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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I see you've met my faithful handiman! He's just a little put out cause when you knocked! He thought you were the candy man....
  2. Good Morrow Sir William! How is it then? Are ye ready for another fine day in the sun? I dare say that in your temprament one enemy would be way too many yer a charm ye are. The only enemy you'll ever have will be someone on the other ship! Yar! ye knows whats I means and they wont be leavin messages lessin they use thar tongues to type with eh? Guinness if ya will sir?
  3. Quartermaster i think that is a good idea too! it would be of no uncertain terms a terrible deal if the ship were to be taken right after made seaworthy. But this be a friendly port ya know and most all of us live here as well. If thar be somethin on the sly occurin me thoughts would be ta who would be the better? Ya know? What would be the purpose thar be no starnge and unknown crews in port ta worries about! I'll bet the four barrels from Wednesday are drained dry by now! We do have one hell of a thirsty crew eh?
  4. Nay mind him Kind Sir, He infact slipped over the sea side and away in the launch Swan arrived in. I woun't be to the worry and of course his incident was quite harrowing was it not? Lucky our master gunner is a hell of a swimmer too? I had our master at arms check his inventories and the only pieces missing were Mr Daggezes own belongings. Another reason why I think he won't be back. I would be seeing it different had he abscounded with others personal weapons, but nay not be this case. Has our cook come awake do ya know? This day is getting longer by the minute.
  5. Aye and good morrow Dorien. What is it ye seem ta be lookin for?
  6. Aye Aye master gunner be with safe travel and warm women. ? Or maybe that toast is to warm travel and safe women??? No matters jes use yer brain! and make it home ok? ok! (cups his hands calling above the noise of the wind) Dont forget ta get the captain a new a twelve pounder!
  7. ya knows I said we would need ta gets a stack of arrows and a handfull of bows first and I haven't even seen me master at arms all the day through. Though I know it be me own damn fault i did give the crew off yesterday and todays I did and ya knows I be plannin on takin a cross the country walk about on up the cost and into indians territorys specked i'll be gone most a three weeks so no worries I hears the captain will be back in one or two more days but ya never know first mate Phil will handle the careening and the new guns instal along with the rework fore deck and then thar be the ropes as one said they be in disrepair so plenty ta do in me absence.
  8. musta been an akarian slip I mean I could use a modello negro abouts now! I gave Master Gunner Petee four days off fer to make preparations to have one ten pounder ready fer our arrival in tortuga so he skipped ship to head there. I think that when we gets the practicing mode set and into the ways accuracy will be saved for the six pounders this one will be used stickly for the chain shot and Id like ta give the ships carpenter a chance to use her skills with wood to build a rotating plate upon the fore deck one with a 180 degrees side front side capacities fer firin that chain shot! if we can chase em we can get em in range and ifin we can do that we can stop em! Were's Sir William?
  9. yer message box is full good Sir William ya should liken ta thinnin it out!
  10. I couldn't feel better even if I was bit by a unicorn! I fergots ta mention thank ye kindly fer the four leakin barrels and such yesterday. You a testament to mankind you are! Grammercy
  11. Aye thar be a new dock bein built and it'll be mondays afore we can move the ship over to store her fer the ups and comings careening we should be plenty well satisfied with yas ifin ye stays within a certain distance of hearin the cannons fire ta be sure. Today leave is giv'n and whats left of the four barrels is the crews own doins.
  12. Aye double strength coffe huh? Grammercy Tempest where is our Master at arms? Master gunner thius is Firethorn and he will be assigned to you he will. He and Neris went below and stowed his gear but I see he is still carrying his weaponry. There is too one Mr P E W about as well would ye help em both ta makes a list of weapons fer storage and gives it/em to Sir William?
  13. Good morrow Sir William really a fine cup of carmel macchiato (with a shot of bailey ) might make me head stop poundin. But that menu My lord it is all Greek to me! might thar be bacon and eggs?
  14. come up and say hey and point to where we can come and party with ya whens we gets off ok Mary?
  15. Mr PEW I welcome you aboard mate. This be the Watch Dog and your talents and dedication to precise ends is most welcomed where the means be served as a small token jes fer interest! speaking of interest this be the ships Surgeon Tempest and Nires there is too a gunner in your crew with you Nires would you mind assistin Mr Pew below introduce him to the ships master at arms and check in his weaponry and show him his quarters ifin you will? (turns to face Tempest) Top o the day lass Have ye got anything for a thick head this morn? (turns back to Nires) oh drop by the galley and see that Christine is with pork slices frying as well. Grammercy
  16. Firethorn, Welcome aboard mate! please see the master at arms and turn in your weaponry and check in with the master gunner. He will show your your arrangements welcome aboard!
  17. (the old drunk sits up) Mast! wh obee tied to the mast? (falls over)
  18. giggling to 'imself awakens to sit up and answer that most imfamous question! on the upswing me body ne'r slowed like a metronome i went from me right side all the over and down onto me left where it was I went out! zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. Well, well, well. It is nice to have someone cooking for me for a change. Aye. Nice indeed. so that was Christines voice huh well I can sure eat thats a fact Jack! Stumbles to his feet and lies out nose down! (Thump)
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