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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. The amazing thing is that the whole thing is moving along quite well as I see it. Officers address your lists of needs for the up and coming days (two weeks) so as to keep a lively look about our complete and total disarray. It be in the best interest that when we are all (and it's happened twice) on the ship together and the frequency of posts are exceeding the time frame to allow any what-so-ever reading of them! Does youz all understand what I mean? Instead of going on to a next or what has turned out to be an out of sequence post, please go back to your original post and edit it so as to include any new direction or misdirection a post made in between your finding the right words allowed and the other beat you in. Like a following post might have answered an addressed question during the passion and furry of the all together taking part experience. I hope that I'm understood? I'd also like to see a little smaller pictures, signatures and avatars on all of our posts as they are taking up a valuable asset (space) in that we could get so many more posts to page without them being so large, I myself am removing half of my quotes and taking the gap out from between the remaining two. Terms used in this century like totally, awesome, dude, and in a few are out of period. Put on your game faces! We have now gotten our own thread here and we need to putin an effort to bring into the ship some additional crew members for the purpose of gunners, seamen and marines. I would hope that each of you might ask an able re-enactment friend or pub regular (preferably a pub member). I easily could have overlooked many on the many more or like in Christine's explanation she never comes to these threads in the pub and she had no idea we were even doing this! Introduce a friend, please, preferably one with weaponry and or re-enactment interests (one with class and an ability to role play is certainly a major plus). You are all the kindest of mates any minister of death could ask for and truly all I did was ask you to come along and play. Historically correct by design. In period the "Golden Age of Piracy" Pretty much thems the rules so far.........
  2. Aye Good morrow then Constance and here turn around point to yer aches ( i am holding both me palms together and in a very rapid back and forth rubbing of me palms the friction begins to warm and then alomost over heat my hands) here let me put this heat upon that spot there. now then how was that? another fer good measure mayhaps?
  3. He's on his way I says, I seen him in me brings em near. He's a quite famous captain and known well in these parts mayhaps the other ships in port ergh takin his interest? He'll be here I Knows it! "damnit kirk I'm only the clergy"
  4. (having descended the crows nest without dilema) Aye now mateys be lookin alive and all! I sees the capitain and he's makin his way out about the docks he is!
  5. (cups me hands and bellows to the deck below) Aye look alive mateys! The Captain is on the docks! And he's headed this way! (I best be getsin my arse outa this here basket and back on the main deck)
  6. (turns me head back with a look [at the ships surgeon] of much more than could ever be expressed in words, nods and climbs on)
  7. Lighten up laddy! Ifin ye truly believe that, then what's the next step? I mean to say what is the steam in yer shorts such a contridiction ter yer fine education and learnin? Life is just that, life, celebrate all that is, not that which can't be changed. If it happened, it's history. Move on, let it go! Find joy in those that love you like we all do here but share not such a worthless thought of all living things must die. Of course all living things are going to die but it sounds like ye want to rush it up a little and thats not a good thing. It all passes like last nights supper out with the old and in with the new!
  8. (comin up from the lower deck as I smile upon seeing fer the first time this most wondrous of gods blessed days) Good morning everyone (turns head addressing by nodding) Tempest and Dorian and well met this morn! I am going to be up in the crows nest doin some readin and sayin some silent prayers for the brothers lost in perils of confusion this morning so be with spirit and anon. (Turns heads over to the rigging tuck his bible under his arm pulls back and holds the folds of his robes in his elbow crook and ascends)
  9. Sir William I think that these men are not hearing a thing. Is it possible that they are powder junkies? Here I have me flask in me boot (scratches head) ah yes a four rum mix of flavors from the caribe then.
  10. Ciaran why is it that you have not come down to the docks and seen what this Watch Dog is all about. You of all posting pirates I thought you would have been one of the first to offer yer pirates skills to our race built galleon we call home, freedom and the sea. We're lookin for a few good men! What say ye? Sir william a couplke of Guinnesses for us won't ye?
  11. Stand at ease men, nice little set up here we got going! Who's idea was this Sir William? Patric Hand and Master Gunner Petee ye are just two, where be the rest of yer crew? I must say (as I kicks a 6 pounders mounting) tis built well. I am not sure but I believe a drynk is on tap in some sort of celebratory job wells done, what say then men?
  12. (as I comes up from the below decks) Someone please take me over to the guarding pavilion newly built I wish to bless its guns. + Master gunner Petee are you about good sir?
  13. Aye Dorian I snuck away earlier and enjoyed tea and crumpets with our Sir William and we came back together upon the converse of my most wondrous travels pon return where the most wonderful and the most elusive Puma was sighted and watched for a long period (unbeknownst to him) I was with much happiness and in wonder in that the universe does have such natural beauty. Sorry my friend only so much sun burning in a day!
  14. Aye Sir William! (looses track) Though the queen knows not of this title I did in fact bestow upon you, Sir William ye will remain. It is good to be back and with my friends , my brothers and sisters in arms. We are the crew, the cast of all those most of famous to have ever been reckoned. We are the crew of the Watch Dog I'll be in the Galley ifin the likes of something draws attentions further than ye all see the need for.
  15. Surgeon the likes of this is a two day embarkation with the crew all workin the barnacles and tar the patching should go right quickly. Then heaved too I see nay more'n a two day affair. I would appreciate yer bein wit the crew there as sometimes mishaps do occur leaving your talents well in need.
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