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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. (Approachin the gate with Jim ahind talkin about the timber replaced of worm damages and all new caulking and the careenin bnein done annd looks up) Aye Captain this here is Jim and he's looking ta sign up with the Watch Dog! He's a black powder man! sees the Captains intensity on the ship approachin skuttles the introductions. Over here (turns back to JIm) right over here we can stow yer gear. That bemaster gunner Petee and he likes loud noises he does
  2. Climbs down the mast and drops to the slanted deck softly slides down the deck to the rail and jumps it landing in the sand of the bar. Jim me ole son good a ya ta return this day. How did and where did ye take rest last night? Sorry me evenings were so put out I wern't here ta greet ye! The Quartermaster is escourting (turns and looks intently) the Sailmaker and Caps up there in the tower a bit hectic it is but lets get you sdied up. Well met (offers hand for a shake) welcomes aboard as well.
  3. *Hauling off toward the fortifications to join in the gun drills, Jim stops to drop his bag, sea chest and most of his weapons at the encampment. He calls out in the seemingly deserted encampment...* Ahoy, be thar anyone about this 'ere camp? Up here Jim! Diego we have an approachin ship and a keen eye by all is watchin she ports instead a comin in here! Be right down!
  4. Noticin the scuttle of glasses on the "orizen I jump back on to the Dog and climbs up to the leanin highest. Me brings em near to the ready I am too peerin in ernest. (looks down to Rummy) you saw that without glass? well done lass well done! (back to the eyepiece) (talkin outslouds to 'imself) she's full and by, yes indeed making haste into port. sails full wind at 'er back
  5. somestimes you don't (mounds) Blue Cheer! Huh! That's a one hit wonder! Summertime Blues! Bauhaus is a very very very fine house (sorry)
  6. Aye Then Mr P E W thanks for the hand good man. Right here'll be fine for the wood then. Rummy the fires are a start and the need be fer another barrel o tar and more old ropes as well I'll be in the hold incase we've overlooked any needs! I'll Be Right Back.
  7. (reaches down to pick up three pieces at once) Aye we did share and ale or two there as well and was it not a lobster fest of sorts?
  8. Not at all Mr P E W. We have met though Sir We did share a number of drynkes in the pub where Ray be the keep! I know foggy memories of well told stories and wneches of fame! Huzzah! Aye two mayhaps three loads of this wood be all the need this day! Grammercy fer yer offer to assist.
  9. Jim bein settled in I starts me walk back oer to the fires under the pitch pots and all has gone out during the dampness of the night. I turn to walk about the shores further than the past lookin fer some dry driftwood and hear this loudly voiced "BOOM"! What the bloody 'ell? I turns with a half grin and see Mr. P E W standin atop the gun! Oh! That'll get 'im all up and thinkin it will. So I turns back to me job at hand and continue pickin up the needed fires wood.
  10. Good Morrow maties Mad_Jack(throws a wave) Badger (a nod) Quartermaster Dorian Good morrow wondrous dat God has given us to finish our repairs eh?
  11. I sees now I am not the only one on sand and cups me hands so as to lends an assist to the discharge of words Im throwing! Petee Lets pop a cork on one a them barrels of ale Merc broguht back from town yesterday! And Nod As I walk pickin up my scattered assets.
  12. Arrrggghhh Jes finished me last oakum strip of me day and I'm gwettin off this hard sided bone bendin som a b nope en'r mind Im goin fer a swim and wash this layer of smutcharoo clean off me I ams. Lookin around I sees I be the only one not swimmin yet! Huzzah I throw me leg o'er the up rail rope down the leanin deck and jump ship and run whilst throwin a cascade of clothin on the way to diving long and equally fine I hit the surface and fly right back out onto the sand. Completely shrivled up I says Damn! I gotsta remembers this water is cold.
  13. Hmmmm... That's not the version I recall. ARRGHHH BEER! (Helping ugly people look better since 1537)
  14. beer (helping marriages last, now for over seven hundred years)
  15. sittin atop the hull fillin oakum me notices the Captain in the look about tower at the fort so I waved (boy now I really feel stupid, why on earth did I wave) what a dummy (I drop me chin to share a prayer) Blessed father again you have given so richley and without incident or accident. Thank you for your strengths and safety. amen
  16. Mr P E W goods ta haves ye back mate, Master Gunner is on Gun in the encampment over there on watch but Mad_Jack (turning to point to the exposed hull some 18 feet above) he could use yer assist on the hull inspections.
  17. Master gunner sir is there any thing like a crock ergh somthin we can eat from yer effort of needed ta fire them things off all the time? Hemp and jute mix of oakum nerely ready, best be gettin a good chill first so I dives in the bay and comes firen up and back onto the shore (weren't expectin it to be that cold nar)
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