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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. having been told by the ships surgeon that he can't drynk any more ale and then again any less too! Stumbling up into the light of day and beyond the reaches of all in tow. Diego reaches for the mike and hisses out a low key of a cat call addresssing those undressing in the night air alone behind the fallen curtain of silent seduction and says. the time is now and the old is well, old. the dreams of mankinds innosence is known only by those inside themselves and that which can be, should be shared but secretly, seductivly, alone together, two gather as one, perfectly reaching back and yet leaning forward while racing on into the realm of distortion and disguise the dream wakens into a malestorm of lights and reflectional prisms lingering there waiting to be known.
  2. I agree with Rummy the likes of it were to the liking (well and licking) since you asked if it spilled it got licked up as well and I liked it fine. I did find that morgans spiced mixed on the half with tatoo and a smidge of vanilla rum did make a quite nice blend of flavors straight up! By the by, has anyone heard of dogfish rum?
  3. not sure of the pomp and circumstance surrounding these three Spanish ships my first inclanation were to yell below but feeling even though my voice is quite loud it should most assuredly not be heard by those of said words to be spoken about me thinks. So I watch as the galleon rolls out and drops a fairly large launch then two then three as the third is being lowered into the sea. As the two accompanying friggatas were lowering thier own launches and upon each deck were officers dressed for the most noble of courts gathering in number. I cupped me hands to tell the master gunner to pass the word to have the captain come see this. As I return to me lense I see the lookout on the number one friggat is looking right at me! I then take in the other two crows nests and yep all three were just starin right back at us! Well they sure knows we knows but does they knows we knows they knows we knows is the question.
  4. you know californians that northerns great faire ends this weeksend and thar be a pirate event (sort of) I hears where in Fremont on Satursday there be a street thing where the scurge of the seven seas (jes kidding) the tales of the seven seas is pilaging the street in front of a retail shop called the Sea Wolfe Trading Company anys ways I haven't heard back from claire but think a bunch of us southerners should drive up friday night all share a hotel room and slumber party go to the gig in fremont then back to hollister for closing day at Northern and home late sunday night and just plan on being effed on Monday what say then ye scalliwags? in the infamous words of Bluto in the Delta house fraternity "let's do it"
  5. Aye Capt. all comin in now on the slows I see the first be raisin sail and the galleon ahind her be doin the same. Me wonders how the three be signalling the needs to be followed so closely sir the flags during that change were nay to then changed at all sir????
  6. " Mon bon capitaine, tu fair les quatre cents coups..." The Surgeon scrutinized his expression briefly then stood away from the rail, hands clasped behind her lower back. " A bout in the darkness can prove a dangerous thing...But I speak in a manner of boldness. To answer your question, Sir...I am well and thank you for your concern. C'est bien aimable de votre part, a vous." The Surgeon gave a smallish nod of head. William nodded in return. He made as if to speak again, but instead, he excused himself from her company. "Doctor." He made his way below and began the necessary duties of cleaning his coat and brushing all of his gear with brush and polish. He did this all in a meditative silence. Aye! so I throws me hands up in the air! No worries! One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and...........
  7. Watching from me perch high up in the crows nest I watched as the cutter made its depart and too the easy conversation of me captain and the surgeon below. When the cutter finally made its docking I went back about me buisness off shore noticing the ever increasing numbers of seabirds making lands return for their night to spend it being both off wing and water. I surmised that the next crew to make shore leave would most assuredly be with ships balance though I hadn't seen our master gunner and our smith nor carpenter I were wondering if they were taking leave in some game below maybe darts or bones? Ne'r to mind there were three ships all coming into port now and all three were with spanish flag though as anchored we were on the bays southern west slope they all came in from the north by north east (I cupped me hands to say) sails ho captain three across point approaching from the north sir. Wearing Spanish colors they be. One large galleon and two frigates it looks to me sir.
  8. I knocked at the door. And waited abit....... yah de dah yah de dah yah de dah! such a strange and haunting melody it were. Well! I'm not going to just walk in so off I trod into the dark passage of the ship returning to me own abode. Changing into me wind gear I sat at my table thinking I would read a good passage and woke up on me bell! I ran topside to retrieve Siren from her shift. I scurried up the main mast and she went out t'other side pon me arrival goodaye I said and a nice smile she shared and handed me the long lense. I settled in and watched the birds all returning to shore from thier daily quests fer food at sea. I marked the moving sun as it were getting lower and as the wind slowed with its departure in the simultaneous partnership of days end. Dog watch on the Watch Dog it don't get much better than that.
  9. Re-enactor yes Entertainer absolutely Educator quite often in fact Living Historian in period everything Experimental Anthropologist (no, sorry I don't do gorillas)
  10. Afternoon middle meal done and the mess all cleared i worried to the latter on those items of need might to be forgotten for the galley. No one should make mention since my completed list thinking back I don't even remember who it was I had given it too. a short nap before me shift I thought but first I should like to visit Mr Cage and see how his recovery is??? I mean I would certainly love to give this mans cause the effects of taking over the galley. Rumour has it he is a certified great cook be it that which God's grace need be we were. So be it I shall see his wellness then and see to it's prompt undertakings then. I pray he be better I does! And off to the infirmery I went, pretty much whistling a tune I had heard on the flute not so long ago.
  11. Empty 'orizons and blue green seas wind swell from the south south east at sixteen knots seas are two to three with an occsional set of four to five feet.
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