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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. i agree! just lingerin back there waitin ta ambush me middle of the week! The rat bastard dastardly ways of illnesses.
  2. sorry kids worse sore throat o me life goin on so I'm here ta gets a doctors appointment and close a few last minute situations I anticipate needin ta do. You all look out fer each other and I'll get to ya on the tack!
  3. yar that was funny ifin ye recognize me ya say ! post a picture and will all make it a point now Petee he pretty much carries his pistolas out in front a him like that all day and Rummy too! Now how we going to recognize you?
  4. The quiet before the storm. "Alls well that ends well" I've been hearing my whole life but "alls hell that begins there" is one left out of childrens books. The mental preparation for a battle goes deep within ones own soul and announces to their senses the fact that every moment, every breath, every job well done and then some is simply the preparations for this upcoming moment of proportion. Battle! A test of will and power and always preparation. I know that the Watch Dog is prepared and I know the will of this crew but together almighty one together give them the power to serve your word and safely find success today. In your name I pray. Amen
  5. With impatience from my desk I was scowling ?Forgotten? I am of untrusted folly in this grave and wonderful event. I should bring about a simple warring prayer of encouragement asking the lord to be with us during his work!
  6. Rest well, and sweet pyratical dreams to ya, Killian! yar lots of pillagin and none a't'other! I bet its sinus mate! it be santa anas here and me office is all [plugged up and snifflin like wet diapered babies they are.. damp towel feet up closed eyes and put it right on yer brow! in the shade mate even better if ye can find a breeze!
  7. Aye! Me too! But aren't the rest o these great people just gettin yer goat there Mission. I mean ta says is it not great? The history the grandure and the passion with which htese the new come from a place caled the few and within the rites and times of this mans life will become the many as we all but fade away into the abyss of internet pyracy.com.
  8. well then as you wish lass we can just hang about the area there at yer gate and ye can mayhaps take the time to say hey to those who aren't members of PRP and welcome new faces and old alike that be postin here within the ranks of the pub as friends and soon (ifin the gate area is ok) aquaintences as well. See there were a bit of a misunderstandin here as I suppose not parade about on the know when it is that of a new nature to me. You see the few of us that aren't members or the most highly esteemed group of event volunteering pirates known in these here waters (that be the P R P) and a group of thems which be simply postin people here in the pub are plannin get togethers and the mistake of involvement given and taken was of the intermixing of two separte groups into the one big group as I sees it. Now I be thick by birth but does learns fast I does and ifin you'd rather thems that aren't be not involved with you there with thems that are then rightly so.. Just tell of a certain direction to be sure that all can join in a pyracy.com toast about! It would be and was to me thinkin that the 4:00 pm at an ale stand turned into the dinner house was those freinds here in the pubs (thems that aren't) idear. But (and as I am quite so often wrong) as I sees it the post made by (thems that are) the need fer the P R P get together at the same time were a problem of which twould be solved where one could join the other. Twas wrong o me to make mention of said goodly's and to any avail of thems so I will go and edit said folly in embarrassed disgrace.
  9. eehheeeemmmmmmmmm! (throat clearing announcement of presence) Quartermaster sir? (as I walked up to and began to involve the beginnings of me conversations on the quarterdeck with our Quartermaster) He turns abruptly recognizing me voice. Having taken his brings'em near away from his right eye he seemed a bit startled to see me. Sir I says. I am at your disposal, you know that I am a trusted battle axe on your offense sir and wish to be with those when and if needed to board. He stared at me turned put his brings'em near back to his right eye looked back onto the water at the watch dogs target then pulled it down looked again at me and said I shall see monsignor! I says grammercy and bows in retreat as I removed myself and as I descended the stairs I looked back to him and he was again with glass to eye in the heat of needed focus. I went below towards the galley realizing that a good meal should prepare my old and bones well enough indeed.
  10. Ok ok! since thar be the many of the You's on site (P R P) I have no problem with every Pub posting maniacle flesh eaten pirate with his or her weight in gold on the line meeting as Rumba Rue sees fit to suggesting (I think a vote is unecessary here) I think we all just meet as stated instead of at the restaurant or ale stand and simply all show up at four pm saturday night at the PRP encampment there! Huzzah!
  11. As I understand it! (I found out about it through a vendor friend of mine having it listed as where she's going to be) I believes it be a war of men women and the arms of period battles and challenges for the best of who it be and the rites of said honorable achievments in staged (and not so staged) mock warring events. Long blades, rapiers, fencing, archery, battle axes (jausting, pistols, muskets and cannons me thinks too) But friends I know not of what it be I speak I should liken to have the very finest amonst us tell of said endeavors! Hawkins mayhaps should take the lead for explanation! Sir?
  12. Bright sun made my welcome to the main deck as I found the men at task. I nodded my approval and good morrow to the many finding my appearance none the worry of my concern. Ciaran approach me and whispered in me ear (good ta see you padre) adding thar be a fire with smoke billows out ta sea and we are making that journey into its identification. Then looking me in the eye he said are you all right monsignor? I looked to his eyes and with no offer of deciept answered with truth. Ciaran my friend I have been better but as Gods work is never done I found reasons to get up off me bum and do his bidding. Grammercy. I should liken to speak with the Quartermaster is he about?
  13. aye wish to thank ye all fer yer concern as the lass to which shared the germ did serve up me dinner friday night musta been with the sicks as I am fine as rain right now mates thanks fer the well wishes. (Edited) in front of the port royal privateers encampment in Corona at 4:00 pm I hope this whole group of friends here shows fer a standin say hey toast and tell!
  14. I know I know! attack of the killer congress!
  15. up the street facing straight up from the center of the arena and is on a corner where a fork of sorts exists! to notice it it has round tables with umbrellas in a court yard with brick and stucco risers and wrought iron rails atween em and a wrought iron gate ( fer all the other faires ) right next to the courtyard is this lady who sells porcelin plates for you to throw and smash against a wall, all for therapy! Fine menu in the past! 12.99 half a chicken, baked potatoe and salad
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