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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. One man came forward I said are you an officer? He said no enlisted navy (I was taken by that immediately feared that this is a hornets nest of the highly trained dutch republics Navy ships) he added (and it certainly eased my accord) fifty one of us were being transported on this ship to our colony in South America, Guinnea. Oh I said! Looking back to the now deceased captain I surmised that this was the Navy captain and not the ships captain! Can you take me to the ships captain? he agreed and I followed.
  2. Covering the waters surface is this black dust appearing as if dry somehow though wet through and through it floats attaching to the sides of the longboat and soot is falling out of the sky atop us as we slow in to the merchantman. Three ropes from above come down at once and the crew ties off. Two of those above are already gone from sight only the one in the middle remains looking down at us over the thoroughly distroyed railing. Fire is all consuming and involves every aspect of wood it's most favorite food. The main deck was eaten away and down into the gun deckin many places and in one place even below the gun deck as if the outer shell of this once great sailing vessel was peeled back and a view was offered both out and in. Three men scurried up the ties and onto the main deck and four went straight into the hull through a new fire made window. I remained on the long boat waiting for the ladder. While looking up watching the last of my accompaniment go over and onto the main deck a man in an appearant officers cap then two then three all came to what remained of the rail and looked down making jestures so as to get me up and so up I went It became most frenzyed effort as I was to understand they were asking me to assist with last rites and off I went below and down into a surgeons theater following at a brisk pace smoke was choking hidden men coughing almost seemingly everywhere. I when standing there saw an officer of the ship stretched out lying here before me though his eyes were very calm he veiwed me as if with gratitude. Seeing him I knew he was the captain of this ship two men on adjoining beds were already covered in white and seemed to be already dead. Of all the other sailors on this ship I'd seen so far not one had this mans passion. I looked into his eyes a long time his spoke volumes to me. I made the sign of the cross and began my last rites and as I recited he grasped my arm so tenderly and tugged taking me away from my duties and he said "save my men father" and just as bizarre as being there administering last rites to an enemy I was. He died! Gone. I made the sign of the cross turned and noticed for the first time the room was entirely filled with crew many sobbing and all with teared eye. I was taken aback. Touched for the very first time. I turned to depart and many came rushing into me trying to get to touch their great and good captain one last time. I asked aloud, who here speaks English?
  3. with a scurry I drops down into the long boat as departure was only momentarily held back by my simple change though under me robes I am with two pistols one in each boot and two long knives and one short. With any luck at all I shall share the almighty's word and give many lost souls mayhaps a bit of.....devine direction?
  4. Then Kind Sir I bid you Adieu as I hate to keep anyone waiting! Turning back in my depart. Sir! I have only these and my dress robes sir! Turns back and briskly makes haste to me quarters.
  5. "Monsignor..." William turns to the clergyman with a dawning smile and waving him back. "Would you be so kind as to draw the Samson in as quietly as possible and have them thin the arms to make a place for you? I think we shall send you over as our 'olive branch'. We can use you, as a man of peace, to persuade them to send over several important officers to speak with us about the safety of transporting the Danzig's crew. Then we shall have...guests if anything should go amiss. Do you take my meaning, sir?" Aye Aye Captain I shouldn't probably be armed to the teeth in that case I should drop assunder and do yer bidding sir. Bosun I leave these two muskets in your charge sir! Turning to make retreat to the Samson (turns back to the captain) Sir I am dressed for a kill sir do I have time to change?
  6. Watchin all this from me prone position with Ciaran as is Swan in her basket as well. I never takes my eye off their captain..... He doesn't once lean too and whisper not a once seemingly happy at the perchance of our arrival to their dispair..... I still don't trust them I whispers to Ciaran there a chance men in the below decks won't know our fire is meant as friendly and they could come up firing keep your eyes on their closed cannons doors. If one door opens let the captain know immediately. I am climbing down to tell the captain this and then I will take up anew out hangin over the hull! Captain our lookouts are watchin their gun doors sir and I will take up me position on the bowsprit, sir.
  7. Captain Sir! Swan is with bow and will silently begin at your command to remove those marines and officers she can. Ciaran Is above the fore deck sir and has two muskets and I sir were right above you on the same as Ciaran wait till firin begins orders to take out armed guards on the merchantman.
  8. (silently sliding down the rigging I step off the ropes onto the rail and ease down onto the deck. in a not so loud of voice standing aside the captains chair I quietly say) Aye aye captain.
  9. two more days, then two more in a haze we be pirates and in corona we'll be just messin with the mondanes in plays and drynkin and singin cause it's free
  10. affairs at faire! (What happens at faire stays at faire!)
  11. a silent prayer: Grant these warriors of the Watch Dog those wondrous resolves of bless-ed safety lord as in your name we go into battle proclaiming your most worthy mightyness. Keep our interests in your care and we shall give you your most welcome acclaim. In your name we pray. Amen.
  12. Aye aye Captain! Master Gunner and Rummy sir! Turning and taking the stairs up to the main deck, I was on the wings of angels... First Master Gunner Petee was seen and I says to him in a whisper, Captain says this ship is silent starting right now. No noises pass the word sir! And then, the captain will have yer presence in his quarters sir! Turning and seeing Rummy on the quarter deck I make my way. Rummy I tell her too in a whisper the captain is with need of your presence but first lass know he too has given the orders of alls quiet, not even a burp! got it? She nods yes. Good I turn looking up. It is Swan in the main basket again turning to face the bow Ciaran is in that one. (thinking smart lookouts they be) I go below and check out three muskets powder and shot I begin me climb upon the rigging reaching Ciaran I says in me whispered voice, Captain says all quiet! Nay not a noise, silent as we go sir! Here's another musket for you sir! Are you good on balls and powder? Also Swan is going to begin the silent arrow assault upon the armed guards on board wait until our notice afore you crack to fire. He nods and winks I exit sliding down and then across and back up to Swans basket. Whisperin I says Swan do you have enough arrows? Can I get you more? I mean to say? Captain is lookin fer you to take out the officers and any marines holding post and weapons silently with yer bow. He too has said this ship from here on out is silent not even the thought of a noise! Be with silence, dead aim and god's will lass, I wish you well! Now wait for the Quartermasters mark for you to start taking out the armed guards. Cairan s got your back and I will be under you in the web.
  13. Aye aye Captain! If you would sir Swan Ciaran and meself will tangle with the sharpeshooting Allowing Swan the silent ways of her bow till we are known of! Sir!
  14. A knock upon me door I rise from my studies dressed in my thursday worst and my first and extremely old robes. Opening the door I see Ms Tudor Smith (out of breath) and says the captain seeks yer company monsignor! smiles, curtsies, and runs off! I turn look back walk out and close the door as I make haste to the Captains quarters. Knock knock Captain! I says Monsignor de la Vega sir!
  15. Okskie dokskie...... I believe I heard that guantlet fall and hit the ground and all we need to do is find a nice pyracy pub member who makes signs to make one with www.pyracy.com on one side and Pyracy Pub on t' other.
  16. can ye tell me where ta get a copy of that record?
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