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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Damn Fine (mutters a bit of a cover-up cough under me breath) eerrgghhh Nicely done kind Sir! Tis a beauty indeed! Could be called "a well induced warning of pain and death forthcoming"!
  2. I am announcing the following: I Am your ships master, I have asked the most of you to assist in this (an endeavor of proprietary proportion) building of a crew. A crew of which can stand as one of (if not) the greatest crews of all time. Many of you have addressed this opportunity to be involved and took much lessor positions on board the "watch Dog" by checking your ego's at the dock. I thank theee. Just another proof positive that the humanity of this crew be what it be (the best). I having been into this need to be a pirate, on the seas of the golden era of piracy's most prestegious reknown. Thought of a way to do so and have it be of a fun and a naturally effective way in theory to exact the likeness of said ship, its crew and its endeavors remaining historically correct and significantly true in meaning. The ship does need many more mates (crew) this is where you all will seek the company of friends here in the pub to whom you can present what it be we are going to be doing here (shortly) and attain their allegiance into crew. I ask in my absence Dorian ifin you will keep a goodly list of all new hires I would like to see they are welcomed aboard as they should be. I am stepping down from my position of ships master and PiratePhil "First mate" will be taking the helm from this time hither. I must go to the city of Sebastian and will not be back for three weeks. I leave on the morrow's evening high tide. There I will be ordained as my studies in bringing the afterlife to me enemy's a little quicker is done. I am staying on board but will be reassigined to the position of Monsignor. The minister of death will be me moniker and after life is what I be known to introduce me adversaries too! I expect the good Capitan on board in fact I had hpoed that his arrival would have already been as it were. In addition we are now (ifin you haven't seen it) with our own thread (at the bottom here in Pirate Crews Hurricane is allowing that only those as crew can participate in this on line endeavor (NO ONE ELSE CAN POST HERE) it is our ship our play! The Travels of the Ghost Ship Watch Dog An experiment in virtual piracy. I'll be around throughout the daay and tomorrow making ready my travels. God Bless this ship and those who crew it!
  3. Patrick Hand Me ole son, Our ship is blessed with the likes of you on board me friend. Welcomes aboard! Pirate Phil hee got in on Saturdays and when was it you come aboard? Have you met the Master-at-arms? He'd like ta haves a list o yer weapons.(the ones ye be bringin to war with ya!) You've met some of the crew and Know the rest and we does welcomes ya and yer fighten abilities.
  4. Well I can't be more better pleased than I am to see you my friend! Welcome aboard, you got here when? and you were treated well in me absence then? you've met the cook and a few gunners, are you lacking for any? Glad to haves ya.
  5. ** Note on ramp rope!** * ____***Gone fishin**____ **take off till tuesday**
  6. My position is where the ales cold I'm sittin! Maybe somes o these pnut shells on the floor have peanuts still in em?
  7. I know it says southern California but on july 9th and the 10th Rummy and I will be in Novato (30 mi northest of San Francisco ) working gate at their faire and then traveling back down south to work gate in San Luis Obispo on July the 16th and 17th so ifin ye lives in betweens these two faires and ye need some fun in yer life invites us over to say ???? Empty the refridgerator? plug your drains? Stain your driveway? Or even leave a ring in your jacuzzi? Just send us a map and a phone number. We'll do the rest!
  8. Arrrghh! that would be the man lookin fer you and his name is Taemus MacRoegen
  9. Don't get me ideas wrong Dorian me favorite birds be the entire flock of birds of prey. But fer a soothing glide bye so close too and yet ne'r touch the water I seem to get transfixed errghh somethin by the beauty and grace of that damn ugly bird! Yes Off to the Kate!
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmm? Scratches me head? I does hopes he's ok? (So I cups me hands and yells as if it was going to matter) William, William are ye here lad? (turns and looks at Dorian and Tempest) I'm gonna just rinse me tankard over here by this keg here. (so I walks over to the Guinness spigot, turns and looks at me mates at the door) fills the tankard drops a gold piece and asks ok where to now?
  11. Yar ye read me mind ya did! I was motivatin meself to go over to the Kate and grab some grub and a couple a pints and see where Sir William's been? Would ya care ta go I mean of course you to Dorian?
  12. I am not sure but I believe it could be time already for a Guinness though!
  13. no but thank you (turned and facing the pelican formation) I love those nasty birds I wish that ships could jes hover as they does and ner touch wing to ev'n the rising wave and its down slope. Magical almost! Some time they don't even move thier wings fer minutes. Immagine flying the seas as one of them?
  14. Aye mateys a nice time to take a tea I see! Surgeon (as I nods a good morrow to Tempest)
  15. Right you are, Dorian! We will have a sentry post list made and we should get it done on the sooner than the later. Four bell shifts, Good morrow Siren how slept thee?
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