7. Aye ye scurvy dogs the place be in Anaheim other side a freeway from Disneyland We've already invited the police department and they know that all weapons are reproductions and that no one will be partyin in the front yard or street..... Now having said that they also know that no costume no admission it be pyratical new years eve party and the likes a skalliwags not on the list in costume wont be gettin in the door. I asked ye ta brings the motorhome full of bretheren from the crew o the Stranglehold, you Tales o the Seven Seas mates and all a ye Port Royal Privateers are welcome ta brings yer motor homes as well. We'd like ye all ta spend the night and not drive home and so that's the reason why we need as many beds as ye can bring! Make it a Disneyland day the day before (Christine)! novel idea
  8. What time are ye all getting there friday night??? I figured carnitas friday night but I don't think Rummy and I can get there much before ten pm if that???? i'd be cool if I can get off around one or two but no promises yet from the managers here. Rummy asked for the pm off and damn lots to do! Shyte! I guess we'll need to bring the BBQ like last time and we'll need a table too! maybe a milk crate will work for that?
  9. I usually make light of most all of these threads and try to remain aloof and not too serious but I got involved reading all of the posts here as I see the power of the writen word and to what is be we all seek in the involvements at faire. Thanks to all of you for so eloquently putting out there a recognizable entity to which its own addressing was needed Grammercy I am going to cut and paste this from Red Jaime Flynt's thread: Diego Santana de la Vega Posted: Nov 8 2005, 02:25 PM QUOTE (Christine @ Nov 8 2005, 10:14 AM) Okay, forgive me for this, but what are dragon tears? Are they little gems or something like that? yar they be that and more Christine Iridescent little half marbles in colors to distinguish the luck of ones travels in the shire! Magical stones they be. From the Queens own jewels, fer ifin ye hold em in yer hand and ye make a tight clenched fist when ye bring em to yer heart ye can make a wish.... Tis the fastastic of the childrens involve lass. Red Jayme Flint Posted: Nov 8 2005, 05:25 PM i didnt know diego had such a soft spot for the lil' ones Diego Santana de la Vega Posted: Nov 9 2005, 09:57 AM QUOTE (Red Jayme Flint @ Nov 8 2005, 05:25 PM) i didnt know diego had such a soft spot for the lil' ones (in mrs Doubtfires voice) you know lassie the wee thing about the faires entirty isn't whether the parents ergh going to have agood time ergh not.... It's whether the children say next year that they want to go back to the faire.... So we sexually harass the womens and we demoralize and thouroughly humiliate the men but fer the bobbits we entertain them with a wee bit o fantasy fer in the innocent minds eye of a bobbits then, fantasy is a real place they all relate to. is it for money? kinda yes (on my part no not at all) but here in So cal the compitition for the buck is strong, the cost of a family at faire is close to that of D'neyland, Legoland, the zoo or Knotts and the children certainly dont have the rides to entertain them at the ren fiares so if every adult patron or employee, volunteer or paid, costumed patrons and all, all give that little extra involvement to the children (each and every one) the experience is remembered and the families they do return....
  10. Well just in case any of you inland lubbing lubbers feel like getting off your couch Rummy and I have accepted the invitation to join in the festivities there in Devonshire! really do hope to meet any and alls of you say hey wont you?
  11. Fed up with his pain and suffering he throws the swinging doors of the Kate open and walks in. Empty huh? So he walks over to the spiggot and draws out one of the very best poured rootbeers ever. sits takes a sip and writes down on a napkin steak and eggs medium well and over easy. Hashbrowns (brown) and an english muffin buttered. I'll be right back.....
  12. I'd be the first to say "Sam you crack me up, butt not today!"
  13. I know this! "I can't stand it" and real funny Rummy (private joke) what is this? Now baby maybe she's in need of a kiss. I said, Hey,
  14. It seems as though the parishioners here had been without a priest as he had passed away some time ago and the village and the island have been in a living purgatory. Being without a minister to hear their confessions, administer last rights and perform sunday services and mass. What is now obvious to me is, they have mistaken me for that padre's replacement. I shall do what is right and stay here and resolve that which has gone askew. I have done all I could to rescue my captain. I sent the note to lasseter telling him where the captain was and when the ship left with him on it. Surly no one slowed Ajayi. I will pray the Watch Dog has already caught slaughtered the crew of the ship imprisoning our captain and saved him before it was too late..... They won't even miss me... I had removed all the weapons I was carrying under my robes and hid them in the office...... Just then a knock on my office door (my new office door) I opened it and three young men mayhaps fifteen or so took off their hats and invited me to dinner at their farm house and asked if one should stay to show the way I said why yes and thanked them. Rafael is who stayed he is the youngest of six boys one the oldest Miguel had died last year and the others his mother and his father are awaiting my presence. I, washed up as new water and linen was addressed during some time I didn't see when or who and neatly gathered many of my things. lets go as I reached over to walk with Rafael.
  15. That would make for very limited conversations, unless everyone around you used ARR in similar fashion. Kind of like the smurfs. apposite (AP-uh-zit or uh-POZ-it) adjective [From Latin appositus] - Highly appropriate; relevant It is apposite for folks on this board to read Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates when developing a re-enacting character. Arrrggghhhhh!
  16. sorry mates! but I see that this thread is about dead! The winning guess should have been Jim Morrison and the DOORS from the second album Strange Days "Moonlight Drive!" Let's swim to the moon Uh-huh Let's climb thru the tide Penetrate the evenin' that the city sleeps to hide Let's swim out tonight, love It's our turn to try Parked beside the ocean On our moonlight drive Let's swim to the moon Uh-huh Let's climb thru the tide Surrender to the waiting worlds that lap against our side Nothin' left open And no time to decide We've stepped into a river On our moonlight drive Let's swim to the moon Let's climb thru the tide You reach a hand to hold me But I can't be your guide Easy to love you as I watch you glide Falling through wet forests On our moonlight drive Moonlight drive C'mon, baby, gonna take a little ride Goin' down by the ocean side Gonna get real close Get real tight Baby gonna drown tonight Goin' down, down, down
  17. I stopped as I saw the need to sit in the street and let the children gather around hugging and tugging on my robes. I questioningly looked at the farmer men one of whom did come forward and exclaim it is true you are come to fill our empty parish! I stood allowing the children to take my hands and take me up the street then left off toward a small hill atop of which was a beautiful white church a few kids ran to it and were ringing the bell. Not much I could do in the face of this excitement I was drowned by the need to give.... I backed in toward the oversized hard wood doors and addressed the populous as I could see more still coming up the street. I held my hands outstretched and a hush a quiet of perfect proportion did entice my words of faith and wisdom gathering the lot of them and taking them into the fire of hells own travels where I was nerely killed and twice faced with life threatening decisions just to get here and to work with them each and every day forever more.
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