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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. I know I know "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"
  2. Aye! Two to the least and three ifin thar be any room left!
  3. (cups me hands and does what I use to do best, scream) Quartermaster where will ye use me best?
  4. Aye, Monsigner. Steak and eggs with a healthy portion of oranges and potatoes. Breakfast was the best Sir William. Grammercy!
  5. it's the 91 FWY east (in Corona) Lincoln exit north to River Rd. (about 1 1/4 miles) then turn left almost two miles (you'll go over the Santa ana River) and when the road forks turn left and immediately look for the parks entrance on the left.
  6. the officers and a few were only added to alliviate the possibility of throwing the vote. Vote lass ifin ye be elected? Jes pass. I couldn't insult me ships surgeon and live through yer need ta repair me now could I?
  7. Aye not wasting the time as such was the case afore losing the last captain I went to Sir William first to join this ship I will take a bullit for 'im!
  8. Aye Have posted a non silent poll below this thread in order to keep just the anybodys out of the polling booth a post of who ye be and who ye vote for as well is needed here. Please understand this need to state who you are in a post and who ye vote for as well. <><
  9. This be the ships decision it be! So, if ye not be mustered ye not be votin. All votes are preceeded by a little scroll as to the whys and whatnots. Fer the purpose of need mateys ye must ad a post of who yer vote is fer as "anyone" can vote (as we cannae stop that from 'appening) It is only the crews votes that can be counted. So post who ye be and who ye voted for as well! I expect this to take the weeksend in time consumption. Vote then and be with Gods aware in yer travels this weeksend.
  10. Kind Sir it has come to my attentions that the Master at arms and you have spoken of our ships most haneous situation, and that in this conversation you have eluded that your rank of Quartermaster / First mate is where you fair best. I know that for certain Sir William is one of the steadfast ranking human beings on board let alone one with said needed experience as well. Did you know he was his first ships boatswain and his second firstmate and then captain? If it is with your blessings then most capable sir. I would address the ship with a very decent proposal on your part. Which I must ad does too indeed carry my blessings as well. That a unanimous call for hands be addressed democratically of course that Sir William Red Wake be this Ghost Ships new and fully charged Captain. Does this meet thy own belief?
  11. Master gunner have a seat in this shade over here! Dorian, I assure you sir, what I wish to share will bring that headache back! Can we?
  12. Good Tempest please see to the master gunners head won't you? My misery! Good morrow, and how slept thee? Dorian may I get your attendance in a bit of a walk about?
  13. Heavenly father do bless these maties o mine! and bring on the steak and eggs!
  14. Aye there ye all be! Ciaran I have a great offer fer ye! can ye p/m me about the ship sooner than later? Sir William! whats fer breakfast?
  15. (coming back up from the sleeping deck below) I can't sleep my mind is wandering around and about and all the possibilities of who, where and how are getting to be a bit overpowering fer the likes of simple old me. What say there Dorian? Make a case fer me Idea? (turns me head to face the wet dog smellin and drippin wet as well) Petee what the 'ell happened to you? Some ones see where the ships surgeon is?
  16. (returning to the ship having went to the fort and ended up nay not sleeping a wink through this nights past calamity of terrors) I spend this morning in mourning. (taking slow steps up onto the plank holding me rosary close to me lips) "This morrow is of certain disdain friends. For on yesterdays past our CapnWilliam was shot and killed dead. As I have made inqueries throughout the night into the facts belaying that insufficient information offered by the constable. I have found he (our Captn) was victimized by a robbery and in the struggle with more than two wharf thugs did infact lance and slew one but was unable to dismiss the effects of one flintlocks keenly aimed ball. It would appear our flag would need to be lowered to a half mast position as I have been to see and have made his identification psitive. I am without words to brighten my own spirit and though our loss is grave feel the need to still keep a focus on the work at hand. We are a goodly crew (though we all are a bit of wharf thugs) I have been with a most vengefull prayer of death to his slayers. but now, since we all are equal members of this crew. Wait excuse me who is it to whom I see new here ( Cut throat comes up and introduces himself) Argh welcome aboard our ghost ship the Watch Dog kind gent and have ye met any of the crew? Christine there she be our great cook and will sing with ye when ye need a song. Make yerself right at home have one of the crew show ye where ta stow and give Sir William (our master-at-arms) a complete list and inventory of yer weaponry ye bring on board ifin ye will. Getting back to the situation with the captain. Whilst i walked about I see this ship of brothers and sisters in the need of more than a few very key officers First mate, ships master, and now captain i am throwing this up for you all to make consideration s to it as it be of the democratic way! We have the crew to reposition these very officers posts and the crew to fill in the blanke from within. It be to my liking that we vote and follow the lead of that vote by the many. If thar be a problem with that Our Quartermaster Dorian is our highest ranking officer I put this task into your hands to find the best qualified bretheren for the jobs and we shall make a vote that prevails. I am tired and need some sleep I will be below.
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