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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I'll follows ye ifin ye still 'ave that second pipe ready! Aye well done Master Gunner Wells done indeed. Takes the pipe from offerin hand and turns and picks up the longest stick in the pitch pot fire to re lites it! Puff.... Puff.... Surrounded in windless smoke me eyes close someswhat in the haze... Grammercy good man grammercy puff....
  2. I be with much thirst and will appreciate that smoke about now.
  3. Petee I fergots yer under the good Surgeons care ye best stay too. No more runnins for ye. I am going to put these in your charge and must gets back to coating the upper boards lines. Take it easy and keep a weathered eyes on em till the Captain and the Quartermaster is in return.
  4. Right here in this here buried canvas wrapped round box right under the very fires we dug pits for yesterday. 5 in total Rummy! Petee they are three Spanish Maps one I thinks is French and one is English they are in quite details showin shallows and harbors and inlets of deciet and ambush fer certs. The forts and shipping ports and ones with the Sapnish shipping lanes as well. The Captain is going to be one happy man he is. Lets roll and get them out of this sun!
  5. (Looks up to see Rummy commin down to his excitement in the sand) Look Rummy Maps Right here under our pitch pot fires! I mean right here burien under the damn fires we could have dug into and burnt them! God saved us from that peril! Look another one as well...
  6. We have hit the mother load! Please find the Captain and the Quartermaster if you will Petee??? another one look....
  7. petee they are maps of the islands and the parishes on them here in the West Indies and another one as well So I opens it...
  8. Its a map of the West indies! Here! Look another one so I unfolds,
  9. I duuno lets get it out o this here sand and opens it! heres one a roled and amazingly as under the waterline it be fer who knows hows long...
  10. I drops ta my knees and now whilst clearin the surrounding sand am remissed to say I think (I looks up to face Petee) I think I found a maproom case! Petee kneels down a glow in his eye! Treasure map?? he says!
  11. kneeling beside the fires I am reminded that in all the mornings hurries I near to forgots ta drop my chin in prayer. Dear heavenly father be with us again this day as you yesterday did so successfully watched over our doings and safely guided us through our work. Would you bless us with such a strong foundation of skill and allow our faith to once again work as safely as well. in Your name .. BOOM.... BOOM.... Amen.......(I looks up) I wish he'd stop that! nerely scares me t'death he does.... his powder hungry needs are as well a fit known ta me. (I cups me hands) Turnin ta face the master gunner I says Petee? can ye share a smoke? I stand and kick somethin under the sand and swear. Damn! I looks down and starts ta uncoverin some canvas wrapped reed tube shaped box of some sorts. Petee Lookin up with some excite. Petee make haste kind sir, Look at this!
  12. Aye Aye Captian! Mr. Cairan is in the trees upon the ropes with casting crew and I have sent Ms. Tudor into town to hail two more barrels of tar, four of ale, two af meade one of water and three box of nail and sent Mr. Pete Straw and Mr P E W in assist with the oars. They should be back afore first sup. The pitch pots are heating and I will be there at the fires, cutting hemp and jute for the oakum mixtures needed for the caulking. When should the heave take place? Master gunner are ye carryin a second pipe? I could use with a smoke all this hempen and me fingers are light knuckled they be.
  13. Adding Ciarans weapons to the armory I turns and Merc's right there ahind me Startled I takes out a lead stick and writes a nice concise inventory of the charged items and fold it purses ciarans and hands marcs to her as well. then returns to Rummys tent. Leanin in the agape flaps. " Hey I say its time to make haste we gots works ta do! Daylights burnin." Merc and I gathers up twigs and drifts wood we find out on the sea side (that of which is above the high tide line) and brings both arms full back to set the fires a start to heat the pitch pots and torches.
  14. I leave the chioce in the Captains favor (though I do have two with most ernest interest) What weapons is it ye carry then Merc? Ciaran I'll get you a reciept written. And crew on fer now with the lot of em that'll be workin on the ropes n pullys in the trees so when we flip her yas can help her ease onto her new side instead of haulin over and mayhaps breakin a mast! Merc ye can work with Rummy, Swan and meself on the caulkin of the hull ifin ye will? Now what weapons ya got? (As cairan makes his leave I turns and follows merc towards the ship then remebers ta go back and get Ciarans weapons and goes back gathers then and walks them over to the fort)
  15. (Using a rope a dangle I slides down the deck to the sand side and jump off onto the sand) Aye mercenary wench (throws a big hug upon her) what is yer name going ta be fer our purpose? Ya knows Ciaran thar don't ye? Ciaran ye knows Mercenary sure I knows ye does wev'e eatin tagethers at the Kate what am I thinkin? So I'd half ta say the Captain is upon yonder log with his constitution involved and should be on the right back shortly but I cant tells ya ta stores yer bags but yer weoapons will need ta be checked in with either the good captain or Dorian up thar he be the Quartermaster and in the master at arams absence they be splittin the duties (BLAM) I nearly load me breeches! Fergot about that gun firin in all this excitement sorry bout that. That o'er thar that be Petee, Master Gunner Petee (I points they looks Petee nods with a huge smile under his pipe) cumon lets gets yer weapons counted and inventoried.
  16. Ciaran no come around to this side the bar is much larger over here and yer launch will be out of the way when we flip
  17. Aye Ciaran goods ta see ya! I'd say welcomes aboard but the caps right here. uno momento por favor! Why don't ye row raound ta'other side and beach upon the sand bar there! (I turn and points to the spot of mention)
  18. Mayhaps, wi' th' cap'n permission, ye gets yerse'f ta shore, tell th' master gunner ta load all cannons an' bear on th' incomin' ship... await me signal weather it be friend 'r foe.... (pickin backs up me glass and brings im in near) Quartermaster I sees its a friend I might be mistaken but I have yet to miss an ident. It be Ciaran and he be alone hes rowin up into the lagoon just now look ye can sees him as well, thaere turnin the corner past the cocunut grove!
  19. Quartermaster (still trying to see through me brings em near what touched off the birds) There is a small launch in the channel and its appearin to be one sailor aboard headin this way. And I recognize that voice! (sets down me glass and sees mercenary wench below) good mornings lass and what brings you out here today?
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