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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I be votin fer the cabin boy! (other) they at least wipe their own arse!
  2. christine 2005, 01:22 PM] I'm so pale, I avoid the sun in both reality and my dreams God bless his soul but did you steal that line from Rodney Dangerfield?
  3. I'm sucking! how about "Attack of the Killer Movie Quotes?
  4. well, Diego ye be rackin' up the points with Rummy.... a little fanny kissin' be good fer the soul, I guess.....'specially ifn it be a nice one Durty Mick Moon me ole son ye be right on mate and a right nice fannie it tis! Hmmmmmmmmm Friday! Moustache rides are free on Friday! Huzzah! R U M M Y!
  5. it's the job of the producers of the faire to oversee the attitude (that which should be made to be called a uniform) of the participants. It is period they are signed off to authenticity and a job well done they be doing but its the patrons that endeavor to reach outside the boundary but within a potential realm where that which might be could be and if it could be it is! I liken to see though at pirate faires the uniforms of the Spanish, French and English Royal Navy participants to which my liking is to remove their heads and all that is fun too. But who's going to tell a dragon crawling on the ground, or a woodsman, or a magician or priest his money's not welcome? No one. So yes it's all whored up because we are all whores! Me for example I cant get into boots unless they tie closed or have that little assisting zipper on the inside of the ankle. Do I think I should be kicked out? No i wear a size 10 boot but in order to get a pull on boot on I'd have to buy a size 12 or bigger so I'm not proud my attire has a zipper but it does....
  6. Are you Kidding? Man do I feel slow I just found this nice addition .........
  7. Aye know this one matey Johnny Lennon (he be a libra) and a working class hero! "You reach your hand to hold me But I can't be your guide. Easy, I love you As I watch you glide, Falling through wet forests"
  8. Nope not even gunna touch that one Other than to say I think all of you are really out doing yourselves here entertaining the gorillas! Huzzah!
  9. Bleh. What's next Pirate King and Queen of Homecoming? A pirate hot or not? A pagent, popularity contest? Oh sorry scholarship competition. Come on... take a chill pill
  10. $Rummy$ really truly well done! Even I be impressed! Black John other than your wife the one on the right was fifteen! can you spell JAIL? Best looking pyrate? Easy, she is Rummy! Just look at that avatar will you?
  11. Rummy join me for this delectable enchanting breakfast of champions. Won't you?
  12. Ok then that pretty much answers that! Anyone want to meet in Vegas instead?
  13. Ok it's getting close enough to start seeing the list begins with the who's goin and who's not? Rummy and I we be going! 2
  14. What Pictures? I was gone maybe twelve minutes............ ok what happened???? What did I miss? I hates bein the last ta knows abouts a big ta doo! Damnit all!
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