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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. tadpoles Do you know what one sperm said to the other sperm? Go back go back its a false alarm!
  2. Dorain I said lets get them on board. The quartermaster said is there any sickness on board your ship Meg? She looked up nodding no. He assigned Eric and Nigel to climb on so as to hand off the new passengers as Meg kneeled down to again speak to the man lying Eric and Nigel were up and over and onto the floating deck the large man in one cuff was agape and stood back giving rise to the opposite side of the deck as his side sank deeper into the blue. Eric and Nigel gently lifted and handed across the lying man I hung to the tether and Dorian and Augustus brought him over and layed him out upon one bench. Meg crossed holding Nigels hand and took Dorians upon entrance to the cutter The Quartermaster adding welcome aboard lass. Eric was pretending to converse with the native man in tongue and I stood seeing the use of which was to no avail and used my hand to usher his great size toward and onto the cutter as well and he followed the lead. Eric and Nigel jumped back on board and I let go. We were sitting right full at that point. I showed the great man my cross gave the sign of the cross and he smiled large teeth glistening. Nigel opened the water and Eric handed a lemon to each of Meg and the large man. taking a knife from her bodice Meg cut the lemon in half and rubbed it on her lips... then on the lying mans lips as well. I said I'm sorry I didn't get his name she turned, faced me, and said Lazarus as if i should never need ask again. The promptly returning her attention to the fragile man (Lazuras) lying there. We all sat down finally and as the wind picked us up. I could hear a flute......
  3. That be a fer certs fer me then 3:30 it be! Plenty o time to see the fair in between and closing as well!
  4. Debris of every ships structure were floating about empty barrels the wind had already moved off a little quicker in compare to the standing lot we were creeping through, numerous trunks were afloat and more than half empty barrels seemed to just roll in place. Ashes and mast pieces, spinaker and hold doors and such were afloat and the mens eyes were looking fer more.... more people to rescue. It seemed to no avail as we came up to and took the hold of the scrap of deck they were on. The woman spoke English and was in tears, red by the sun and light of grabbing size with errgh rib bones showin. The Quartermaster calmed her down when he spoke "I am... Dorian Lasseter Quartermaster of the Watch Dog........ I asked who were they and from where they hailed?
  5. Mr Lasseter above the sound of the wind exclaimed sit still no worry's we'll be upon ya shortly stay calm. I Stood adding, God bless you children we are going to save you.
  6. I settled in near to the rear as we released the tether holding us at speed with our ship we made an about to lock our own wind and tacked back hard a port and were off. surely passing the now behind wakes of the Watch Dog we seemed to be picking up speed and three soon were easily seen on what appeared to be a gathering of planks, barrels and wreckage as it were. I said a silent prayer that we weren't to late to assist these souls,
  7. escondido (where you live) goes two weekends but alas girl another year slips by without the likes a seein ye at fair again! (ye really do need ta gets out)
  8. Having finished and properly diplaced the weight and propping the items in so as to not allow any movement whilst on the sea. I hurried down to me quarters where it was I would make my change into me robes. I sat a moment in recluse chattin with me maker talking about the ways that change a mans life from all expected into that where nothing is known. And! how lucky I be!
  9. Christine its the weekend of 24th and the 25th not this weekend! but yes up the 101 just past the ventura river is the road inland to ojai. (lake cassitas) you really do need to get out more often girl think of all the times you miss you can stay with us if you want and leisurly cruise back sunday afternoon! We'll get you on the worker bee list.
  10. two things! first: I am rolling on my desk thank you for that little tidbit. second: anytime a color in use is distracting to your eyes highlight the entirety of needed read and the problem goes pleasantly away. I know I know here it comes (Thank you dear Heloise)
  11. Making my way down into the hold I again grab six chunks of salted beef one small bag of lemons and a bag of hard tack tying them to my waist. I retrieve one of the new casks of sweet water Ciaran and I filled in the jungle. (thinking back how long ago was that? Must be six or seven weeks ago i figure ummmmm time doth fly) I makes my way back up one deck onto the gun deck and find ample throws and swing them over my left shoulder. carryin the cask of water under my right arm the throws on me left shoulder and my belt tied full of eats i make my way back up to the main deck and walk over to the cutters local. I wave to the captain, I'm ready! he acknowledges my prompt return and I begins loading the stuffs into its hull.
  12. Having climbed the main mast to give Ciaran his due. I was coming back down when I heard the Captains request stepping up to Him I says. Aye Aye sir! then a nod to Mr. St. Anthony
  13. I head down to the closet and find a neatly wrapped bundle of what I suspect is salted beef hangin there on the wall and peels it back (just a sconce) and sees it ta be in very good shape. So I tears off a hank and closes it back up and re hangs it. I puts it in a tuber and stuffs it under me watseband. Returnin to the main deck the spot on the 'orizon is now nearly visible to the naked eye. But still I'm peerin through me glass. Yarrgghhh they be three on the raft errghhh something their on. I says aloud but really to meself.
  14. Well you'd have ta be dead not ta wake after a call as that! Up and at 'em. I was already slipping on me slops and finished dressin with me shirt. I runs down the way up the stairs and over to the rat lines and seeks me brings 'em near. Holdin it in me teeth I climb up to Ciaran and hands him me last mango. Where? I says. Pointing "three point starboard Monsignor" he said. I am scanning the distance I don't see anything. (but then me own glass is not near the strength of the baskets glass) I pats 'im on the back you have eyes matey you have eyes. Can I bring you anything me ole son? he waves me off no and never drops the trained glass on his subject. I turns back to looks about the French in follows and they are too with this mans sighting and begins their turning off to the port. (I leans back in toward Ciaran ) ya sure I can't bring ya somethin? He stops and looks at me eye to eye. Monsignor he says I could use a couple slices a dried beef ifin ya can find any? I says I think we can find a few hanks fer ye friend, I'll be back. I descend the main mast and greets the gathering crew comin up as I descend good morrow, good morrow, yes a fine day indeed and i heads off to the galley.
  15. this plane is crossing the atlantic coming from England and heading into New York when engine number four goes out. The captain takes evasive action and drops altitude and sometime later engine one goes out as before the captain drops altitude and keeps on his heading with two hundred miles to go both the remaining engines go out simultaneously and he announces the situation to the crew and passengers then they all begin throwing all the baggage out the cargo doors. with seventy miles left its appearant they aren't going to make land and four volunteers are asked to save everyones life they would need to jump and are asked to come foreward. first is an Englishman who simply says "God Save The Queen" and steps out the door..... The second is a Frenchman who jumps out yelling "Vive la France" the third is this big Texan man weighing about three hundred pounds and he picks up and throws a family of four Mexicans out the door and yells "remember the alamo"
  16. "Lawful Good" it says its best (but I don't buy it) as it shares passion and honor!
  17. Iron Bess yer New Providence Singers are quite a polished group. I find you all actually range (blend) a few very tastfully written harmony's and I not only find the songs (balleds / shanties) charming but most entertaining as well. Thrice I have paid attention to yer efforts on stage now and I quite handsomely shall be lookin forward to seeing you in Ojai as well, (as in well done) till then! Huzzah!
  18. I find simply walking through a crowd mentioning that the "Steaks are on" usually attains quite a respectable move about.
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