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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. not being able to sleep another moment I dress and make my way up to the main deck to where it is that I am told of our dearly missing freind Mr. John Sons "Shipwreck" as he be known and the search it already in full operations I see. So I return to me quarters pick up me brings'em near and upon return to main deck ask our Quartermaster that a few oil rag arrows be a fires so as to lighte up the aways and create a place of reflection to allow anythin atween us and thems a silouette in which to be much easier to make than from the dark ahind us. I begins me away search facing straight into the west. Two firey projectiles are shot out and stayin lit on the surface do indeed give us the chance to better see the distances away. As it so often happens I hears footsteps ahind me and turn and see Merc. Steward I says, would it be with any small effort that the good cook might have any soups on the fires tonight? Merc answers me with a nod of negative origens as she is hurridly making her way past and carrying a nice tray fit fer the captains involve.
  2. Well and good. Well and good! Nice pics merc as always struting yer stuff fer the whole world to check in too! So is this yer ale stand wenching costume kinda reminds me of the St Pauli girl ya does! Which reminds me whilst I be in the nieghborhood hows abouts a nice cold pint a Guinness?
  3. The single most energizing place of solitude on a ship is up on main mast in the basket. I was dreaming about watching as the sun came through ending the grey green cover of storms bid. Then right behind storms end was the expected winds chasing it further on away and to the west. I with every bit of my awares too watch the 'orizon and nay a sail were seen. While the launch made its way over to our ship I was noticing the French were of even keel noting the unbridled silence in the craft. A silence of somber address. I made notes on my sermon for sabbaths service. (What should I call it?) Perhaps? The silence of the lambs. Right then and there we could have taken the French friggate. I watched below as our gunners stood in ready without the look of being so. I could smell coffee on the fires and the galley was in full steam. Effortlessly too I saw the Captain walk straightened with courage and determination as he greeted the French and welcomed them aboard. Though I knew not what was up with Jim and the Quartermaster I knew it weren't good. When my shift ended and I were finally chanced to my quarters I made haste so as to not be with introductions met with our visitors. I went straight away into dreams. Dreams of magnificent sea battles and our foes flying white flags of consent trying to save what little life had been spared by our gunners accuracies. To the winners the spoils and the losers...... Wakened startled out of my sleep I heard running down the corridor outside first wakening me during the load heavy footed approach and then as I sat up I said who goes there? To no avail as the running continued and hearing the following oncomming and retreating sound of two sets of feet giving in as the chase bid further gone. I sat there in the nights silence Thinking who and what was that all about?
  4. Jack be maddening and burn me a copy o that won't you? The scissorsisters I mean
  5. is Roman polanski the guy who married (or tried to marry) a thirteen year old? Ye might be Nefarious me thinks its my turn? "I don't like to pay for property twice"
  6. Mr Hawkins whilst we are in the midst of your greatness fer remebering the likes of them Youngbloods. Might I entertain the troops sir with this? (and no it weren't on Forrest Gumps soundtract) as well it should a been. Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion We're setting off with soft explosion Bound for a star with fiery oceans
  7. Aye matey would it then be (no not the Killer Tomatoe gig) The Ninth Gate?
  8. Aye Gary I heard ye had surgery are ye alright my friend? It be a goodly thing we'll be hanging with ye ifin you'd like on the Saturday next! There in Dana! Can I brings ye anything? We plan on getting there around 8:00 am certainly could bring on board some vittles ifin ye needs any!
  9. I could see under the clouds off to the east the storm was gunna be passin us bye within the bells call. Two, three on the most. The ships though with all considered took through the squalls and wind waves with no adversities. I in me solitary preparing for me next service to be given finds meself wishin I were somehow with ale.....Praying for a nice day to come out of this storm but I having been too long on the waters in these here parts knows the winds ahind these storms are the temper of God's war iron. And it's gonna blow tonight. We are certainly going to need as much distance as we can muster atween us and the Trader.
  10. with the captain back on the "Dog" i went across the planks to address him but he rather rapidly made haste and went to his quarters. Having waited long enough for pitch to dry the captains steward came out and i addressed the opportunity to see him and was rejected. I went over to the galley and stole the leftover luncheon foods. The storm was hitting hard by the time I got back over to the Merchantman. Mr P E W was done and he and Tito were practicin wood carving off the aft guns area. Still their marines were below.... Very religous and order following men these Danes.....
  11. SCA Boots http://www.faireboots.com/ import a very decent starter boot. I turned mine into a long lasting boot over a year ago and wear them 26 weekends a year and twelve hours a day X 2. The soul / heal will not hold up! However knowing that going in you can drill a small hole into your heel and put a wonderous adhesiv that will bond rubber and leather like steel is welded. I did a makeshift repair last year during the season and it didn't last then at the end of season I used funiture clamps and wooden stakes to press the heels on with this fine adhesive (i got at home depot) and left the clamps on them for two weeks and I haven't had problem one (detaching) all year and it's nine more weekends almost over.. But for $89.00 what do you expect?
  12. Yes, I do have a suggestion! first you find company's offering a three day two night say in Las Vegas for sitting down and listening to their spleel on time share and then you get cheap tickets to vegas and you join the western U S there during the weekend of the Oct 7th -9th this year for one damn great ren faire. In case the likes of you all reading this don't know! (they have black powder there....)
  13. Isn't that "Ben Dover, Move your bloomin ass!" ???
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