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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. wait wait wait how is it ye get nightmares from wet dreams? I'm calling in a favor and think it be we should goes back to start again at that moment when indecision threw in such wrench so as to change the rivers flow and all.... Nargh never mind!
  2. Ok! Ok! let me get this straight right? We go to faire and we work the faire and we walk around looking fer a lass in green with rabbit ears and then we say wong pegleg wench to ye and me tankard amazingly get filled with the likes a ale? Wait is a good and dark ale or is it light and tastesless?
  4. Jeeze Christine I'm not going to harp on you but why do you even hang in pyrate cyber when the faire comes right to yer own hometown and ye don't even bother?
  5. We walked with the hard tack and dried beef I brought but we were challenged by the forsight of not bringing enough water, one small bladder were all I brought. Every time we stopped and rested I could feel the synergy of Ajayi were just being strengthened more and more as if being on ship were withering his muscles and being out alive and walking with me were somehow rebuilding the strengths he carries so well, he is truly a fine speciman of a man. the trail we traveled seemed to be a well traveled trail as foot prints horses / mules and carts in both directions were plentiful but the marks of one cart on the top of all the rest going the same direction as ourselves were the tracks I was most interested in. We came to a rise in the island trail that did from such a vantage we were able to see what appeared to be the greater part of 60-70 percent of the islands coastline. Easily we could pick out three towns and four ports. Knowing of where it were we came from we pressed on into the heavy jungle.
  6. honey you need to get out more often...........
  7. (I loaded up and when at my own capacity looked up and realized jack had left, I found him on the QD) Jack me ole son, ye best find a way to put all of these extra weapons back as I can only carry me own. Mr Badger... I and Ajayi will steal the row boat and it will be right over there against the tree line behind those rocks. (I pointed) I am taking Ajayi with me we wont be missed if we find the captain we will set the wharf on fire and beat feet back to the row boat and row away from port. (I went looking for Ajayi and found him on the gun deck polishing his claymore I did not speak but instinctively as he looked into my eyes he stood gathered a few items, bagged them and I turned and he followed. Surreal was my thought as we reaches the captains quarters I knocked took the liberty of making entrance and saw our quartermaster behind the captains desk he looked up I waved pulled the door shut and blocked it so it would not open easily. With Ajayi in tow we rushed to the main deck. I went over the rail and down into the small boat and when Ajayi climbed in, the space remaining became very very small. He took up the rowing as I pointed towards our destination, The whole time he rowed I told him the story of how the captain went missing stolen from the ship while much of the crew were on shore leave, I stood and picked up his sword and he stopped rowing, HIS EYES SAID THAT'S MINE I calmed him by holding my open hands down and then raised the sword up and into my robes fasteneing it into the belts cross strapped on my back. It stayed, I sat back down made a jesture of quiet and shhhhhhh and he nodded and began rowing again. we made shore I jumped out he followed and we both pulled the rowboat up across the sand, around the rocks and out of sight. we headed off into the jungle away drom town...) I motioned for him to walk ahead of me and I walked behind we made good time finding a field of tobacco soon enough and followed a trail right up to the ranch house. I knocked and the man opening the door bowed and then saw my traveling companion and was visably shaken. I talked in Spanish and we conversed about how I needed a place to hide this chief of a tribe,having bein beaten and stolen and forced into slavery adding that I was setting him free. As we talked children gathered hiding every time Ajayi looked at then. The man, Eduardo, took us out to a trail that went East away from town I thanked him and we walked on listening to the quieting excitement of the children.
  8. I'm leaving workmin an hour and a half to surprise Rummy!
  9. Jack the truth is and this is not for the scrutiny of others sir. (i turns and look be left and then right as well) I am 100% English though as a young boy I was moved to the castillian town of Vigo one of Spains most quickly growing sea ports. I was the illigitamate Son to the Duke of Kennsington Sir Earl Grey and my mother was a house made (a spaniard). When my father was exciled I was taught both English and Spanish to speak but English be my devotion to and secretly for nine years I served the thrown of King Charles II of England as a Spaniard, an English spy in King Charles II of Spain's court I was a highly sought after confidant to the young King. Being both dumb and increasingly deaf and blind I watched his reign rapidly loose its grip on it's world power. Recommending to the end English friendship I watched as the French got so close I thought upon Charles death the french would rule all Spanish holdings. I escaped as the young King Charles II somehow lost his memory and began drooling. Always entrigued by the sea I sailed out of Vigo the hour my father died I was first officer on the watch dog when it was the slaving ship before. The Financiers of the Watch Dog an English Company asked if I would help to man the ship after hauling it out of slaving and getting into pyracy (a much more lucrative investment) I did this. Though being an Officer as I was for the past seventeen years, I am tired Jack. And I have a Captain somewhere still on or near to this Island to save. I am here to ask that I might have my weapons, to sneak off this ship go to shore and through the power of confusion and sabotage I shall weaken the infrastructure of this ports authority while finding and giving our captain his escape. But, I can't seem to get the quartermasters ear.
  10. So I take it in all these fellow members of the worlds most celebrated and copied Pyratical site in the world..... No one, not one of ye have ever been to this weekend tom foolery in Devonshire? I tells ya this fer if a favored response is not given shortly about the likes o this seemingly nice sized event????? I be blowin it off like steam on rice! Too far ta go fer a family bar b q (a dry family bar b q)
  11. Ahhh Fer Christs sake.... What now? As the dinghy empties I begins to think watching the quartermaster depart and Pete, Ilex and P E W. I'm thinkin what be the worse fer jes dissapeering meself? Needing to address the master at arms I seek to find Mad_Jack so as to gain my weapons......
  12. I were thinkin of jes comin in the morning but damn gopher steaks.......... I likes gopher steaks........alot.........How many is it ye have? gots enough fer Rummy an meself? God it's been years since I eats gopher...mmmmmmmmmmmm better than goose it is!
  13. Quartermaster sir! I believe I know your thinking on this but let me assure you sir I am a trained assasin with the highest regard for secrecy as one of the queens own spies in Spanish court I am well accustomed to the skills of... shall we say the lessor tasks of torture and the fruitful duties of death and dismemberment. You must be hearing me..... (no expression) Then ponder this! I am here to talk about it without scar one... (Taking him by his cloak I shake him as his expressionless look seems as if a curse is in stealing his soul.) DORIAN! It's time to act! Not react! Think back man.... have you ever heard of a monsignor with as many weapons as I checked in? God save the captain but he needs our help! YOUR HELP!
  14. I walked over to the quartermaster and said Dorian, nice fire isn't it? (Startled as i got way too close to his aura he turned quickly to look at me as I continued staring at it) You can even feel its warmth way out here on the water I added. (he turned back to face the fire) Dorian, send me and Ajayi to shore past town. I will take him in entering from the rear of town and use his unknowing inability to speak to our advantage as I use latin to distract the soldiers and find the captain...... I can smuggle a few blades including his claymore under my robes. Niether of us would be much of a loss to you or the ship and if we loose our passage back to the ship with the captain we will set fire to the docks to signal you. and walk 1000 paces around and past this corner (pointing I gain his limited attention again) Look man there... to our right for our pick up spot in behind that boiler there in the surf and near to the rock pile on shore......
  15. Hearing the commotion on board and the lean caused by the crew watching what I was soon to find out a fire on shore, I went above to find the commotions cause.
  16. Notice the perfect cloud cover weather! Just like England aye?
  17. Love that isn't Petees snarl look at it thats leatherneck in the raw!
  18. snake in yer case love! Mighty mighty python!
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