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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. (dreaming as if I were the apostle Peters mother-in-law within my own nightmare of fever and sacrifice in time, this place I am is where no one should be ever!Then touched in hand, as if by Jesus himself I am healed) My eyes opened... I see Kendra, behind her is Ciaran, with mouth dry and parched of lip. "Hungry!" is all that came out....
  2. I shall make it known you are with the town departing party. Check out weapons kind sir we should like nothing to happen to any of you! Leaving a note on her cot it says! Ms. Smith would you please let the captain know of Mad_Jacks accompaniment of Kendra to town! Making the way to the row boat after Cairan gains his comfortables they then cast off toward the swamps.......
  3. I'm not hard ta find lass but saturday night it will be open till nine i hear and i will be in the shade holding an ale enjoying the company of all those surround me with beauty. I dare say that an enourmous amount of boisterous laughter will too be a part of the event festivities. Rummy and I will be working the opening hours at main gate meet and greet and peace tying. And then drink till blind, nap and eat about dusk in the restaurant if its open for this event (we certainly hope it is) then start drynking all over again. till the parties beginns! Then Then I dont have any plans exceptin gettin to the car without being got by the skeeters. Oh yes I would think after dark the mosquitos should be about huge by the end of august!
  4. Ciaran, kind sir I knows you were just down from the crows nest and yer watch did just end but would you brave me endeavors to allow you a nice boat ride back into the far recesses of the lagoons flats. I need a guard about upon my departure to try and find a spring fed creek I am pretty sure exists in the mangroves. I am to fill a keg for tasting that is if a way to it is still in existance with so much of the growth in the past thirty years I am reaching trying to think that it can still be there but ne'r the less It must be done are ye with me then? We'll need a blunderbus and your cutlass I have two flintlocks powder and shot.
  5. checks out a rowboat two flintlocks me own cutlass and three knives. climbes in and sees straight aways that I had forgotten to have a partner about upon leaving the ship and camp. Returns to the camp and walks about in search of anyone there (nothing). Returns to the ship where all gunners are busy with duties so I goes below.
  6. Aye Aye captain and a keg to fill for tasting pon return should I get through the overgrowths in surround.
  7. Sir then I shall make a lookabout in the row boat sir and report back if it (the remembered spring fed creek) is still of avail!
  8. First captain the issue of one ship in approach pon our most vulnerable situation did in fact change the tempo of the days duties, And no sirthe waterfall behind the fort and coming from up high on the hill is a separate one. The one I speak of is most hidden way back into the glades and mangroves to the far east it is. That is sir if it is even still accessable to this time and effort again sir it has been thirty years since I did drink the fine water of its sring.
  9. reaches the dog and sees the captain on deck Captain! Sir! A moment if you have it sir? I have been as a young sailor in this very cove sir and remebers it now I see the trees all grown now been thirty years of age under its sky but it is the same one and I remember a creek back up in the mangos sir a fresh water creek! We sould liken to tastes the waters from this creek should we not? The water could be clean and pure by compare to the water in town you know. I could take a small launch and two men and two barrels for that reason if you see it as the need of the ship sir?
  10. Relaxing in the afternoons warm shadows on the beach I am thinking back to a time, a long long time ago when all these trees were small, young by compare. I for the first time realized I have been here in this very lagoon so many years before when so very young and very foolish (I sit up abruptly and remember) a small trinkle of a creek a feeder creek with little to no flow back, way back in the mangroves. I get up, all my clothes both wet and certainly now covered in sand and begin my walk back to the ship to commandeer one of the launches to explore this memory in better light. Mayhaps a fresh water resource to fill our barrels with???
  11. I'll be drynkin ta that wit ya as well then Mr Notorius! (is that kinda like Mr "T" I pitty da foo!)
  12. Workin on a writing desk for the captain in the livestock hold I am starting to think that I too might be a pig or even a goat as the stink does get so overpowering it seems to have a taste after so long in here. Taking my leave having framed and rasped the hard edges clean. With a drawer and locking drop lid being all thats left, I decide to not only find my way up top and the sea to bathe in but i must clean me clothes as well. P. U. (scratches me head wonderin where all these everyday expressions gets their beginnings) you know like bell-thirty, and wwtcd (what would the captain do?). Funny thing smellin like livestock, no one gets between you and a door that's fer certs!
  13. (the bell tolls it's ship time. I bow my head facing the ever increasing morning wind) God in all your glory you have given life to this ship offered a place in history you have. We are most humbled by the magnificance of discovery and safety please bless this ship in that all endeavors be in your name, Amen
  14. God has not blessed us by offerin up this red sky this morn. As i roll out of me hammock I sees many are already with gleams in their eyes. I see the passion a foot as they all know freedom of the sea is near to. (makin me wy up onto main deck I can smell the galley's fires and coffee makes me turn around and go back down to find that first morning solace. Aye top o the day Christine i see you faired well in town yesterday! I must admit lass the captain has given accord in your absence that nay again should any of the crew make haste away alone. One cup of coffe if you will and I'll be blessing this day on the next bell. (that is in case ye might be wishin ta give witness) On main deck in the clouded attendance of the sun, the sea, and the crew 'twill be. Grammercy and anon. (coffee in hand i makes me way back up to main deck) where I sees Mad Cheryl. These be yer inventories fer the stores then? (turns to find if the quartermaster or the Captain has uncovered this morn as yet)
  15. Aye aye Captain. Quartermaster I will be happy to run the ropes and take the basket. Be a right nice place to calm and quiet down. I can't find Mr. Hawks he must have gone to town to procure all that is needed for his certain to be import repairs. I'll be aloft.
  16. Where ye goin lass? I'm starvin fer yer cookin. Mayhaps a nice fruit plate? (I cups me hands) Yoo Hoo! Was it something I said? ye need taa always be... (Looks down and turns around) n'er mind.
  17. Quartermaster, If I can be of mister Hawk's needs and fetching my hull work is done.
  18. Petee this is Jim He's in your charge, an experienced gunner he be!
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