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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aye lass I sees yer wide eyed this glorious morn! I did see the captain he would be predisposed though as council with the surgeon Tempest is his bidding for the present. Nicely doen bye the bye on yer aquisitions yesterday. (the ale is very good indeed) God Bless you child though I must insist you are with guard at all times out of this encampment now if you need a shaddow I wilst find and appoint one. pormise me this no more sneaking of to town alone. It worry's me that any one of a thousand scurvy dogs seein the likes of you could follows ye back and ergh well you never leave the camp alone nuff said? Aye Good morrow Ciaran how be thee? Kind sir this here most independant lass is in need of her back being watched and ifin ye wouldn't mind as the lot of new mates comes on board in pairs I'll be asking them ta do's the sames, Grammercy
  2. Captain I should like to walk the both of the new crew and make introductions in the fort sir! (turns to Shipwreck John) I be diego and yer welcomming commitee this morn. Welcomes aboard! so lets gets yer bags stowed over in the fort. Please do come along Cheryl (fergets me duties Mad Woman Cheryl this be Shipwreck John) by the by we wont be usin yer monikers aboard ship so the shipwreck is gone and Mad Woman well that be a long address though I does find it most involving. (turns lifts two bags now) to the encampment then. (not being a trip of distance as much as unforgiving for when carrying extra weight in sand the steps do begin to take an immediate toll on ones calfs. Over here is guns one and there be two on the lookout is three and four five and six on the rear wall. the camp is small and this be our cove where the likes of many have done as we are now making a fresh hull and as I suspect watchin the Captain noting this morning a few keel modifications as well. Christine be the cook thats fried pork strips ya smell and id be guessing scones with mongos and or bananas be on the plates as well. Lets put yer things together over here as ye come on board together I want yer bonds together as well. ye gots each others back from the heres on. Rummy oer thar be the Carpenter (shes really good with wood) and Hawks over thar (turns a 180) he be the Smithey. we will need a list of all yer weapons brought on board and they'll be checked in with the Quatermaster Dorian. Aye that tower houses the temporary surgeons quarters and work room for her as well. Tempest be with much spirit and can and will heal any and everything. (leans in to thar ears) Armand her assistant makes a fine cup of Joe! (turns to address the mornings need to make constitution and addresses them) Fine then! Off I be.....
  3. Captain I should like to walk the both of the new crew and make introductions in the fort sir! (turns to Shipwreck John) I be diego and yer welcomming commitee this morn. Welcomes aboard! so lets gets yer bags stowed over in the fort. Please do come along Cheryl (fergets me duties Mad Woman Cheryl this be Shipwreck John) by the by we wont be usin yer monikers aboard ship so the shipwreck is gone and Mad Woman well that be a long address though I does find it most involving. (turns lifts two bags now) to the encampment then.
  4. Aye top o the day good and fetching lass! I be Diego Santana de la Vega this here leanin ships clergy and I welcomes ya to Captain William Red Wakes ship the Watch Dog. I see ya have been standin here ignored fer some time let me help ya with yer bags and such were presently camped thar in the watch fort yonder. If ya should the likes of need be we should be up and about shortly this crew does sleep much and often. Welcomes aboard, does ye carry any (many) weapons and are ye familliars with the likes of certain (errgghhh) shall I say methods of ending life? We needs a few more long bows and ifin ye likes guns we needs a few more gunners as well then agin ifin ye show a blades use well able seamen and boarders be the certain need. Lets carry yer things to the fort.
  5. (and then slides to a near fall leaving one foot in the) Twilight Zone
  6. Ms tudor! your msg archive is full up please delete the uneeded babble locking us out from needed communicae
  7. is it ale bell and a half as of yet? The good Lord does say ale is good for you at any time of the day!
  8. Aye! And me liesure is missing I tells ye I was never so tired as I were on this mornings wake. I believes yer cabin boy is achieved fame and saved a fortune in town as well Sir I feel the need to drink this night and hope that the ale she has returned with has Gods own blessed hops within its barrel.
  9. grammercy my captain grammercy indeed as luck would have it we dug so near to their resting spot we are lucky we didnot burn them up! there be three Spanish one French and one English I did think somone mayhaps be on the return path to get them though and I know you after hearing that will (erh should) double the guard sir
  10. Ye did hear me and no sir I need not worry of yer wheresabouts but Petee and I found these maps Captain and they are in goodly accord Petee is watching them wont you have a looksee?
  11. Captain, I been here all day and nay a terry was known of ye bein inside the ship if I might ask Sir (cups me hands and yells) Captain! Lowers voice to a non hearing man on a mission, all I was gonna say was that ye oughta take someone with ye? It'll wait I suppose. (i drop me chin thinkin the greatest thing since milk has just been ignored by the only person living that ifin he only knew jes a little bit bout what the find was)
  12. (I turns back to me work and it hits me (WHAM) like a mallot in the forehead! I climb over the rail ropes the slide down to the low rail jump off the ship and runs over to Petee.) Petee I says, the maps, (he appears to looks up in some kinda purple haze) The maps Petee, now heres me thoughts, stay with me on this. Lets say this pirate has these maps and is bein chased by the Royal Navy Right he launches his officers and sends em to shore whilst the crew fights on hidin the escaape and they comes inside this here cove and comes ta rest on theis here very sand bar and sees ahind them is a launch full up of the kings Marines and they're firin on the officers and one of them The cartographer he digs this here hole and buries his maps ta comes back too ifin he can live through gettin aways from the Navy right. I mean what's the chance of both me and the Officer in the charge of the Navy's chase thinkin about where's the ships maps? What if he's on his ways rights heres rights now to fetch up his thoughts proof? We best turns a few guns to the mouth of the channel frontin this here cay. What say ye? Petee? Petee? (scratches me head, damn he sleeps wit his eyes opens he does) nar that be far fetched indeed best finish me coatin. Turnd=s and walks back over to the ship and turns back to see if Petee moved? (nar) sleepin like a baby he is.
  13. (I'm up on the hull coatin the tar and pitch and whilst lookin down to the tree where Petee is reclined is his hammock lookin at the maps we found I says) I take it she doesn't like a smoke once in a while huh Petee? Where in blazes is our Captain?
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