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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aye sir william we will be puttin a very sound effort into stockin yer needs as the crew upon leaving did in fact take the very weapons they had grown so accustomed to bein successful with (wink) ifin ya knows what I mean? I would like ta put tagether a good inventory of what is still currently coming on board and have yet coome to that call (as yet) was plannin on a personal list froom every one of the crew on the morrow but iffin you'd like ta go and jes see what might be about in port ye have me blessing and well wishes. Badger would ya likes ta go with Sir william? Jes in case ye needs ta carry somethin other than a barrel back to the ship?
  2. Sir William me ole son. Yer offering it does look awefully good and a guinness as well friend. Grammercy
  3. We are looking for a crew of standup and standout reinactment players willing to work together for a chapter in history. A ghost ship from somewhere in time going somewhere in the sea of free mens minds. Tuesday Afternoon!
  4. Aye Mad Jack welcome aboard me ole son and ye knows Sir william and Petee throw me yer bag I'll walk ye to yer hammock mate. God Bless Ye Welcome aboard! We're lookin fer a cook? Would ye know a brite star in a moonlit night that can boil water?
  5. Badger you old sea dog this is fer certs a wondrous day indeed! Welcome to the "Watch Dog" And welcome aboard as well, throw me yer bag and lets gets it stowed. Would ye know a good cook? I mean a good cook, we been eatin stripped beef and some small fishes the crews been able to snag but we're gettin into a bit of a place where meals should be available as the on board crew is startin ta rumble about the lacks of such delectables. Welcome aboard matey let me shows ye yer bunk.
  6. Sir Willam I wouldn't have guessed yer good with a needle and a thread but ifin ye be liken to do so we gots the time I think the captain might like a choice of colors please if ya will check in with him on the morrow!
  7. Ledts let them tell us whence they come aboard propersly eh master gunner?
  8. Sir William tis a fine day it is and now that we find the evening coming on I fianlly get out from under the backlog og tasks and duties here on the work front. I would ifin ye will sir like three back to back to back cold pints o Guinness ifin ye will?
  9. microscopicsynicomvolcanochorneosis (i think) Longer and it means H20
  10. I have been notified that Mad_Jack will be coming on board and so too has Pete Straw. I like the looks of our profile I does. Hopefully they'll get here whilst I be on ship to greet them!
  11. Here is the skivvy. I will be putting an agenda together as the ship musters. I feel that (if it is possible) we will begin our own thread and the moderator of the area allowed here in the Pub too will be aboard and can pull out (any posts by non shipmates). That being the format (my idea of what would be an unscripted play with a crew being the actors) the pretense of which should be the "great era" of the Caribbean pyracy's A most glourious time from 1717 -1748. The accuracy being that of weapons and banter, terms and expressions common to the time. Authenticity being a simple mandate. Know this! it will be nothing more than fun and allow everyone creative thinking and writing without grammer messin it up. You see as too were the great ships staffed this ship will have many differing people none of which have planned simiolarities hopefully we are all opposites and then too realize that as a whole, a crew, a coming together as one with (just as all pyrate crews did) the goal of freedom, the sea, open air, and a very wealthy early retirement. That all being said, I too will be gone and on vacation from July the 7th through the 20th so I will have little to do with much ado about anything during my travels here in the state. We (hopefully) will all be on somewhat of the same page by then and ready to embark upon the seas of dreams and passion upon my return. This is a classic case of hurry up and wait. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences and too should allow much dedication to study time for those feeling the need to brush up (as I do) as well. God bless you all, my shipmates and onward with the wind at yer back mates. In your service, I remain, Diego Santana de la Vega
  12. We are looking for a crew of standup and standout reinactment players willing to work together for a chapter in history. A ghost ship from somewhere in time going somewhere in the sea of free mens minds. Tis a fine day!
  13. Dorian Lasseter! Welcome aboard me ole son may you days be easy and your life be long throw mw tour bag sailor and lets get you sttled in. You know Sir William? Here let me give you a hand. One up. This (as I stands and holds me arms wide) this be the Watch Dog welcome aboard. You'll have plenty of time to sell yer boat after you get settled in and aquaint yerself with the ship and the crew (we still be in recruitin)
  14. We are looking for a crew of standup and standout reinactment players willing to work together for a chapter in history. A ghost ship from somewhere in time going somewhere in the sea of free mens minds.
  15. Swan, grammercy fer yer ease and confidence lass. Can ye shoot a long bow? Night's watch it will be then, ye be in the basket on the 20 bells to the 24 bells and a goodly time it be too. Grammercy
  16. Aye Captain Swan you are by a decree of mutual acceptance by this and all crews to be and ever will be most wondrously welcomed aboard as Lookout and for being the first to accept do you have a partivular watch you'd rather be in the basket? So as to knot be confusing anymore than the normal confusion among the ships crews and such I would like to address you as will all the crew in the "Watch Dog" I feel the need to drop Captain and if it would be ok as well I would like it that Swan shall be your called name aboard ship. Welcome aboard matey! Stow yer gear introduce yerself to the crew (so far) and prepare yer brings 'em near.
  17. Sir William it is with the pleasure of all involve I humbly accept your attendance forth coming. We will muster together and go over many details of the like which should be none the less important to all for keeping the integrity and authenticity most promisorily addressed.
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