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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Double Bull (So badger ye throw some darts eh? Double top???)
  2. Well Then! I guess I've been told? (picks up the bowl and eats the bulk of the fruit and is satiated and sets ergh should I say props the water up so it can't possibly spill, starts looking for his flask and the vase he can store some water in each and feig being out just in case he is forgotten about on the morrow) Badger said the captains not well...... (bows me head seein the need be fer prayer) Heavenly father let the captains recovery be easy as his strength is needed on the ship. Let him too in his dreamstate see the reasons why we are all here together as one in the pirate democracy decided upon by yer own interventions and guide him to the memory of what pirating be all about the fun and the freedom from the documented regimental beurocratic piss can Navy. Shyte good Lord this aint no Navy ship but you'd never knows it would ya? Give this light to our captain for we are for him nay against 'im. Never allowing those ruthless Royal Navy (screamin jes to hear there own voices) officers without any crew of the likes knowing about loyalties types to sneak into and ruin his temperments either lord. As he's vulnerable right now so keeps them bad types away from him for us all. In your name I pray. Amen
  3. (locked in me cabin I dream of being back in port and starving for no one has brought any food nor drynk to me my mind takes me back to me favorite diner where the fare is top notch and the company the best! Still though me problem does exist and starvation is a very bad thing.....Hmmmmmm Steak and eggs and hash browns with gravy and fresh melons and a grapefruit and well mayhaps a Guinness you know just to get the taste buds workin and all)
  4. Isn't it from the K H J 60's boss album?
  5. (As I have been thinking of food cause I never got any breakfast done this morn I finally begin to shout) I certainly be ready for me lunch! Who's in charge up there?
  6. argh a lotta tail gaitin! Remembers ye can camp there as well go early and set up tent jes down the hill two hammocks a nice breeze and a cooler full o becks! Errrghhhh! Guinness ifin ye will I'll find ye Aye now yer talking mates
  7. Spending more time than due it's accord and whilst thinkin back and how the whole tankard of ale got spilled and I am sure I did tell the mens to get their sittin duck arses out of the (riggin) within moments of the eventual line of fire! See here's the tricky part where the captain isn't relying on real time but elapsed time and the difference between the order up into the rigging without explanation to gawk at the sea falsities in our midst and the eventual orders to make sail and weigh anchor was after all was said and done a returned in safe order atween the sighting of movment in the jungle and the appearance of the Quartermaster one maybe two long moments but nay be either atween the time when balls be firing by and the captain bein hit! Orders to hit the riggin was what they was. I am a treasonous pirate and deserve the gang plank i does.
  8. lost me court appearance back to school it be fer me!
  9. I think nothing I could add would have any relevance after such a reminiscing group o me hardy's! Yet nay not as expected , so, here's ye go: Me Faves! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_century http://www.piratedocuments.com/ http://netdial.caribe.net/~rich/piratesvocab.htm http://www.history.navy.mil/trivia/trivia03.htm http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~morris3.../DanaSFLex.html http://www.piratesinfo.com/main.php http://members.iconn.net/~gedney/nautilinks.htm http://www.hudert.net/dogwatch/pirates.html Lots of stuff Hours pon Hours of spitwad flingin and pencil launchin stuff!
  10. Badger sir! Ifin you would see to that no guests at all be into see me. I will be in solitary confinement in prayer.
  11. Grammercy Badger but alas nay not me water and hard tack is my deserve.
  12. (Walking through the passages and up the inclines I make the light of day and on main deck I do address the) Quartermaster, I have been relieved of duty Sir and place myself in your charge. Your charge would best be to the brig sir! (Involved in thought back to an address of the captain about meeting the almighty pon lifes end, chuckles to himself thinkin aye and that'll be a cold day in 'ell I meet the almighty!
  13. (in direct defiance I answer) aye sir but not today sir! For today sir! I am involved in scandle and without this crews knowing of this all that and more hearsay shall not ruin your ship Sir! I am not going to be treated with anything less that that which the book calls for Sir! And begging your pardon Sir but to the brig I am headed. You should lie down and resolve issues none more! I shall seek the likes of the quartermaster and remove my charge to duty. (Turns and backs out closing the door behind.)
  14. Aye it is my beliefe what you say sir at this time in this recolections is true sir! This sea trial is with verdict. I assume all of the accused responsibility in its entirety. (never in me wildest dreams me thinks to meself) I shall seek your brig without causing you any more grief Sir!
  15. I would not suggest a thing as such sir but ifin muddy waters is what you see here then allow me clarification sir. there is nothing magical no slight of hand in experiance. That is unless things of danger can dissappear! Am I not worthy of this departure sir. I have undressed every rule and order given and in the peak of battle find my usefullness worthy of the discharge of bilge water and thats allo. If one is to leave sir it is me who dissappeares!
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