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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Quartermaster I believes there is no labor in a good solid soaking is there? Leanin over the rail to see what Morgan and John are lookin at. Aye! Good morrow Jack,(then turns to address Morgan and John) Good Morrow gents. (turns back to Dorian) Sir I shall be with little speed during this endeavor of bathing but would appreciate knowing that the sacrifice made by Ciaran to find the stream with such a fine water it is being tapped with our barrels for our water storage? What day is this no one in three has told me?
  2. (My dreams being so real and seemingly in a sort of complete involvement of me senses I hear Amazing Grace is playing? Awakened by that thought I sit up and sure nuff Amazing Grace is playing. I turn and Armand is sitting up no worse for wear and I see theat Tempest has already made off for main deck, I ask armand) "Sir! am I a heavy sleeper, do i snore?" He cocks his head to the side (I know he's translating my stupidity into french) He doesn't even change his expression and returns volley "yes you do!" (damn how is it that I don't wake myself up ?) I turn and face him saying "I think I should liken to bathe this day sir" he mumbles under his breath (in English I know so I would hear him) "about time". I let it pass .... standing with no worse for wear I unfold my shirt and breeches got them on and then pulled on me boots. I turned and found my robes right where Kendra had set them yesterday and donned them as well. I was on my way up the corridor when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned it was Armand handing me my Bible...... God bless you Armand and thank you for taking quite the goodly care of me. He blushed.
  3. Done with sitting around I figured I could sit on the main deck so I up and left Armand jes sitting there. (He got up and followed me anyway) I made me way down the breeze and up one and heard Kendras voice and knocked seein Morgan "Sir I said nice of you to join the team, Though an un schooled version of the Lollipop we be we are getting much of the grade to know the betters fer worse. I am glad to offer ye a hearty handshake and a warm welcomes aboard I am!" (almost saluting and thinking) "Morgan the don't mess with me I'm the new tough guy on board" but saying ye be a goodly addition to the ships mainstay sir! and one that be assuredly fer the long haul is me hopes as well. Now, Ifin ye be excusin me I be in need of some air , Grammercy. (looking over to our tailor) Kendra Thank you for your audiance as well."
  4. seconds turn to minutes turn to hour and in what seemed an eternity Armand comes walking back in the door and set down a keg of water and draws a clean glass for me I just stare at him waiting when finally he feels me staring and looks at me and says "what?" I almost jump him. "What I say what? What was the cannons fired for?" He throws his hands up and feigning excitement he says "The Master Gunner and his crew were performing a certain a how you say???? a target practice" "Target Practice" i said emphasizing the words then thinking back that that is so much the better instead of a sea battle and me the worse for wear I sit back down almost fully drained. I bow my head to pray for the crew as I had said I should on the bells of first dog watch. God please allow this fine assortment of talented friends, please allow them to do all they need to do in your given way. Please give them all strength to know that which is needed, and the power to see that which gets done is their own doing. Give them all the sense to be never afraid and ever ready, give them the safety of your magnificance being that it is in your name we pray amen!
  5. baaabbooommmmmm I jumped up and said "Armand what was that?" by the time I turned to address him directly he was already up and through the door. I began praying.... God please prepare your best adorned beds and rose covered stairs for those that are indeed making war on us and their rat bastard captain whos attempt to take our ship he will surely be joinin ye soon. And watch out over the Watch Dog as we rally from this attack of preposterous proportion in that your guidance and protection will endure amen! (so I turn to face the door screaming) ARMAND!
  6. I will address this ships needs for all upon the beginnings of first dogwatch sir. Grammercy
  7. Captain tis me best wish to be rid o this here bed ya knows but I wanna thank ye fer seein to it that i were fixed up and all Tempyst told me ye sent Mad_jack out ta get immediate assitance and it was that hurried effort that probably saved my life. God Bless ye and Grammercy
  8. Aye Kendra ya said Morgan did ya? I asked him a month ago ta join us and he came down did he he's a fine sort has a way with words watch yer step he's always quick he is. Gotsta appreciate the quick fer me sister once said to me as she took the last helping of the greens one sunday sup. She said you know Diego thar be the quick and thar be the dead! I nay to ferget that sound investment of thought provocations! I should think that mayhaps now ye too might remembers it and works it into yer own lifes best ye can.. Grammercy (then as the lingering sound of the long "E" 'd "Y" in grammercy is still hanging on the lasting wind, in walks Armand with a tray amd on it is a bowl four half carrots (soft), three quarters of a spud chopped and (soft) in a clear broth of what smells like beef, a small glass of goats milk and a small (very small) piece of bread crust. Oh dear! My God does watch over me so! Bowing afore taking sustenance I give a prayer to those in greater need than I allowing that this be a very harsh and unforgiving world and I am but a piece of dust. "Thank you Armand" I said. He bowed as a gentleman always should and took a seat in his corner.
  9. Lass God Blees ye I am so ready for a meal yet i cant eat as it makes funny things happen inside me and then I cramp up and even the father in heaven knows not to go against the direct orders of our surgeon indeed. Yet Armand will return shortly with a bowl of broth maybe a carrot and a potatoe (both stewed of course) and one piece of bread now what I would give for a rib steak right now! I am almost halluncinating of the hungers I am. But God bless ye child fer seein to the likes o me. Wake me afore the first dog watch tonight if I'm sleepin will ye? Grammercy
  10. waking absolutely blinded by hungar I roll me feet off to the side and sits up when Armand here grabs me and mutters something French to me and then I hears something I does indeed recognize "No, No monsignorie, must lie and rest" he says, I says "not today today I get up!" and so I stand he is holding me right shoulder and mylower back helping me to straighten up and I decide maybe I should sit back down. He smiles at me in that he I'm sure was appreciating me decision. So I turns and looks him in the eye and says "Armand you speak good enough English to make our pretty much everything you hear right?" And he nodded yes. I says "I am with the need to eat," (then much louder) "ANYTHING" and he straightened up and stared at me. Adding "Anything even hard tack just something ok?" he nodded turned and left!
  11. A note shows up to the kate from an unknown origen! Chile verde, papas and frijoles on the side! Did I hear someone mention Guinness?
  12. Grammercy Kendra (inspecting the robe) a most dedicated seam you sew lass! When was it that I came in? I mean to say how very especially nice of you. (My eyes got very heavy and I truned fast the wall and collapsed back into hte dream I was enjoying afore my awakenings.
  13. (lying there in a soundless state of ebb and roll thinking on all of the little steps taken in me life to get to this place. This one address as it were, where I am found to have been so lucky to hang my scarf and Robes. Reasons beyond my immaginations are all working together in the finely honed diligence of many peoples efforts in that as I lie here so much is being done to prepare , no more like sculpt a work of art out of wood, iron and canvas. The Watch Dog! how lu8cky am I to be alive. I sit up and lower my chead in prayer, God bless this day, this crew and all the workings and goings on that bring us all together in one effort of dream and reality safely and where they both come together on the Watch Dog in your name, Amen. Eyes open I look up to see Kendra at the door staring at the likes o me!
  14. Ciaran my friend ye have been there whether i was in conciousness ergh not, you were there I hears, that ye wouldn't leave! Fer that I am indebted kind sir! Fer that you will always, and I mean that sir, always have yer back watched. When you need anything and I mean anything you come to me I will find it and bring it to you. You have every once of my thanks for the dedication to my existance you so unselfishly gave. Our watch officer is Swan and she has night watch all to herself each night every night and if we goes into battle she takes the basket as well as her bow is one that will certs clean a deck of officers but you take whichever other watch you wish my friend. Name it, its yours I'll see to it! Thank you, oh! One last thing good friend? I have these leftovers here would you discard them so as to not be seen I tried to eat and it made me very ill again. Grammercy
  15. three bites was all I could muster. I had to sit up to reach my broth but downed that on top and then somw water too but I started getting the worst cramps and not that I had any energy to spend I was rapidly losing my ability to ...............................
  16. thats the best version fer certs the flaminco styling Joe Walsh throws out there is almost perfect! Awesome!
  17. Aye can't wait! (actually I can as San Diego is this weekend and Big Bear is the following two weekends and then Corona!) But Corona goes on at night on Saturday so even if all of you think its too hot (nay not) just make the trip there in the afternoon / evening like from 3-4 and from 5-9pm it will be cool enough to carry all yer 80 plus pounds of weapons around! huzzah!
  18. I thought it was to give their mothers a legitimate place to meet new boyfriends
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