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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Way tooo bad its on the same weekend as the HUGE Las Vegas Faire but next year Rummy and I will go to Indiana instead! My daughter just moved to Lafayette about an hour away! See all you corn belt pirates there in 2006! Huzzah! (Oct 8th's me natal day too)
  2. Aye Me ole son and a right nice share it be. All B S but right nice it be. Just cause its printed you don't believe it do ya? Sir Ifin I might not a mentioned it I at one time in another life a long long time ago I were employed by a small pest control company ye might a heard of. TERMINIX? I was a branch 2 liscensed inspector here in this fine state of confusion. I were training manager, route supervisor, new account salesman, buyer, and started as a route man. Now I gots story's that'l make you never get to sleep but that sir we can discuss with grog! there are brown recluse spiders everywhere. They get packed, bagged, moved and transported by train plane and truck from there to here and back every day. The nice write up doesn't mention anything about the fact that spiders don't have lungs so they don't activly partake in what we understand as breathing. They have spiracles that allow an oxygen intake behind their front set of legs and they can close them off if any change in sensory perception is needed. (you can't gas them to kill them even when tenting your house for termites) They are not effected by residual chemicals the likes of which do effect ants, roaches and earwigs because spiders aren't "clean" they do not groom as other insect familys do so to kill them with chemicles it must hit their body directly to work and all chemicals don't work! Read labels follow instructions and don't think if the label says one ounce per gallon two is better it's not! one does what its suppose to do without going into leaving a toxic dose for birds and wildlife to encounter.
  3. Christine thank God ye heard me girl. Please run get the surgeon and Armand Send anyone to the Quartermaster you encounter and tell of this and say I will be late upon my arrival for my watch. Christine quickly was up and out I heard her feet as the wood and leather collided long down the hall.
  4. Having spent the betters parts of the afternoon in me quarters I decided to go up to the galley and eat a bit afore me dog watch and i didn't see him but I nearly fell when I were coming down a dark isle from the aft and Kicked something(one) and nearly fell. I kneeled down and felt an unmistakable leg and yelled standing up and getting really loud I yelled for the bosun, BOSUN MAN DOWN I repeat MAN DOWN. Then pulling out his body from between the riser and wall it was Mr. P E W. Help I Screamed! as I checked for his pulse which I found weak but there. ANYBODY HELP! I picked him up and couldn't carry him by myself a big man I held his head and he opened his eyes long enough to know it were me and they closed. Christine, Christine are ye round lass HELP!
  5. "Fixing a hole in the ocean Trying to make a dove-tail joint-yeah "
  6. Yeah a customer was just telling me about our earths axis being off just a kilter enough by a millionth of a degree to cause flooding and higher tides caused by the poles melting and causing coastal recess throughout the whole world. Famine, plagues and wars, I said yeh? Green house? He says no has nothing to do with our ozone layer. That every so often the earth just shifts like a rear end gear and pinion skipping a tooth errghh something and it happens every so many thousand years. He said he's moving to oregon into the mountains where he can hunt and fish. Any body else heard of this strand o steam?
  7. there is this amazing blonde and she is 5 foot 6, 93 pounds 36 19 34 and this guy is staring at her while he's throwing darts at this pub shes in right so the blonde finally walks over and asks the guy why he's staring at her and he asks her if shed like to learn how to throw darts? she says yes and they have a completely storybook evening laughing and playing flirting and the likes and the bar is closing and she asks him to come home with her well he says I cant cause I married and she says why sure you can so influenced by her decree of yes and why nots he ends up- spending a night of nights with her, one that love story's will never touch the tip of the iceberg explaning. They found the entire kama sutra slow and boring together and finally by sun-up he had to leave and went to shower and the water didn't work in terror he found some talcum powder under the sink and rubbed a little into his pants right around the pockets and went home where his wife was up and waitin for him. He walked in and she said where have you been and he said Mable! I was out with the most stunning beautiful blonde I've ever met. We went back to her place where we made love in every way either of us had ever heard of. She looked at him and then his pants and said you did not you've been playing darts again all night.....
  8. It used to play on the juke box in one of me dart bars!
  9. dude! I dont know (can't remember) who made it famous but I know it was "sin in my heart!" Try this Fixing a hole in the ocean Trying to make a dove-tail joint-yeah
  10. Armand turned to the surgeon and Jacks voice I heard and she waved me in I bowed in thanks turned the tight corner to face Jack looking up at me (i don't know why I started whispering in there but i did and I said) so jack i sees yer bright eh? and how's the leg? The captain is a marvel in the crunch Jack I never seen the likes of. Yer gonna be ok I hear and man you shoulda seen the dammage this scalliwag of a Dutch captain allowed happen to is ship. No worse for wares cept short a sleep the crews doing its job fine and we're rebuildin a few things fire totally took from them. So did ya here the captain put their captain in chains and took over their ship a very religious crew and they were transporting 50 some marines to their colonies in South America, Guinneas something ergh other. We buried a few of them on the noon that didn't make it through their fire, twas a fully inspiring service it were and I think the captain is going to get a nice little cutter out a this trade. Other than that and the likes o the carpenter and the smith rebuildin the mast Petees gunners took out in but three firings I think its best not ta keep ya from resting easy my friend. Better go now I said and without even waitin around fer more questions I felt as if I were being interviewed fer a position with a council erghh courtiers and the likes. I turned nodded to Armand and then the surgeon in retreat I was glad to see Jack without pain and fever. Look forward to his return I does.
  11. Well said lass! thar be enough a them ta goes around and aggressive little Effers they are too! me aunt was bit by one and errrghh arm swelled up and toxins went throughout her fer a month nearly she were in the hospital after she went to the doctor. Had one chase me once like a black mamba just kept comin after me. finally got it out where I could scratch its back and did so with me boot! (squish) I hates spiders.
  12. Makin me way down to sick bay I stand at the door and knock (rap rap rap) I wait........ moments turns into a long time (well it's like waitin fer water ta boil you know not long just seems that way when ye think ye need ta hurry) I am there waitin and the door opens and I stick me head in announcin it be me. I see the goodly surgeons attendant Armand I says How is Mr. Jack? I'm sorry I haven't been down to be of any assistance but may I come in and say hello to me old friend?
  13. aye then Would ye know if Jack is about as yet? No matters. I'll go down see if I can sees 'im! Anon Quartermaster.
  14. I walked over to Dorian and said Quartermaster have you ever witnessed such a gathering of souls I am overwhelmed by the sounds of so many's voice upon the echoing sea. I am with such inspiration right now. How would or should I say, how could I best serve the ship sir? I will need to be in the basket in a while, but I am willing to take part as you need sir?
  15. Making me way up to the main deck and waitin to be surely on board the Danzig Trader I sees quite a gathering upon her decks a quietness of solemn thought and prayer. I am amazed the number of those on this ship with faith. God does work in the most mysterious ways. Taking my place I hold me hands high and as they widen out into a movement offering that like a flower blossums I say: I was a child just as all of you. We grew up learning from mistakes getting to this place this moment of life together. As we lived through the famines and the plagues that took so many from us we percevered, we made it and it is only with Gods help this occurs. Fire has taken these bretheren from us. Now as you together offer a silent prayer to those departing think of heaven and Gods own design for our existance and what it be that gives us this time to praise him and his glory. (I waits a long moment feeling the sorrow in these men, these friends missing their own departed) I will read Psalms 23: 1 - 6 if you know it feel free to say it in accord. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. (I am hearing a number of those within this service pick up in unison as the whole did in fact take over I was engulfed in Gods glory to the voice we all as one shared as we continued) 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. Amen! visibly stirred by the moment I drop to the ground and pray to this magnificence. Sobbing weaping and many growns of much unprepared pain are heard. Wence I finally gets back up to my feet I am looking into the eyes of a most formiddable foe and knows them as friends. Dear heavenly father we give to you our life, it is yours. We give to you our soul, it is yours. We now together give to you our praise... (I trail off in the leading of the lords prayer) "Our father who art in heaven hallowed be ...(only to be over powered by the temultuous sound on the water of a hundred men together believing in life together.) and the glory forever. Amen
  16. In my quarters and with that time where thought evokes closeness to our God. I scribble down a few notes check to see if my things are in order adn finally opens me door on the bells marking high noon.
  17. sorry mateys my bad! gone fer a pyrate weekend and never got into the fun zone (well this one anyway). Love it! The one time I don't say attack of the killer tomatoes it is that! Mission you are a knee slappin kinda guys. But I don't deserve a shot though congress is full of a bunch a fruits close is no cigar so take it away Mr. P E W
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