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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. clinmbing up onto the deck from the down side of the ship was me first brilliant idea this morning but whos making coffee I smells it and am more than readies fer it too! so I climbs me way up to the main mast ans up to the up railing and looks down upon the quarter yet needin finishin. Quartermaster Dorian! I ne willin ta get started right away (then interupted by the sound of the trees erupting into flight) I looks out into the channel scouring the reasons of what made the birds worry? I reach for my always with me bring em near and pulls it opens I does and looks into the bushes expecting to see the Royal Navy on shore workin in close behind the cover of the foilage but nay not nothin in me sights. Dorian Who's standing lookout?
  2. Johnson, 'tis a thought of mine that in me sleep I dreampt of puttin together a pre compacted load of entirety ball shot wad powder and all. Sort of all in one sock! one pick up, one load, one stuff and prompt and fire! Must expolre this in details we must. Just could be a certain advantage in a close dog fight with a much larger ship eh? Top o the day Quartermaster! You are going to fire that as a wake up call? I should liken to see the faces of the crews arrivals into me sight if they be as tired and stiff as me! ha ha ha ha ha
  3. In a start I awakens from me dream return and sits up! Jumping up I dress quietly and quickly. Making me ways out of the forts gate I am relaxed so as to see Cut Throat Johnson on the main deck personally attending to a finer love of the ship than I evers seen afore. I walk topwards the leaning ship and I nod as he turns to acknowledge me presence below on the sand. So I says up to 'im "Johnson top o the day" "I guess its almost time to get back into the grind of flippin this beauty over and workin her larboard side to the ups." Look (So I points to the swivel gun) o'er thar the Quartermaster is loadin one o yer guns!
  4. Gods I hate Gulls! Waking with a full bodied stretch and a yawn comencerate with one of a large chimpanzee's. I dress (man am I stiff all over) thinkin to meself (I really over dids it yesterdays I did and now with the memory of too much done and two times that to go I undress and lays back down)
  5. Rogue Mermaid why don't you stump us for a few days with a good one as well?
  6. God bless ye child I'd ad a few perky tomatoes slices, bacon and mayo but I am right there and now in the need to feed......
  7. Yar good sir bring her south and I' shows up ta give ya a warm welcome and a cold barrel a stout as well. In gods speed and with safety I commend.
  8. we are going to open the fair at gate working M & G then go to the movies in the hot afternoon and return for dinner and the afterdark partying that will fer certs present itself in a way only mostly understandable as me sees fit. Ifin it never been said before "Why Die"
  9. Quartermaster! I am seeing that this side of the Ship is taking longer than we ever thought. Since the crew is complete with the heating, scraping and cleaning if they could be reassigned to caulking and as they finish that up the hull then Rummy and I would again return to the hull's centerline and begin to apply the bottomcoat with the colored tar. We should be done to the waterline by second sup.
  10. workin the lines Rummy Meself and Swan be just about done re caulkin the fourth line now movin aour standards and takin a break. I'll be swimmin with the flounders a while.
  11. Captain the crew is most diligent with the work and I am beginning the caulkin on the bottom lines, Would it not seem needed be that ifin we accompish all that is under her waterline we can suspend over the rail and finish to the top whence we get back in the right? (turns head to the crew) someone drop me a mallet. Ok Ok not all at once. toss it to me left hand, grammercy!
  12. Aye, Diego! Turn yer sights on th' Master Carpenter!!!! She be in charge o' th' reperations!!! ::clasps hands behind back, wobbles as he adjusts his balance, grins:: A fine, fine day... It be ther charge as she is actually doin the stirrin and addin in the hemp. I see the torches are speadily actin ta release the barnicles and the crustaeceons from the hull too we have prepared 3 pots ta coat on the hull after the caulking is done. Is thar a water barrel in the near?
  13. tis a lovely thing watching her roll to port. There is something beautiful about the entirety of a ship as exposed without water hiding the majestry of the hulls design. I mean jes figurin the weight of the ship itself is even too high for my fingers to count but to be able to put ten times that weight within the hold and crew and all and still have it be able to float is a wonder of science it is. (i cups me hands and yells to the Quartermaster) Sir! The pitch is almost to temperature. I will begin prepairing the oakum! (turning me attentions back to the fire) Iyells out to the ground crew I have a few torches fer yer needs. Sits upon downed palm offering the wind protection to keep the fires hot. and begins chopping hemp and jute into a pile.
  14. Upon dropping the first load of Rummys tools upon pully to the ground. I turns and sees that many of the crew on the beach already unpacking and passing out the iron and scraping bars. The teamwork of which to begins scraping the hull the likes of which I never seen afore. I lowers the second and make my descent to begins the pot fires.
  15. Here come the Judge, here come the Judge! Since this effort has proven to be fullfilled within the limitations and dutiful allegience of those in the care. And knowing that as a whole thems that vote being a ratio of thems that can and don't I believe that this poll is closed! Captain Redwake be our charge.
  16. Aye Good mornin Rummy let me give you a hand with all of that! How was yer night? (without waitin fer a respnose ) I will bless this day of sunshine and work! (bowing me head in silent prayer) .... thank you lord as we turn this aging ship into its former young and speedy need. Watch over the crew as they work wonders in harms way. Give them strength and the safety you so willfully share. Amen
  17. Top o the day Master Gunner! Blessed are we with such a fine offering of God this day how be thee?
  18. (cupping me hands to accentuate the news) good surgeon there is no regrets in fact I have jes learned of a rum double rations this end of workday evening! (turns to face Captain Redwake and our goodly quartermaster) "gentlemen" (nods with a significant effort) "goodaye" Might I offer up me fine ability and start the fires for the pitch pots? What say how bouts on yonder beach outa the wind on the post morn change?
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