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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I thinks I be allergic to gargonzolla's. Might ye have newburg?
  2. Sorry me lagging arse is so slow to gets the needed amounts of coverage here but blow me down! I gots ta tells ye all about a certain amount a fun that nere say ever gotsta outa the reeds! (nuff said) Huge smashing huge fun time and quite the gathering too much fun did in fact cause me to miss the social gatherings of Sunday though me commitment to gate went as promised. Fer me arse it were dragging. TO: the many of you well documented as having been thar and gone unmet. Me begs forgivness to you. Gary you actually look pretty decent in mondanes (sneakin in like ye did) Red handed Jill and Redd and Leatherneck, more than saddened to find we were so close and gone unmet..... jes means I'll be 'aving ta looks ye all up on the next round eh? Petee yer crew is a blast each and every one of em are worth the rope ta hang them with. Rumba and Boats ye both be perfection! Caroleen, Patrick Hand and Black Orchid well met, well met indeed and the cooked (in period lamb roast and the gathering of veggies ahhhh! well done indeed). Scarlet your all right girl (mostly). Rummy ye have all me love, alls of it. Tas the rest a ya fine examples of pyratage gathered grammercy. Ace (as I left early Friday and only heard of yer sitiation as it were unfolding and the likes) Our prayers they were with ye.. I bought a couple things at the auction and were happy to find out it were going to you and yours. In fact we all took a minute during the BBQ and gave our strengths to your needs.... another time me ole son... another time. Pictures be in the works.
  3. Captain, we be short a water as I see the most. Only 3 barrels left. We are out of fruit and there are five 100 pound bags a beans, approximately 700 pounds of wheat, 400 pounds of oats, 300 pounds of corn, 250 pounds of rice, 100 pounds of potatoe, carrots and yams. There are 90 pounds of sugar, 35 pounds of butter, 10 pounds of cheese, 9 pounds of coffee and 3 pounds of yeast. There is 3 pigs afoot, 2 goats, 14 chickens, 12 pounds of dried beef and 7 of dried fish. There are 4 barrels of ale, 6 of rum and 3 of wine (red), we are almost out of white. We have much of all spices though I be hoping fer vanilla ifin we find any.......
  4. Most o ye knows me addiction to the front gates at every renfaire and pirate festival save one out here. And me real job be peace tying all weapons, me lines include many ye all use and mayhaps need ta save. To women: Aye lass ifin ye come in without an escourt ye might not get out alive! (If thier ankles are showin) Aye see ye be lookin fer a man showin yer wears liken ye does! Ye have come here ta share yer smile with us taday. God bless ye! And may he keep ye safe from marauding pirates on the prowl. (If she's dressed in garb and he's not) So! Ye bring this skank of a mondane in here ta have him replaced eh? Well lookin at the likes a him I see that won't be hard! (if she's with more than one man) Well I can tell ye right now that I hope ye won't be plannin on walkin outa here seein as how ye plan on taking these men on all alone! (To a woman with children in tow) Well I can tell ye right now ye got yer hands full as you like. or best be puttin a leash on them girls a yers. Fer pirates likes em young they does! or How much fer the oldest? I be lookin fer a good cabin boy, but can the boy sweat? Ta men and women: I ask if they are a couple then upon answer I add are yer married if not I say Aye then ye be livin in sin! and the likes a this crowd a pirates will be certain ta makes ye fit right in just liken to the family ye never had, welcome or if they say they are married then I ask the woman how much were she drinking when she decided to marry the likes o this skank of a man. Ta men and women with a whole family in tow: I ask the women ifin they be her children and then walks up to the man and put me arm around him shakin me head to the negatives and mention that he's lucky shes so good looking OR I say then its certain ye not be the real father (OR I'll say to the man) Are they yers as well? And if he says yes then I say how is it that they are so good looking and you are sooo ugly? Then I'll add yer wife has some good genes aye! To men: I ask them why they be comin in ta the faire? answers range from fer the women, to for the turkey legs or where's the ale stand. I plays off each of em. to the children (and this is why we all faire, "for the children"). I give the pirate dressed children gold dabloons and silver pieces I tells them that they might need ta bribe their way loose in case they get separated from thier parents. To other costumed children I give them all dragon tears (irridescent half marbles) I tells em Its a magical stone "the queens own jewels" and ifin ye hold it in yer hand and ye make a fist whens ye brings it to yer heart ye can make a wish and yer wish'll come true! (then I ad) but don't be waisting yer wish on somethin like ice cream I'm sure yer parents got that covered. Of course now you've planted ice cream in thier heads and that's all their going to talk about till they get to the ice cream vendor. (note: use a food vendors bill of fairefer kids that is at yer faire just in case ye doesn't have ice cream there) To the un costumed children I give them small dragon tears black ones I call black pearls and clear ones I call diamonds. I tells em to hold them in thier hand ifin they should see a dragon, adding that they will protect them. I have said many more things to any one of a thousand different situations and the need to be quick and with certain care in yer manner where a conflict of the patrons need to be recognized as an individual of stature and class is not diminished by yer words. I've even said some really stupid things that have come back te haunt me. Keep it simple and make them all feel welcome into the magical world of difference. Ifin it weren't fer the likes o them we wouldn't even have a place to play!
  5. Middle meal was done to perfection as the ship neared the our destination port. It was appearant that the many were crewing and too busy to eat though it would be just as good to eat in two bells as it is now I sat and enjoyede the solitude. Rummy came in I served her and she looked so good even clergy could have sinful thoughts, and then Ms. Smith shortly after followed. I made up a couple of plates for each of them. Nice thing is the lamb roast stew only gets better the longer its on. I made up a tray for Ms smith to take when she finished hers and she bowed graciously and made prompt exit. It's the white wine and the garlic. I made my way out to fetch more bowls and set the fire to low slow and nearly out. the laddle was hanging above the pot and the pot held three gallons the bread was stacked high and I went to rest afore my dog watches only to realized I hadn't seen the captain in a day. I was told Lasseter, Mr. Gage and the large native were fairing well by Armand but When I came up to main deck I almost plowed our ships surgeon right up and over the rail and had to grab ahold of her to keep from doing so. Appologizing for having my peripherills challenged by my hood I assisted in her regaining upright stature. So terribly sorry I am such a cluts I feel this day I be. Will you forgive my clumsinees and lack of concentrations Tempest?
  6. :) no you dont that is a rumor! jes kidding you like rubbing the mens arses you do go ahead say it! it's ok no one is going to walk passed you any faster or slower at fair! Ifin ye likes it how can ye make an offer ifin ye haven't felt it yet? Now thar be the button "You feel it you buy it"
  7. The continuing melodies of the two ladies on main deck were carrying on in the wind as I said Yes sir and made my departure. I went daown to the galley and the one remaining sheepherders pie a cup of hot coffee I went into the hold where it was I found the prisoner sitting tall and respectable and handed his meal to him. He uttered something I bowed and turned to depart when he said "father" I turned my face beckoning his call to address further.... He said what is to become of me? I made short work of his answer by saying everything and more than you deserve. I left
  8. The music though so light below decks was still enjoyable. With the coffee strained and the last of morning meals deliverance complete I set about to find that darn project I needed to finish and thought who is feeding that scurvy Dutch captain Scully? I went up top. Looking for Mr. Lassiter I sees our Captain so I step up and interupt what I thought ot be a silent spot atween the Master Gunner and Captain Brand. Sir (I says) Is food needed for the prisoner?
  9. as ms Wardell turned and beat feet to the uppers deck where the sweetest sounds of our flutists excellence were being displayed I was again shivered by the mood it were gathering within me. I thought to meself I sure hope she can sing eerrghh at least hit the notes. I went on back in a stores and pulled out a legnth of vanilla bean and dropped it in smaller pieces into a cup to grind it into a fine powder I then went back and retrieved the cacao leaves and added them and ground them as well adding a small amout of sugar I ground the six scoops of coffee beans adding the mixture to the newly boiling water fer a new pot a coffee Vienna style.
  10. Again I says (as I take out the second tray of pies and set about the third) a cook is Mr. Lazarus Good to hear he's better and you, You look no worse fer wear once your face stops peelin here put some a this grease on it there. (I begins to thinkin HMMMMM! I liken to have Mr. Lazarus back here cookin fer this is certainly not a job fer the weak a stomach you knows and hot damn it is hot in here. Then realizing I was starting to go off upon me own direction I mellowed me thoughts) Aye Petee good morrow sir! (Then returning me look) Ms. Wardell I would be a fool not to accept yer offers to help but I am with little left this morn would ye be willing ta find where the carpenter is playin her flute and maybees the twos a you would care to do a duet (i leans in to her) Ye can sing can't ya? Mayhaps sing a few shanty's and wham bang thank ye maam jump up paddy whack start this day events with a song ergh two! What say then?
  11. Looking up after Ms Smith had left with the captains faire I sees Ms. Wardell and she be addressing the likes o me I say in return Fine thank thee and yerself Ms Wardell how is it you faire since ccoming aboard tis I (bring me index finger to me temple like its going to trigger some thought) believe the first time I seen ye since we found ye? How is yer friend Mr. Lazzarus doing and the slave I have not seen him either?(now scratching me head in ponders) In walked Armand I handed him a pot of caffe and two scones and four pies on a tray. He was set back I believe that he himself was not needing to prepare mornings faire. Merci he nodded retrieved the tray turned and made retreat.
  12. sloppy sticky melting vanilla ice cream on a slice a hot apple pie! (sorry it just conjured up such a picture fer me)
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