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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aye Tempest I says the captain and some doctor from town, mad jack and? How long is it then? and what day is this? I am feeling very much ready to endulge the day! First let me pray for those who thought it best to care for my most often sinning ways. (turns my head back to the surgeon watching her as I am in prayer) I finish and says, Tempest might I liken to have some ale then? (I am giggling, as she turns looks at me) and the quartermaster looks in the door I waved and says good morrow sir!. (and then she throws her hands up in dispair) I am in need of fresh air and you are left alone (or something like that All I could think of was the food) (turns her head back to the papers on her desk talking under her breath in French straightening up as she turned and makes a hasty retreat to the uppers decks) So I sneaks out a nice freeshly baked and still warm biscuit and bites into it and it has a slice of ham inside it and slathered in butter! God the tastes are superb! (So i gives this foods blessing) and takes me second bite. (Special prayer of thanks and protection to our goodly cabin boy)
  2. (quickly I hide the wrapped package under me bed clothes and with a wink of most admirable thanks I say aloud) God Bless ye child! As the cabin boy makes retreat the surgeon begins speaking.
  3. It's this weekend the 6th and the 7th its in a new location though so dont get lost. If you can find University Ave east of the 163 freeway go to Texas Street about a mile mybe and a half turn right it dead ends where the fair is setting up and will be! Huzzah! See you at the gate!
  4. ( a message on a pigeons wing comes into the kate) take the monsignor some vittles (is all it said)
  5. I am with hunger is broth all that I am to see though? for I am with great desire to chew and taste fruit and cheese and pork and eggs and and and. I could just go on I need to get up and at this day. How long have I been here and what is this wound you are treating on my arm? Why am I here? Where Is Ciaran? He saved my life didn't he? He wouldn't answer me when I asked but I remember a fight in the glades. (thought takes shape and I see it) a snake (i blurt out) I remember. Its a snake bite isn't it? Did we get the water back for testing? was it good water? Where is Ciaran?
  6. (lying there in the dark I start to move my finger and my toes and then my legs up to me hips and then I was raising my arms up and felt the pain of muscles suffered by neglect. I sat up! Looked around and saw the surgeon was deep in thought, i cleared my throat) Ehem! she turned smiled and immediately rose to cover the short distance to my perch. How long have I been in here? i asked. She immediately started to push me back down and with her hand on my back eased me back into my prone state. Now now she said don't you fret there and no sitting up for you as yet! though I will be sending for some food for you shortly, Drink this water and lemon peel monsignor. I relaxed thinking of the dreams and how vivid they were and the number of times I saw the same things in them. I turned to face her and asked. Lady I feel as though we had battle I know there were guns afire and heard them well I did were we with safe endeavor?
  7. (I wake, Eyes open and the room is empty though I can smell the broth of a roast well cooked and with pepper... I am so weak. I try to look around but can barely raise my head off of the pillow and I see Cairan.) Kind sir (i realize I can talk my lips and tongue are working) To whom should I thank (then I clearly sees the historical event) Tis you sir! we were finding water and you saved me and brought me back to the ship, you saved my life good man! I am indebted, to you Cairan I am sorry if I am with any inconveniences as a result of these troubles dear friend. God bless you! (eyes tired I close them and black out once again).
  8. tarot cards (though phonetically spelled and exceptable is taroh cards)
  9. Nice pics fer certs mate! One question if you were trying to hit those funny colored deer why were so many still standing? Aarrgghhh Jes Kiddin I was. Nice pics made me jealous I weren't there to parlay.
  10. I having slept since knocking out after first seeing that all is more than the dreams and hallucinations of the more recent past hours of immobility. I opened one eye and though in reality very little light was diffused for use within the surgeons arena the light to me was actually too bright for my eyes, much too bright! I squinted and saw the surgeon, some man and ahind then coming into focus was me captain. A nod to him and a smile did leave me I know though where it was landed I will nay never know.) Hungry! I think I was able to say? Though it sounded like hun reee. I closed my eyes. and mumbled starving which im sure sounded like tar viene
  11. i thought she was the best thing on some Lawyer T V Show that feature an idiot partner and the skinniest woman actor I ever saw! Flochart or something was her name but Tracey was a scream as her shrink!
  12. if thar be leftovers when I come too I'd liken ta have some o this! fer certs! (this is just a dream)
  13. Feeling tears from unknown wheres from I see the interest in my caretakers eyes of response to storys need. Ciaran I am Quoting Psalms 50:21 "While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn't care." and too! Psalms 50:23 "But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me." Thank you for your care and Most assuredly that you drank and spat the poisen sent into me of a serpent monster. I cannae repay yer alligeance sir. I will share my prayers for a thousand nights in your thanks evermore. (turning to look at the wide eyed Kendra smiling so. I whisper a heartfelt and much needed, thank you! I closed my eyes and felt useless to my resolve and lack of motion. I slept)
  14. Looking up lost why is my efforts to move restrained? I tilt my head but nay I am without muscles. Limp I try and swallow the water being tethered. My eyes showing obvious questions of concerns?????? (Thinking to meself? Why am I so weak? What is it that has happened to me giving this weakness ne'r to be ever remebered as to the what?) I drink and form to say. "What?"
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