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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Corona Pirate Faire dinner house cafe at 4:00 pm matey ales ergh the coldest there as well!
  2. (Aye we're giv'n chase then! This too is a good thing it is and the men can think of battles fought and won in the means. Funny they sure wouldn't be thinkin about battles lost would they ya sad sack? They wouldn't be here then would they? I mean if they lost right?) I awoke startled that the ship was moving having been trading words with an old friend back at home when too we were younger and more frequent of youths impatience. I decided to get up and go up onto the main deck!
  3. Not sure of my need or even that undone, never before with such a useless involvement of time and place I don't know what to do, where to go, i am without purpose and cause. I sit back down open me book and find a nice script to think on.....
  4. I got up with the sound of Ciarans voice asking for the Captain and the Quartermaster
  5. #4? i know of three places where ale is sold one by the main stage and the flushies, two by the little bawdry stage on the back row and three the outdoor dining area! #4 would be at Petees trunk emptying his rum bottle! 4:00 pm in the outdoor dining area is me own pick of the lot and seat and shades ta boots! What say ye all then 4:00 pm at the dinner house?
  6. I knows ye do lass you be of the clan "UP ARE WE" Yer concerns is well met! Grammercy as well.
  7. I made my way back to me quarters without even a meeting or seeing a soul. Now I expected to be seeing a soul or a ghoul of the devils own brigade mayhaps there in the stockroom in the bilge but nay even a ghost was with me in thar! I remebered to write down on me tablet: How many keys are on the ship?
  8. First thing mate ye buys a drynk fer the tavern and then ye gets the perts. But seein as hows I likes ye already check out the / Pirate crews section under this one. Then goes to the / Pirates of Europe section. There in the thread called / Study Hall (pirating 101) and there be this book full a study material fer you to cut and paste to yer hearts content! Guinness if ye will? Grammercy
  9. Jeeeze Christine, me having the flu all weekend and not being able to go to San Diego's tall ships is squid by compare! I'll puts up a few prayers in yer stead lass! God Bless
  10. Just wanted to let people know that ifin ye start plannin early The Weekend of October 7th 8th and 9th is a huge party in the desert! http://www.lvrenfair.com/
  11. Having made my way down into the indulgences of steamy sleep quarters and the likes of live stock and ships store I finally made it to that storeroom door where again I found it locked from the outside and the key in the door! I am reminded of stories where ghosts in fact shared castle walks and gardens but I am hard pressed to remember those of which they say these ghost are to whom a certain resemblance is known.... I turn the key and open the door. Near to all doors of a certain room that I make this mention are doors where when unlocked open into the room.... With this small closet of a space it is certainly not the case I have to pull the door open to move around its swing and step into, smartly holding the key I must add! I set my candle in it's wall sconce and cover the area keenly with me eyes. I see the barrels that had broken loose are up and again stored and tied in. Moving to allow my shadow too to move and allow the candle certain and new illumination of areas presently covered by shadow I back up to the door and see the desk I am making for the captain where I am looking to the up yet am physically pushed from behind by the door causing me to lunje forward and reaching out gather my own stable footing by grabbing for a cross tie on an above keg which freely breaks loose from its local and I am lucky to have been looking for this very act of the devils own and am able to thart the similar occurance attempt to knock me out as well. By gaurding the blow off with my left forearm it fell to the floorboard echoing. I realized its lack of weight as being it having been empty. I looked for markings on it but saw none..... I turned to allow retreat and found the door amazingly closed and turning the knob to open it found it locked as well. I reach into my purse where it was I dropped the key thanking God for the wisdom to take it in with me. I engaged its design and opened the door, turned to back out, reached up removed my candle, removed the key and backing stepped around the door and closed it. I then re-inserted the key, thinking there had better be extra keys made, I make a mental note to count the number of keys on this ship????
  12. Never made it down there this past weekend unbelievable turn of the worst luck in the world....I ended up getting the flu and never really made it out of bed all weekend..... But God certainly wouldn't ail me two weekends in a row! Corona here we come!
  13. Arrghhhh Then I'll keep me hands to meself (but come on Black Hearted Pearl hows abouts jes a little kiss to liven up 'is day) He'll be starin at rummy anyway and won't notice a thing! Huzzah!
  14. Another day gone from lifes journey I awake as usual before the birds. Or is it later I think? Was not the ship in motion? We could be out to sea but calm awfully calm and I don't feel the ebb and tug of being on anchor. I should liken to open my door and look about! So I drop my feet to the floor boards and feel the sway of the ship funny how a cot sometimes will hide a ships movement. I rise and dress finding my robes I dawn them then my scarf and my rosary. I fetch my good book from my cabins table and make haste past the first corridor and up a flight then down another corridor and up once again onto the star lit deck of the ships quiet. Such a wondrous time of day predawn is Gods own doing watching the colors begin with morning light is my own favorite time indeed. I am again with memory of being prepared for my own court-martial. I pray: God give this ship peace within and offer to her all that your gloury can bestow. Grant the dreams of these dedicated officers and crew the allowance of your bounty and safety of trials, passage and salvage. In your name I pray.. Amen I look up and don't see the lookout in the nest. I make my retreat back down into my chamber. No good smells of the galley which reminds me, how is christine? I found her in the locked room in the bilge and she had mentioned being hit from behind and taken there and locked in... By evils of a maccabre nature.... I should liken to go down into the bilge and see what of this I might make certain....
  15. (reading for what seems days I have been diligent to the matters of thought and process and brought them into the forefront of need and sharing.) I found it! I said to myself as I really wanted to yell it out. Now I was re-reading the verse making sure of it's non threatening blind intentions, Christianity is a work of art one that can be mis inerpreted in any one of a number of ways. But "here it is" I said aloud to no one there. So read aloud: they all died anyway – even though they did not disobey an explicit commandment of God, as Adam did. What a contrast between Adam and Christ, who was yet to come! 15 And what a difference between our sin and God's generous gift of forgiveness. For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But this other man, Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God's bountiful gift. 16 And the result of God's gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man's sin. For Adam's sin led to condemnation, but we have the free gift of being accepted by God, even though we are guilty of many sins. 17 The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over us, but all who receive God's wonderful, gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ. 18 Yes, Adam's one sin brought condemnation upon everyone, but Christ's one act of righteousness makes all people right in God's sight and gives them life. 19 Because one person disobeyed God, many people became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many people will be made right in God's sight. 20 God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful kindness became more abundant. 21 So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful kindness rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  16. That unmistakable jump forward means the anchor was wieghed and the ship has a breeze pushin her somewhere? I go back to reading.....
  17. As a belly dancer I have been told that there will be no belly dancers at this event. The reason I was told that this faire is set in the Caribbean hence no belly dancers. Yeah I know other faire are set in England and there should be no belly dancer there either. But what I can I say? I'm not running this event. Like in Escondido lets hope there are some drums to get started during close Saturday night and we can all dance in the streets!
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