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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Here's a few more 1. Somebody hollers "Hoe Down" and your girlfriend hits the floor. 2.You have a complete set of salad bowls. They all say Cool Whip on the side.... 3. Your working T.V. sits on top of your non-working T.V... 4. You thought the Una-bomber was a wrestler... 5. You use your ironing board as a buffet table... 6. You think a quarter horse is that ride out in front of the K-Mart. 7. Your neighbors think you're a detective because a cop always brings you home. 8. A tornado hits your neighborhood and along with causing miilions in dammages actually causes $100,000 worth of improvements too. 9. You've used a toilet brush as a back scratcher 10. You've asked the preacher "How's it hangin?" 11. You missed 5th grade graduation because you had jury duty... 12. You think fast food is hitting a deer at 65 mph... 13. Somebody tells you that you've got something in your teeth and you take them out to see what it is... 14. You've stared at a can of orange juice because it said concentrate... {actually, this is if you're blonde} 15. You've been too drunk to fish. 16. The biggest city you've ever been to is Walmart...
  2. How bout a hint Diego? Sorry mates that was jes me take on disco! Fact is though I can't even stomach visitin there! I know I know then why does I knows that song? My daughter did a dance/cheer to it in school. But I have no idea who it was! So go ahead Rouge lay out another rhyme fer us all...
  3. From the infamous stage production of West Side Story, "Tonight! Tonight, won't be just any night!" I love this faire! this weekend I'm going to stop and talk to each and every vendor and get to know them all, where they live and what they do during the week. You know just be friendly instead of the faire being all about me!
  4. Yes yes indeed... He's on this floor (I knows it) and he's the one who tripped me as well.
  5. Jack! I have walked these stairs walkways floors deck a thousand times I have practiced in full speed and with eyes closed just in case I would might should need to know! Did you know there are 87 steps from the lowest to the highest deck? Did you know the distance from main stair to aft is 44 steps and main to fore is 32. Did you know that each floor ads three steps to each stairs as they go down? Never mind.... I was certainly grabbed five steps from the bottom on the right side on my right ankle..... as if it were I was tossed foreward head over heels I landed there. (pointing) you can see what little dust is about is cleaned onto my robes right there I in mid air knew of said sabbotage during its occurance and turned back to look at me adversary only to be wrapped in my robes and without any sight at all. So land as I did I came up fast and clearly was less than a flash of lightening looking right to where the ankle grabbing bilge rat should have been postured, (pointing) there within the rise and angle beneath the stair. Talk about feeling stupid well that's when I thought I must have gone out if even for a brief pause you know blacked out. No one not a soul was there. I got up and I was a flash of light lookin both fore and aft down the passageways and no one was there no one in the cause way but I think this floor holds a secret waiting to be found.....Just then I turned and looked behind me where the barrels were against the wall tied into place... Jack these are suppose to be full! I remember when I got up after rolling into them.... (turning and pointing) this one (as I leaned over...) this one (and I knocked on the top just to prove me mention of it) is empty! I kicked it and the lid fell off and it fell wide open...... A hiding place (i sad aloud)?
  6. petee says two days (yargh fer the likes a him) but one night fer a many of us as time trickles by!
  7. Realllllyyyyyyyy! The very best ye say the Devonshire Faire in the CityPark all righty then!
  8. having been brushed off like a wet wet dog shakes his coat to facillitate drying I examined the robes for a pull, a snag or tear. To no avail. I decided then to go back and re-examine those very same steps and find the reasons to this now brain aching compromise of my very own integrity.
  9. http://www.renaissancefestival.com/viewEve...asp?eventID=150 I think I might like ta be goin ta this! Are ye goin Black Hearted Pearl?
  10. haamer ziet (me grog) one part spiced rum one part southern comfort two parts cask n cream (Ernest and Julios irish cream)(maybe three parts) 1/4 part amaretto 1/4 part coconut rum 1/2 part kahlua 1/2 part vanilla rum
  11. i feeeeeeeeel nice da da da da da da da da a sugar and spice so nice dahnt dahnt so nice dahnt dahnt now I got you bamp bamp bamp bamp bamp dah dahnt dahnt diddle iddle de dahnt diddle iddle de dahnt diddle iddle de dah dahnt dah dahnt
  12. I'm sitting in a ya ya waitin for my ya ya auh I'm sitting in a ya ya waitin for my ya ya auh it may sound funny but I don't believe it's funny auh
  13. boys! (well really men but boys rhymed) no never mind about the rhyme MEN!
  14. and scooby doobie doobie oh sha sha we got ta live together yeh yeh! now there be some lyrics!
  15. (Following behind Jack and our Quartemaster as they carried Ms Kendra to the sick bay.) Mr Lassiter sir I heres the call from Simon and heard it weakly from down here in the depths and yelled its call for help to the upper decks best I could and ran the steps Atween second and third I knows I were tripped up by a grabbing hand leaving me in mid air falling to a clump on the floor of the third deck sir. I rose quickly facing to see the culprit who did in fact trip my descent. Drawing me boot knife to cut the bastard I was as I came up armed to give hell but there was no one there.... I think that the concussion of the fall must have knocked me out for a very brief moment as I seem to have got here on the double ahead a the rest of you sir! I know not of ms Kendra's station sir or how it did come about but I do know these stairs sir and I did not trip on me own that I am certain of.... Something in the main stair caused my folly I in recall truly feel the grab of my foot by one hand was my undoing.... Ciaran is watching the upper decks sir that I am sure of no one will get past his rifle.
  16. apt Grey lass are we going to be able to get together have some fun this weekend? I should liken to change yer signature (jes a little) you have: There's no such thing as faries. I'm actually a gynocologist, but this is my lunch hour. leave the I'm actually a gynochologist but change the rest to: so shut up and put yer feet in my stirrups...... jes a thought ye knows!
  17. starting down to the gun deck I heard the exclamtions of what sounded like Simons voice yelling QUARTER MASTER!..... JACK!..... I NEED HELP!! I hurried my pace allowing that such a quiet voice of certainty was not heard past where it was I be so facing up toward the main deck I too reflected said need and yelled Quartemaster! Jack! Master gunner! Simone is below and is in need men! I am in the main hold and headed down... Make haste men! I know this ship have walked in solitaire upon hundreds of hours of quiet in the dark while the ship sleeps I know this ship and I know right then as I turned and was to be heading down to the number three deck.... I was in fact tripped. That to which my speed was un reconcilable to my need to keep my unshiftable balance and found myself hurled into a pile upon said third deck floor. I was slow in coming up as the time in the air went by in slow motion as I flew I knew and could rememeber havin my foot grabbed from behind and came up looking back to a spot where that grab had to have occured. Nothing...... There was nothing there emptyness reflected behind the stairs open passway going fore and aft and no noise of shoes of footsteps could I hear either coming or going.... Had I blacked out? I must have... I thought, so I rose to my feet assesed any damage to which there was none and I turned and continued down.
  18. I was looking into the blue waters all about the Dog looking for a swimmer in retreat is what my focus be. But scouring the seemingly endless empty ripples of the bays mass was causing minor troubleing visual hallucinations where my focus became stressed into thinking that we were moving and the ripples were rolling by faster and faster it seemed and then to a startle I saw something and yelled up to Ciaran in the basket mate I says twelve degrees larboard twenty ships lengths out what is that afloat is there a wake following that whish is out there? what is that? Ciaran looked down to me answering it's nothin Monsignor. floatin rope it be seems to be connected to the bottom and floated up sittin in one place is all. Eyes playing tricks Done then I went below to my quarters to rest my tired eyes.
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